The Last Ride of Punday Night!
Wildchilds WILL be there. garunteed!,,, unless I forget
S.thug ((level 50 Invul/ss tank Pinnacle))
Wild Childs ((Level 50 Nin/SR Stalker. Virtue))
Quote="Not Racist. Not violent. Just choosing to no longer be silent."
So don't forget! It's coming up on Monday!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
In all my 8 years, I've NEVER been to one!! I think I passed by one once during a mission and stopped for a few..I'll definitely have to come by for one this week!
-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now

Ah punday punniest day of the week
has my four paw approval
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
And we're warming the puns up now!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
mm pun with bbq sauce i approve!
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Moggie: Ok my dears, if you are here for the puns I need you to make a half circle on the floor here in front of me. The robots must go away or step out and mind their manners
Moggie: It's been awhile so I figure I'll go over the rules again, just so we're all on the same page
Moggie: Stick to English unless it's a VERY well-known phrase
Moggie: No use of outside sources please. Build your own puns
Moggie: So the pun will start at Oiler, to Wilds, To Prof, To Sassy, to Sam, to Fortune. Ok?
Moggie: I'll give us a practice topic to start with, so we all get the groove.
Moggie: No repeats allowed and please keep it teen-rated
Moggie: Tonight's practice topic will be: American candy bars
Midnight Oiler snickers.
Wild Childs: It looks Milky, Way dude!
Little Professor takes a glass of water out an a mars bar, she places the glass on the mars bar. "Water on Mars'.
Assassi-cat: Who... >.> wants a piece of this Kit Kat?
Moggie: You have anything Sam?
Samantha Walters: ((oh god brain fart D)
Moggie: If not, you can step out of the circle. If this wasn't the practice round you'd be out. You're still in
Moggie: Fortune, if this wasn't practice and Sam stepped out, we'd switch topics at this point.
Moggie: So, shall we start this for reals then?
Moggie: I'm going to pander slightly to the majority of the crowd for our first topic
Moggie: The first topic of the night is : Cat Breeds. Oiler, your pun
Midnight Oiler reaches over and skritches Wild behind an ear. "If I can get her Persian, maybe I can distract her."
Wild Childs puts on a jar jar binks hat
Wild Childs: "*Sigh* mesa tired.
Little Professor: ((Nothing D)
Wild Childs takes the hat off and burns it
Moggie: sure?
Little Professor shakes her head
Moggie: Ok then, you come over here and sit with me for the rest of the puns
Little Professor: Aye aye!
Moggie: If you have any other cat puns, get 'em out now.
Midnight Oiler: Tighten your Sphinx-ters, people.
Wild Childs: oh sorry.. switching tabbys
Samantha Walters: I hope no one else Scottish folds under the pressure.
Assassi-cat: II yam what I Siamese.
Moggie: I figured he was lion...
Fortune's Favorite: I tried to convince a friend to come as a fee lion, but she was busy this week.
Wild Childs: Your cheetah heart...
Moggie: Next Topic of the Night will be : Jewlery. Oiler, your pun
Midnight Oiler: Oh come on, that's a ringer.
Wild Childs: I'll ring your neck, lace.
Assassi-cat: Hey, who ruby-ed me?
Samantha Walters: I'm sorry, I don't think I'm earring you correctly. Jewellry, right?
Fortune's Favorite: I guess if I can't come up with another one, I'll just have to bracelet myself for defeat.
Midnight Oiler: Hope you don't end up with a carbuncle.
Wild Childs: Goldfinger as a Jamaican. 'No Mr bond. I expect you to die mon
Assassi-cat: Hope I don't choker.
Samantha Walters: I don't think I'm going to be able to pin this one down.
Fortune's Favorite: Come on everyone, jewel have to run out of ideas eventually.
Midnight Oiler: The Pocket D certainly is the proper setting for these... "gems".
Wild Childs: Chain we can believe in!
Assassi-cat: No really I can't see without my cat's eyes.
Samantha Walters: I honestly can't think of any-bling else.
Fortune's Favorite: Speaking of felines, if a cat puts fasteners on the sleeves of his tuxedo, would those be cuff lynx?
Midnight Oiler: Everything I can do is now de-pendant on what they've said...
Wild Childs sneezes 'Cuse me ah got a gold..
Assassi-cat: I sure h-opal they would Fortune. I had them on at the wedding.
Samantha Walters: I'd hate to be the one to -bangle- this one up.
Fortune's Favorite: Am-you-letting this topic wear out its welcome?
Midnight Oiler: Can the topic continue much longer? I feel a silver of doubt...
Wild Childs: It's late I really need to col-ler and apologize.
Assassi-cat: I sure hope we aren't taking this for garnet.
Samantha Walters: I really thing you're just cry-stalling coming up with another topic.
Fortune's Favorite: You know what? I could use some tea. Tea-are-a delicious and refreshing beverage.
Midnight Oiler: ...I may just take a cabochon home and save myself some pain.
Wild Childs: Next time I am going to splat num real good.
Assassi-cat: Hey Mogz feel like jumping on my tourmaline?
Samantha Walters: It's hard putting a unique spin-el on everything.
Fortune's Favorite: And to go with that tea, maybe some peanuts ... or walnuts ... or signets.
Midnight Oiler: Periapt, Fortune. Periapt indeed.
Wild Childs belches "cuse em got a little glass
Assassi-cat: Hope this experience doesn't make us all jade-ed.
Samantha Walters: These puns are getting un-pearl-able.
Fortune's Favorite: Well I'll bead darned, we've got a lot of clever personages here.
Midnight Oiler: It just occurred to me that we're in Paragon's greatest home of sapphire love. I wonder if a guy can win this.
Wild Childs: AAAnnnk! Let it out now!
Assassi-cat: Is DJ Amethyst going to have to solver this?
Samantha Walters: The hardest part about this is having to -watch- to make sure you don't repeat anything.
Fortune's Favorite ponders
Fortune's Favorite finally takes a deep bow
Fortune's Favorite: I concede.
Moggie: Well done sir! I salute you!
Wild Childs claps
Moggie: And I'm glad that topic is over, I was getting torc'ed
Wild Childs: Good run
Midnight Oiler: Time to go get your ears pierced, stud.
Moggie: So, four players left. Time to change topics
Wild Childs: bracer for impact
Moggie: Something in a different direction I think. Next Topic: Kinds of Nuts (not brand names)
Midnight Oiler: Gonna have to get off the walnut fast.
Wild Childs glares at her partner "This is the pit. stash eo over there.
Assassi-cat: Does any one need a cashew?
Samantha Walters: I've really gotta pee-can.
Midnight Oiler: You'll filbert-er when this topic is over.
Wild Childs opens the chest "Nuts! Nothing!
Assassi-cat: Is this Punday going to drive us Macedamia?
Samantha Walters: If you've got a foot problem, make sure it's not a-corn.
Midnight Oiler: I've got to Brazil the deal here...
Wild Childs: Alll mon.... do I have to?
Assassi-cat: Time to go peanutty
Samantha Walters: I really love christmas trees. I guess you could say I'm a pine nut.
Midnight Oiler looks at Wild. "So, Hazel..."
Wild Childs: I hit a wall... nuts
Wild Childs: pleh I'm out
Moggie: Good run Wilds!
Moggie: Very nicely played
Wild Childs: thanks
Moggie: Come in closer my children, it's time for a topic change
Moggie: Next Topic: Names of Tribes
Midnight Oiler: Tribes? Washoe, I can do that!
Assassi-cat: Shaka him? I barely Zulu him.
Samantha Walters: These puns really want to make me Cheer-okee.
Midnight Oiler: We could be at this a while. It's one of the Seminole subjects for punning.
Assassi-cat: Would Somoan think that of Posty?
Samantha Walters: Someone asked me how awesome I am once, and I said, "I rock, oi."
Midnight Oiler Rikti-laughs. "Sioux me!"
Assassi-cat: Inuit getting late?
Samantha Walters: Hey, that's not yours, it's Mayan!
Midnight Oiler: Frank-ly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Assassi-cat: This is getting a-gaul-ing
Samantha Walters: Massachusett! Scuse me. ((See, it's supposed to be a sneeze..))
Midnight Oiler: Oh, come on. Aryan-ot entertained?!
Assassi-cat: Let's take this show on the Romans.
Moggie: [hmmm... now that's a fine line. Does a tribe who became and Empire count?]
Moggie: [I'm going to be arbitrary. Take it this ONE time]
Samantha Walters: With contestants like this, it's hard to be ab-original.
Midnight Oiler: Don't worry, I've got multiple Angles.
Assassi-cat: Can I saxon you a question?
Samantha Walters: Whenever I want someone to be quiet, I tell them to shush-quehannock.
Midnight Oiler: If somebody needs a gift of a garden tool, Arapahoe up and give it to 'em.
Assassi-cat: I celt that one.
Samantha Walters: I thought I was stuck there. I almost had to give this one a Miss-ouria.
Midnight Oiler: Aw, Geat outta hear.
Assassi-cat: Are the polynesian fats good for you?
Samantha Walters: You know what pirates wear? A-patch, see?
Midnight Oiler: Oh, you Dane to come back to me so soon?
Assassi-cat: I have no moari! *grins*
Samantha Walters: My puns are almost all-gone-kin.
Midnight Oiler: Aztec a nap while's ah wait.
Assassi-cat: I can inca one more?
Samantha Walters: I cheyenne't think of many more.
Midnight Oiler: Got a bit of a block. I'll just Chippewa at it until I get a breakthrough.
Assassi-cat: This is one gerhka of pickle?
Samantha Walters: I really hope I Win-nebago.
Midnight Oiler: That one didn't Jute out very far, I missed it entirely.
Assassi-cat: I need to -pict- my fangs.
Samantha Walters: This pun contest is dragging on, but I still think Yu'rok.
Midnight Oiler: Yuma be right.
Assassi-cat: Time to scot along.
Samantha Walters: What'll you give me if Aleut you win?
Midnight Oiler: ...guess that one was Spokan for, huh?
Assassi-cat: Going to have to hun-ker down.
Moggie: Anything Sam?
Samantha Walters: I can't think of anything else, so..
Moggie: That...that was brutal guys...I've NEVER seen that topic go that long
Wild Childs claps
Moggie: ROund of applause for Sam and her extreme puns!
Midnight Oiler: Thank you, thank you.
Assassi-cat: Yeah choices were getting rather spartan.
Midnight Oiler: A big Han for Sam!
Moggie: Since we're down to two players we're going to alter the game to speed it up and make it ...twisty
Moggie: We're going to use alternating alphabetical puns
Moggie: That is, Oiler will make a pun on topic and it starts with A, then Sass makes one, on topic, that starts with B
Moggie: Also, you will have only 30 seconds to make your pun.If you don't make it in time, you're out
Moggie: Final Topic of the Night: Edged Weapons
Moggie: Go
Moggie: 15
Midnight Oiler: ...I fear I've already lost.
Midnight Oiler: Congratulations, Sass.
Samantha Walters: Really?
Moggie: Wow...
Midnight Oiler: Yes.
Moggie: Congratulations to Assassi-cat, the Punday Night Champion!
Midnight Oiler hat tips and bows.
Moggie: You guys did great tonight, all of you!
Assassi-cat: You were all worthy opponents. I give you your due a-claws.
Midnight Oiler applaud
Moggie: The clock on it usually causes cramps in the brain
Midnight Oiler: Excellent fun!
Midnight Oiler: See you all next Monday!
Moggie: If you want to try again, I'll get all new topics for next week. Feel free to come back and try again!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
We'll be doing this again tonight!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
*waits patiently*
S.thug ((level 50 Invul/ss tank Pinnacle))
Wild Childs ((Level 50 Nin/SR Stalker. Virtue))
Quote="Not Racist. Not violent. Just choosing to no longer be silent."
Moggie: I'll touch on the rules again, we'll do a quick practice round, and then we'll jump right in, ok?
Wild Childs: Now... LET'S GET PUN GEROUS!
Moggie: Ok, I'll come up with a pun theme and hand it off to the person standing to my left. Tonight that's Mrwrk
Moggie: Kitten makes a pun and passes it along. Everyone must stay on the theme and we can't have any repeats
Moggie: No outside help please, you have to get the pun on your own
Moggie: Puns are made until you run blank, then you sit down. The topic will change then and we start over new
Moggie: Last two punsters will have a change of rules when we get that far
Moggie: So, we have a practice topic, a leftover from last week
Moggie: Right, practice topic is: Names of Bladed Weapons
Mrwrk: Losing edge with puns already? Kitten is already on knife's edge!
Wild Childs: Say burr it's cold in here
Fortune's Favorite: I have to axe why no one has gone with the obvious one yet.
Inverse Function: tis a swordid game we play...
Ayamei: Nobody took the obvious? That's sort of a chakram.
.Sonnet: Bladed weapons...Oh gee, cant you PEAR me with someone else? Can I SWITCH?
Moggie: It looks to me like we've got the hang of it, yes?
Mrwrk: Trying to remember old adze-age about weapons.
Fortune's Favorite: Adze aren't weapons! They're commercials.
Moggie: Now my dears, tonightÂ’s first topic will be fairly easy I think.
Moggie: We're going to start with: Breeds of Dogs.
Mrwrk: Brain is just a in poodle on floor.
Wild Childs: Ger', Man shep 'erd sumthin!
Inverse Function: dalmation my ability with a pun is total shitzu...
Mrwrk: (Sorry, I have to step out. Keep going without me. Apologies, Mogs.)
Moggie: Bye Mrwrk!
Fortune's Favorite: I don't get to make a pun? That's bull!
Ayamei: Uh, sorry.. I think the spaniel of this contest is already beyond me.
.Sonnet: I just want to try beagle-ant and brave with my answers.
Wild Childs: Doc's sons are at the pier
Inverse Function: ah, i can not think of anything, why hound me?
Fortune's Favorite: So I guess a ceramic dog you can plant seeds in would be a Chihuahua Pet?
Ayamei: ...okay, that was terrier-able.
.Sonnet mutt-ers to herself something about mixing up the breeds
Wild Childs: Rock Wild err... keep ti down though
Inverse Function: i tried to get a shake at the bar here but they had sold the last bit. what a mal tease
Fortune's Favorite: We have got to be running out of breeds by now ... this could get pugly.
Ayamei looks up abruptly and blinks. "Sorry, what? Did you collie my name?"
.Sonnet: I need to run this this back to the lab and analyze it, really.
Wild Childs: Schnauzers! Chief I'm on the case!
Wild Childs: *cues inspector gadget theme*
Inverse Function: the music here can be a bit high so please basset up
Fortune's Favorite: I should go find and bring back a seabird's nest, so that I can be a gull den retriever.
Ayamei: ...I think I might need a heeler after this.
.Sonnet: Im stayin in, Im a husky girl
Wild Childs: Peter? He's a saint Bernard!
Inverse Function: trying to get a pekinese other people's brains to steal a pun...
Fortune's Favorite: If I can't keep my wits sharp, pretty soon I'm going to be a blunthound ...
Ayamei: Wouldn't stealing other people's puns make you a pun pinscher?
.Sonnet: Don't get cocker-y
Wild Childs: Oh great! Dane? Clean that up!
Inverse Function: scottie! the pun creation needs maximum power!
Fortune's Favorite: Blast! Well, I think my flow has stopped, and as we all know, flow spelled backwards is wolf, which of course is not a dog.
Moggie: Are you out my dear?
Fortune's Favorite: Nor is wolfHOUND, apparently. I guess I'm out again.
Moggie: Excellent run sir!
Moggie leads a round of applause for Felix
Inverse Function applause
Wild Childs claps
.Sonnet: I just go fore and AF GAN and again.
Inverse Function: he was a good pun maker so now i feel as if i am a wiener...
Ayamei: If you still want waffles when we're done, I'd be up for some chow, too.
Moggie: Right...all that doggone noise done?
Moggie: Our Next Topic: Kinds of Hats
Wild Childs: ah bowl er a perfect game at tha alley!
Inverse Function: how can i top a pun like she said...
Ayamei: How could you carry it higher, you mean? I'd use a bucket.
.Sonnet: oh, has this other idea capped out?
Wild Childs: hmmm oh sorry my thought strawed away there for a sec
Inverse Function: i ask you please do not beret me
Ayamei: She won't, if you can kippah up.
.Sonnet: Sigh* I only have eenie beanie ideas for this.
Wild Childs: Oh me god Fe? Dora the explorer is on there!
Inverse Function: you stole my pun i should call the fedoral government...
Moggie: re-pun?
Inverse Function: yes, next up we should play a little baseball,...
Ayamei: ...egh. That wasn't a very good combination.
.Sonnet makes a GALLONt effort to keep up.
Wild Childs: plop plop fezz fezz oh what a relief it is!
Inverse Function: to get another pun i would have to search out to the boonies...
Ayamei: Oh, that's a great idea Wild. Perfect after a nightcap.
.Sonnet: Oh I beaver y proud of it
Wild Childs: Interlocks up dyno therms connected turbin's to speed
Inverse Function: the competition increases i may need to reset to cowboy diplomacy...
Ayamei sighs. "Cowboy? Darn, you touque my idea."
.Sonnet: I'm just FISHING, CAPped for new ideas here.
Wild Childs: Hey you seen those new tvs? they have tri corner now instead of black and white!
Inverse Function: when was the last job a janitor took in the pocket d? we couls seriously use a person to do rag work...
Ayamei: No kidding, this place *could* use some shpitzel and polish.
.Sonnet: Gahhh this is just too Mickey Mouse for me.
Wild Childs: Okay gang! time to take that Pillbox!
Inverse Function: i consider that pun a balmoral disgrace
Ayamei sighs. "You heard what Darth Hatter said to Lando Calrisian? "It would be unfortunate, if I had to leave a garrison here."
.Sonnet: I'm still under construction.
Wild Childs: This old thing? I bonnet on ebay
Inverse Function: did you notice that the mission here has tuatha traitors? probably subverted by a deerstalker
Ayamei: Sorry my last one fell flat.
.Sonnet: Are we rp'ing with minors here or what?
Wild Childs: Oh man thats a coo skin cap
Inverse Function: why is there not a live entertainer in the D? say a bandana singer
Ayamei: Wouldn't entertainment and contests make this a derby?
.Sonnet starts to say something, then muffs it.
Wild Childs: Tin Tin? foil-ed again
Inverse Function: i think this pun is too hard [hat]
Ayamei: Oh okay. Sorry, my brain feels like it's oozing out of my skull... cap.
.Sonnet: My brain is froz SAN TA the end here
Wild Childs: What am I doing sir? Just stocking , Cap -tain
Inverse Function: a pun requires the speaker to get pithy
Ayamei: I know. At this point we'll never crown a winner.
.Sonnet: It was my first and chef thought, sorry.
Wild Childs: Polllece man! give me ah quarter?
Inverse Function: another pun and this may be a sombrero mood in the contest...
Ayamei: I'm kind of hearing only crickets after that one.
.Sonnet: That sounds like old NEWS,BOY.
Wild Childs: Finish your beer? Hat another!
Inverse Function: should i pirate a pun another had...
Ayamei: I think this topic peaked a while ago.
.Sonnet: I am aBOAT done here.
Wild Childs: Dun! C Cap?
Inverse Function: can i please take a break and shower? cap the topic
Ayamei: Yeah, I'm getting tiarad of this topic too.
.Sonnet: ummm ok pass
Moggie: Good run!
Wild Childs: whew
Inverse Function: this pun is not my crowning achievement
Iris: you guys are no slouches
Iris: but some of you toque a long time
Wild Childs: Fire! fight er with al ya got!
Iris: I almost lost my coolie
Moggie applauds Sonnet
Moggie: Ok my children, get a little closer to each other and get a little comfy. The next pun topic is self-limiting and fairly complicated
Moggie: Our next topic is : The Names of the American States
Wild Childs: ha! wa e re we doing states
Inverse Function: alaska question how much can i do...
Ayamei: You can maine-ly do whatever I think.
Wild Childs: hey! is that a new York? Nice looking dog
Inverse Function: i should call george but is georgia plumber?
Ayamei: Stupid sports league rules, now I need a new jersey.
Wild Childs: Washing tons of clothes
Inverse Function: i am hungry let me order new mexico food
Ayamei: Abra-cadabra, Alabama!
Wild Childs: Sure I'll call E for ya
Inverse Function: getting sweaty here i should try a more arid zone a lower humidity
Ayamei raises her voice an octave or so. "I vewy shoht, but utah!!'
Wild Childs: Oh! Hi O! how are you?
Inverse Function: winning a pun contest i nevada chance here did i
Ayamei: Let's keep the hobbits for later, precious! We'll put them in Kansas...
Wild Childs: Miss?!??! I sipp p? I"ll sue!
Inverse Function: hello i called a janitor why is the florida pocket d still a mess
Ayamei: ..I can't find it, Della. Where?
Wild Childs: Indi!, anna,s over by the car!
Inverse Function: if you want spaghetti i recommend a restaurant up north their food is great, especially their seasoning. try the oregon-o
Ayamei: Um, yeah, let's hurry up. This is starting to Illinois me.
Wild Childs: What do you expect? it's a New Hamp sir?
Inverse Function: being around the d too much i fear for remaining a virgin yeah
Ayamei: ...I can't believe I'm going to say this... ahem. "You not da ho, *I* da..." okay I can't do it.
Moggie: Oh dear....
Wild Childs: Why... oh ming! Whya re you so evil?
Inverse Function: colorado a terrible disease
Ayamei: I said 'Mary, land.' but she kept on flying...
Wild Childs: Yeah they are nothing like those west virgin..aaaah Hello reverend. how are you?
Inverse Function: that montana bit high considering you claim to clmb it
Ayamei: The surgical cuts weren't long enough, so the surgeon had to connecticut...
Wild Childs: North Carol I na gonna make it lass!
Inverse Function: what do you call a ton of people attempting to eat a tough steak, in organized groups?
Inverse Function: massachusetts
Ayamei: So two mice upgraded their cybernetics at the same time, so they were state-of-the-art...
Ayamei: You know, Mickey-SOTA and...?
Ayamei: Minnesota.
Wild Childs: I gotta get this oak lag home... aaah damn which way is it?
Inverse Function: did i do a pun of montana? guess i am way so greatly oVERMONTana
Ayamei: Barbie ran up with her shirt hanging out, and said...?
Ayamei: Ken! Tucky!
Wild Childs: The south car... oh lina! Don't say they don't!
Inverse Function: louis and ana went to mexico and introdeced as louis y ana
Ayamei: What did the punster name his horse? Island. So when he got back from his ride, he could say he...
Ayamei: ...Rhode Island.
Wild Childs: ten esse?
Inverse Function: the pencil has a black cape, a big fang, and a widow's peak. . it was from the state of pencilvania
Ayamei: Sorry for all the questions. I'll nebr aska again.
Wild Childs: wissss.. Con? Sin? I'll never figure out these equasions!
Inverse Function: those who are from the south dakota here because of the snow
Ayamei: Operation Canada: Go North, dakota message, receive further instructions."
Wild Childs: Okay Tex, as-k him where he wants it?
Moggie: [Oh gibblets...I never had a topic expire on me before]
Wild Childs: ((which it did))
Ayamei: ((*high-fives!*
Moggie: [This is a simple fix. You'll hate it ]
Moggie: My ladies, you are all clearly supreme punsters and artists at beating a word into submission
Moggie: Therefore I see no other choice then to advance you ALL to the last round
Moggie: In the last round, the rules change
Moggie: We're going to add a time limit, as well as a strict alphabetical order for the puns to go in
Moggie: That is, Wilds will have the pun and make it starting with an A, Inverse will make the B pun and Ayamei the C pun until we only have one person left standing
Moggie: You will have 30 seconds from the time the last person makes her pun to make yours
Moggie: Are we ready? Any qustions?
Moggie: Last Round Topic is: Cattle Breeds
Wild Childs: out
Moggie: Whew! Ok...That was fast
Moggie: Good run Wilds!
Moggie claps for Wild Childs!
Moggie: We'll keep the rules the same, but change the topic then.
Moggie: Inverse will have the A puns and Ayamei the B
Moggie: ok, you have 30 seconds for your pun
Moggie: Last Topic is: American Candy Bars
Moggie: Inverse, Go!
Inverse Function: i could eat a hundred grand of delicacies
Moggie: Not Alphabetical
Ayamei: I feel like a Baby Ruth in this competition...
Moggie: I'm sorry Inverse, you're out
Inverse Function: is there even a candy bar with a name of A
Fortune's Favorite: Almond Joy.
Wild Childs: ayame wins?
Moggie: Ladies and gentlethings the winner of tonight's Punday Night Competition! Ayamei!
Moggie claps!
Wild Childs: congrats!
Fortune's Favorite applauds
Ayamei: That was *hard*!
Moggie: Yeah, it's supposed to be
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Remember Punday is tonight! WOOHOO!
S.thug ((level 50 Invul/ss tank Pinnacle))
Wild Childs ((Level 50 Nin/SR Stalker. Virtue))
Quote="Not Racist. Not violent. Just choosing to no longer be silent."
punday is punight!
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
This is it! Tonight is THE LAST RIDE OF PUNDAY NIGHT!!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Moggie: You've all played before, correct?
Moggie:And do we need a practice round? Or shall we just jump in?
.Sonnet: Ready and willing sir.
Melissa Carothers: Sounds like a plan
Moggie:Our first Topic of the night is : Sci-fi movies titles
.Sonnet: Umm...I can't think of a Thing.
Fortune's Favorite:Um ... the wealthy investor with coal and plantation investments had a couple of reports on his desk. Which one to deal with first? A mine or a tea report?
Ayamei winces. "Wow... he probably should pick the mine. The planet-ation might be forbidden.
Melissa Carothers: Soy? Lent green jeans some cash again I see
.Sonnet: *groans* We really think these up on The Fly, don't we.
Fortune's Favorite:Okay, so the Pirates are playing the Phillies when a classical composer runs onto the field and assaults an official. Naturally the ref has to defend himself ...
Fortune's Favorite:The umpire strikes Bach.
Ayamei: I know we're not on Earth right now... but I'd think I'd prefer a quiet Earth to these puns.
Melissa Carothers: You know that is a pretty Star, Man.
.Sonnet: The pressure's on. My backs against the WALL. EEEEE.
Fortune's Favorite:I used to have a fancy-looking glass door in my house. But then I got an extraterrestrial visitor who wasn't used to glass. He thought it was a lace pattern or something and walked right through it. Alien versus pretty door ... both lose.
Ayamei: Right through a glass door? That sounds like a less-than fantastic voyage...
Melissa Carothers: Oi mate! This here report is all buggered up. she ain't workin out.. be a good chap and terminate 'er employment before she burns the bloody place down!
.Sonnet: Usually I have Total Recall about these things but not tonight.
Fortune's Favorite:They've got a pretty fan-tastic floor in the home appliances section at the department store.
Ayamei: Which store? In what state? An altered one?
Melissa Carothers: You know .. when you throw plates onto the ground they break?
Melissa Carothers: I guess when it is earth vs flying saucers, earth wins
.Sonnet: I usually stay at the Ramada Inn, but lately it's been kind of a strain, And ramada Strain takes me days to get over.
Fortune's Favorite:Cybernetic ocular implant: an eye robot.
Ayamei: Can I throw that one into the abyss?
Melissa Carothers: Where are they? I can't see THEM! anymore
Fortune's Favorite:My nephew is in the middle of the fourth grade. It won't be too long before he has a class encounter of the fifth kind.
Ayamei: The fifth kind? Kind.... that's not an element I'm familiar with.
Melissa Carothers: Hmmm.. Must be a pro, meet t'he bus at the corner
.Sonnet: Gods! I'llattract the Japanese with some of my puns.
Fortune's Favorite:Couple of weeks ago when we spent ages and ages on jewelry puns ... you must have been glad when we finally managed to end the pendants day.
Ayamei: Wow... could we try running this a different way? Maybe silent running? Or walking? Or silent *anything*?
Melissa Carothers: Great thing about this event 'our risen' to the occasion
.Sonnet: I feel like I'm playing Mothra may I take two puns back.
Fortune's Favorite:Yes. Did you want to suggest that rule change or should I just pun again?
Moggie:Rule change: You can make whatever pun on the topic you please but it must be done in 45 seconds
Moggie:If you can't make it in the time limit, you are out
Fortune's Favorite:Christmas isn't too far away, and you know what they make for Christmas in Mongolia ... the wreath of Khan.
Ayamei: Did you hear the Blue Bomber got arrested for drunk driving? Oh, Mega Man....
Melissa Carothers: Will get get rid of that junkpile? that thing from another world!
.Sonnet: My puppy Woof got away on me while on vacation. So there I was calling for him , An American, "where Woof!" in London of all places.
Fortune's Favorite:Mad scientist to his damaged robot: "Start, wreck!"
Ayamei: I want to finish this. Can't we just declare it dune already?
Melissa Carothers: Where's the lawnmower man at? he's late!
.Sonnet: I get my hair done, using the Barber, ellofa barber.
Fortune's Favorite:Worst superhero ever: Bison Toenail Man.
Ayamei: Sometimes one coon isn't enough. Then you need a co-coon.
Melissa Carothers: Nice gams err ahh sorry ma'am
.Sonnet: I Dune tried and failed
.Sonnet: oops
.Sonnet: I have a pet coon, we co-coon at my place.
Moggiene more try?
.Sonnet: nope I"ll pass
Moggie:ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for Sonnet!
Lady Water Star cheers.
Melissa Carothers cheers
.Sonnet: Taa Daaa
Fortune's Favorite:You fail to be the pun-time menace. But we love you anyway. *applauds*
Moggie:Right, already down to three? Let's get mean
Moggie:This topic has been a pain in the past but I figured we should give it another try
Moggie:The Next Topic is: Breeds of Cattle
Fortune's Favorite:Germans like to drink the whole stein when they get beer.
Ayamei: DIdn't they used to drink that out of a long horn?
Melissa Carothers: Why do these thigns happen to me... an gus fell into the manure pile again
Fortune's Favorite:... wow. I'm not sure I can name another cattle breed.
Moggie:Are you out then sir?
Fortune's Favorite:Yeah, my bovine brains are insufficient.
Ayamei looks sympathetic. "Sorry!"
Melissa Carothers: yeah that is a tough one
Moggie:Congratulations! And maybe you could move to Jersey?
Moggie:And that takes us to the final round!
Moggie:It will be a MUCH easier topic, but it will be alphabetical, and have a 30 second time limit
Moggie:Ayamei has the A pun and Wilds the B pun
Moggie:Ok, Tonight's last Topic is : Kinds of Fish
Ayamei: Ah, baloney... this topic is bad.
Melissa Carothers: going to the bar ahh coudl ah.. you get me a drink
]Ayamei: I feel like a clown up here.
.Sonnet: Gratz Ayamei!
Ayamei: I'd ay I eel orry or is to end...
Moggie:Ladies and Gentlethings, a round of Applause for our Penultimate Punday Night Champ!
Lady Water Star: Congratulations, Ayamei.
Melissa Carothers: grats ayame
Fortune's Favorite:Wow! Twice in a row!
Moggie:You can't die, they have to have one more chance to beat you!
Ayamei: What? We're not done?
Moggie:My dears, next Monday Night will be the LAST PUNDAY
Moggie:After that, this game will be put to rest for good
Fortune's Favorite:We shall never surrender! Not while November exists!
Moggie:I've been running Pundays for a very long time (longer then this computer has records) and I'd love to see lots of folks there for the last one
Moggie: One last chance to pun. Next Monday!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Moggie: eek... And I mean it
Wildchilds.: what? don't like my native look?
Moggie: Now don't get me sarong...
Moggie: But it's just a new look on you causes me to halter
Moggie: Wilds, I think you've been at...all of them?
Wildchilds.: as many as I could
Ble the Barbarian: I would have been here more if I wasn't such a big doofypants.
Moggie: You...don't have any pants...
Ble the Barbarian: Actually, my SG mandated that I'm always wearing SOMETHING under this kilt. And franky as a superjumper.. they had good reason.
Moggie: it may be an easy night tonight my dears
Ble the Barbarian: Its never overeasy... usually more hardboiled.
Barky the Wonder Dog: But our puns will still scramble the server.
Wildchilds.: Well have to egg them on there
Ble the Barbarian: Hope we don't crack under the pressure.
Moggie: There will be shell to pay
Moggie: And i went out and got you all a fresh new batch of pun topics for tonight. Some never used before
Moggie: Well now, I think most of you I've seen before in this game. Is there anyone here who doesn't know the rules of the game?
Ble the Barbarian: ... can I use a lifeline?
Moggie: Ok, I'll recap quickly. If you have questions, please ask
Moggie: I'll pick a topic and hand it off to my left.
Moggie: FF will make a pun on topic and it will continue around the circle.
Moggie: Please use your own brains, no outside help or internet, or mind reading please
Moggie: When I get to the final round I'll change the rules to make it...more fun
Moggie: Shall we try a practice round, just so we all get the hang of it?
Moggie: Ok then, Practice Topic is :Cat breeds. FF, your pun
Fortune's Favorite: Cats generally enjoy purrsian, right?
Scrapyard Susie: That pun was completely abysinian.
Ble the Barbarian: The game closing has me feeling Russian Blue.
Wildchilds.: *sigh am ese people gonna win
Ayamei then stage-whispers to Moggie "...Siberian... as in, 'cyber'."
Barky the Wonder Dog: Being this far down the line really sphinx my chances.
Sastra Vidya: Aye. This topic'll drive me tabby.
Emberling: I see a little silhouette-o of a manx!
Iron City:Ragdoll Living in a movie, hot tramp daddys little cuttie *sings*
Assassi-cat: Don't mind me I'm just himalayan around.
Ble the Barbarian: It is a little cornish rex, isn't it?
Barky the Wonder Dog: And no one has to Scottish Fold.
Scrapyard Susie: We're putting the antics in semantics.
Moggie: Ok, I'll pick a nice general topic for our first round.
Moggie: Let's go with Names of Flowers as the first Topic
Fortune's Favorite: Don't poppy a new topic on me suddenly like that!
Scrapyard Susie: You rose to the occasion!
Ble the Barbarian: I hope I don't fall out in the first round. Then everyone will think I'm a posey-er
Knight Captain Asea: That was bad enough to leave me in a daisy.
Wildchilds.: I know what I want to breakfast Bread and butter cup of joe and staeak!
Ayamei: I'm no windmill, but I've still got these for you...
Ayamei sticks her lips out in the direction of Fortune's Favorite.
Ayamei: Um... tulips?
Sastra Vidya: Well, if there are dastardly truths at work here, forgive my dandy lyin'.
Emberling: I dunno how you peoples eat carrots! I spits them out like this - petunia!
Assassi-cat: What's the big deal with all thse In-carnations walking like they one the place?
Iron City:Have you ever had Blue Bonnet ice cream it's schrumpcious
Fortune's Favorite: The censors wanted to ban that new floristry TV show because of all of the sacks of violets.
Scrapyard Susie: Oooh, if I don't step up my game, I ris losing.
Ble the Barbarian: I might have connection problems, but I always return in a snap dragon.
Knight Captain Asea shakes her head, "I....have nothing. I'll concede."
Moggie: Ahh... well done for a first try!
Fortune's Favorite: And so the mari-gold-round ends
Emberling: Aw...
Wildchilds. clap
Barky the Wonder Dog applauds the effort.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Big Lee's out in the fields. I think he's getting ready to plant Lil' Lee after that stunt.
Sastra Vidya: Too bad. I thought of a honeydoozy of a good one.
Iron City:I don't know Mountain, Laurel is a pretty cute tank
Emberling: I heard about that flowers show, FF! No good for grownups orchids!
Ayamei: Can we move this along? I'm getting impatien.
Fortune's Favorite: If you want some pickles made by a duck, I recommend the daffy dill.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Daddy was a pointer, mom was an Irish setter. Guess that makes me a poinsettia.
Sastra Vidya: Mums the word, Megan.
Assassi-cat: This'll give us some time to catch a baby's breath.
Moggie: And we'll just jump into the next topic
Moggie: Something a little harder
Fortune's Favorite: Titanium?
Iron City:steel?
Ble the Barbarian: Doesn't take much to be harder than flowers, mind you. Maybe cardboard?
Assassi-cat: Rhodium?
Ble the Barbarian: Rhodidiumdendroms?
Scrapyard Susie: Quartzing disaster here.
Fortune's Favorite: Unobtainium? Or the ultimate metal, unobtitanium?
Moggie: Next Topic is: Renaissance Noble Titles
Fortune's Favorite: How much is that doge in the window?
Scrapyard Susie: My fave old school rapper's Marquis Mark.
Ble the Barbarian: I'm about to put up my dukes here.
Wildchilds.: hehe did you see that? Laid e out good
Ayamei: Uh... uh.. I'm losing count, how many was that?
Barky the Wonder Dog: Make sure you've got gloves on; don't wanna leave prince behind.
Sastra Vidya: I agree with Barky, baron hands won't work well here.
Emberling: *yawn* Daylight savings makes me feel like I gettin' up so earl-y!
Assassi-cat: Good knight everybody.
Iron City:Excuse me but my Eminence is leaking out..
Fortune's Favorite: I asked a korilla to king me a kong.
Scrapyard Susie: I'd pontificate on this subject if I had the time...
Ble the Barbarian: Oh really? Jarl eally.
Wildchilds.: Dutch S brand tea is great!
Ayamei: My mom is zo buzy, zhe needz me to walk herzog.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Turn dauphin off, it's cold enough already!
Sastra Vidya: I'm thinking of checking out the next Keanu Shire Reeves movie. Is it any good?
Emberling pouts
Moggie: Embers, are you out then dear?
Emberling nods
Moggie claps
Moggie: Well done!!
Fortune's Favorite: I'm empressed with how well everyone did, but we were really regent for new puns near the end.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Okay, I"ll follow the bear, you backtrack and find where he laird.
Scrapyard Susie: That one's so bad, I'm seeing tsars.
Fortune's Favorite: At least we didn't have time to get lord of the topic.
Assassi-cat: I always though myself the chivalier type.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Hang on, the tallies don't match. We may have a viscount.
Moggie: And we'll move on to our next totally unrelated topic
Moggie: Next Topic: Parts of a car
Fortune's Favorite: Wheel, that doesn't sound too hard.
Fortune's Favorite: We might all be able to do wheel with this one!
Scrapyard Susie: Didja have to shift to this subject?
Ble the Barbarian: I took a job for the family the other week. Someone owed 'em money and they wanted me to bumper off.
Assassi-cat: Ember you weren't supposed to trunk so soon.
Wildchilds.: Carber! Rate 'er damn it!
Ayamei looks at Felix. "You said you'd coil me? It's been two days?"
Barky the Wonder Dog: Let's make this memorable, that's all I axle.
Sastra Vidya: If I lose this round, I'll go play the classic Sega Dreamcast game Soul Calipur.
Iron City:i'm tired, sick and tired of love Tired of being admired Tired of love inspired Let's face it.... I'm tired*sings*
Fortune's Favorite: I told my mechanic I had a problem with my headlights. He tried to refer me to a dermatologist.
Fortune's Favorite: He thought I mean head lice.
Scrapyard Susie: We should move on. I may need a brake if we don't.
Ble the Barbarian: I've never been good with cars. At this rate I'm going to get cam shafted.
Assassi-cat: I love it when someone can get my motor purring.
Wildchilds.: That's something we're gonna have to alter.. NAt er Nathen! What are you doing?
Ayamei: Ugh, I think my brain is fusing already...
Barky the Wonder Dog: Hooda thunk we'd get this kinda turnout for the finale?
Sastra Vidya: I suppose I could always light my grandfather's tailpipe and learn to blow smoke rings.
Iron City:I still want my Blue Bonnet ice cream
Fortune's Favorite: Did you hear about that bird that wanted to be Batman? He gave the city a tern signal to contact him with.
Scrapyard Susie: Ya know, I guess I don't need to dash after all.
Ble the Barbarian: I didn't want to use this one, but last time took a visit to my girlfriend's ladyparts.. she wanted me to muffler bearings.
Assassi-cat: No tanks, please.
Wildchilds.: Speed! ohmeter please?
Ayamei: Can I switch out? I think I'm getting tired.
Barky the Wonder Dog: I expected IC to belt out another tune.
Sastra Vidya: I think my skills are better suited to hubcap-ture the flag.
Iron City:I'd better step it up or I'll get the boot
Fortune's Favorite: If ya park in da same spot fer too long, yer gonna owe da meter maid quite a bit.
Scrapyard Susie: I think I'll filter out all the bad ones I just thought of.
Ble the Barbarian: They said I was good at puns. but I've been framed.
Assassi-cat: This is quite the battery of puns.
Wildchilds.: Shampoo know heroes win. Shield wipe er out then husband all mine.
Ayamei: Did you see DJ Cozmic? He said he was going as a plug for Halloween. I asked him what kind and went blind.
Moggie: Obviously a GlowPlug
Barky the Wonder Dog: Mirror mortals cannot handle the magnitude of such a sight!
Sastra Vidya: I think tomorrow I'll go talk to this Ernesto Hess fellow. Said something about fighting a guy named Archon Cupholder.
Iron City:You know I think Running = board
Moggie: Ok, time limit being added in
Moggie: Same topic, but you've got 45 seconds to make the pun now (or we'll be here all night )
Fortune's Favorite: I rise to the challenge! Like Lewis and Clark, who went on a trans mission.
Scrapyard Susie: Why're we doing this again?
Ble the Barbarian: Took the ladyfriend clubbing last week. Most pit was so violent she B'rocker arm
Assassi-cat: I feel fuelish.
Wildchilds.: It's a temp At your gauged reaction I'll get rid of them
Ayamei high-steps around a bit, looking awfully sure of herself.
Barky the Wonder Dog: I'll miss this place. No other game will let me pedal these puns in the open.
Sastra Vidya: I can't, enna won't stop dancing while DJ Zero keeps spinnin' his tunes.
Iron City:You know David Beckham has a pretty good header
Fortune's Favorite: I met an Indian chief once. He was wearing a really impressive headrest.
Scrapyard Susie ponders. "I feel like *such* a dipstick for not coming up with some of these myself."
Moggie: Ble?
Moggie: 25
Moggie: 45
Moggie: Time's up Ble
Moggie claps for Ble
Misa May: I'm surprised Barky didn't just say, "Roof."
Fortune's Favorite: I'm surprised we didn't exhaust all our options. I don't think we even used "window".
Sastra Vidya applauds.
Moggie: That was a very good run sir!
Scrapyard Susie: Or screen.
Barky the Wonder Dog: I dunno, my options were getting a bit lighter.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Okay son, vise 'er tight while I look for the pliers. This'll be tricky.
Sastra Vidya: I was gonna talk about how I seat-belted a Hellion in the jaw. But I think "belt" was in earlier.
Iron City:This topic was starting to piston me off
Fortune's Favorite: Teacher for a prince: An heir conditioner.
Moggie: Right, we clearly need a new topic!
Moggie: I think I'll go with: Names of Board Games
Fortune's Favorite: I really ought to see a doctor about my chess pains.
Scrapyard Susie: And you thought car parts had a monopoly on our time.
Assassi-cat: I always ready for operation
Wildchilds.: Wanna check er again?
Ayamei: We're really giving this topic a go?
Barky the Wonder Dog: This'll be rough; I haven't a Clue.
Sastra Vidya: If this topic and all the others last as long as the last one, then I may be Sorry.
Iron City:I don't know if I want to Risk it all
Fortune's Favorite: I ought to stay away from the desert, because I parch easy.
Scrapyard Susie: It'll probably take some diplomacy to judge some of these puns.
Assassi-cat: I'm not so otsuro.
Wildchilds.: he takes the ball. chutes and lad 'er right in there
Ayamei: ...I don't think Wild had that right. I think you should checker.
Moggie: repeat, repun?
Ayamei: Was it? Sorry, I was distracted by the heroes in here.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Back, Gammon! Your food's in your dish! I said down!
Sastra Vidya: So, while stopping a convenience store robbery the other day, this one Freakshow lady was tougher than normal. I had to hit her chin... knees... cheek... hers was a durable dose of Excelsior, to be sure.
Iron City:I told you I haven't Scene it yet.. I'm still looking!!!!
Fortune's Favorite: Go-moku me a sandwich, please.
Scrapyard Susie: Playing with words is a definite sign of civilization, I think.
Assassi-cat: I guess I'll have to Settlers of Cataan for this one.
Wildchilds.: How is her piloting? Can Dee land the plane properly?
Ayamei: Did you hear about the cross-country paddling race? Yeah, really. A row boat rally.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Best way to survive a dogfight: turn tight on your axis & allies to cover you.
Sastra Vidya: If this goes for or five more rounds, I may be in trouble.
Iron City:You know I work too damn hard I'm waiting for my PAY DAY!!
Fortune's Favorite: You guys aren't leaving me with many options. That's awfully Caylus of you.
Scrapyard Susie: He took the one I thought of. I'll really need to scrabble to think of a new one.
Assassi-cat: CRAP!
Moggie: Out Cat?
Moggie: That was a good run, well done!
Wildchilds.: that looks like trouble.
Ayamei: Awww... but I had the best way to watch the row boat rally...
Iron City:You know Moggie.. you gotta stop calling me a blockhead...
Barky the Wonder Dog: Sho! Gi' me five, brother!
Fortune's Favorite: Ah well, that's life.
Sastra Vidya: Aww. But I hadn't yet referenced Ur, the Royal Game of Sumer (tm).
Moggie claps for Cat
Barky the Wonder Dog: Is it raining? Yah, see, out the window!
Sastra Vidya: This way I don't have to talk about Our Cam-Khorder that we're learning to use.
Scrapyard Susie: Aw, Khet it out.
Sastra Vidya: It Boggles the mind, it does.
Moggie: Right we clearly need a new topic at this point
Moggie: Ok next Topic is: Names of Birds
Fortune's Favorite: I'd make a pun about Steven Seagull, but I can't remember what he does.
Scrapyard Susie: You try to call me a chick and hawk your cheap 'ware and I'll punch ya.
Wildchilds.: I need some wood . Peck! Errr tempelton. Could you get me some?
Ayamei takes out a piece of candy and tosses it at Felix's head.
Ayamei: ...he's supposed to duck.
Barky the Wonder Dog: These puns are enough to make anyone finch in pain.
Sastra Vidya: Ahh, I missed someone referencing Null the Gull. A penguin is mightier than the sword, so I'll use that.
Iron City:My cousin says she was at Woodstock... she doesn't remeber much of it though
Moggie: That is an extremely specific "name"
Fortune's Favorite pinches his nose. "Ibis the wodderful old days whed I didd't hab a gold."
Scrapyard Susie: Anyone listening in might think we're all stark ravin' mad.
Wildchilds.: Okay I'll have to hit the buzzar duh
Ayamei: This is just going to keep coming around ptarm and ptarmigan, isn't it?
Barky the Wonder Dog: All these names keep getting used before I can. You're robin' me blind here!
Sastra Vidya: I forget: Con Dora the Explorer be bought on DVD yet?
Iron City:you know this topic is bushtit!!!
Fortune's Favorite: If you're afraid of heights, visit the Not-So-Grand Canyon! It's only part ridge!
Scrapyard Susie: So, I was at the ol' super base watching the monitors when Lord Nemesis showed up on the core video display.
Wildchilds.: Oz stretch it out for a few monutes ok?
Ayamei: This is tiring me out, I'm already puffin.
Barky the Wonder Dog: I was trying to figure out how to make the ostrich joke; now I"m gonna go all emu and pout.
Sastra Vidya: Swan of these rounds I'm gonna start paying more attention so I repeat less.
Iron City:I think Moggie is going to make me eat crow soon
Fortune's Favorite: Let's keep it moving, folks. We don't want to make the cat bored. *nods at Moggie*
Scrapyard Susie: Great. Auk ward puns rule the day.
Wildchilds.: the USe anthem
Ayamei: ...I know I'm going to go out early tonight, I feel like such a dodo...
Barky the Wonder Dog: If we can't get this wagon train out of the mountains soon, we're gonna have to cook a burra!
Sastra Vidya: Barky, I was trying to get that one but couldn't think of it. I rook too long to think.
Moggie: IC?
Iron City( I'm gonna step then I'm going to retire for the night ))
Moggie: Ahh, good run sir!
Wildchilds.: Pal.. I can name that tune in 6 notes!
Moggie claps for IC
Sastra Vidya applauds!
Wildchilds. claps
Fortune's Favorite claps
Barky the Wonder Dog applaud
Fortune's Favorite: Well, we had a goose run.
Fortune's Favorite: But it's better it ended looner rather than sater.
Sastra Vidya: The thing about a blue footed b.... no, I'll chicken out and not say that one.
Fortune's Favorite: As an archery teacher, I know a lot about how to use a moa and sparrow.
Fortune's Favorite: Kiwipedia?
Scrapyard Susie: Wouldn't those break some cardinal rule?
Barky the Wonder Dog: Sparrow me the horror of these puns!
Sastra Vidya: It was a lark.
Fortune's Favorite: I'm finched, I don't know about anyone else.
Moggie grins so hard her face hurts
Sastra Vidya: Wren do we get our next topic?
Moggie: Right! Next topic! Something more complicated
Moggie: I think I'll go closer to home : Names of hand tools!
Fortune's Favorite: I saw that one coming.
Scrapyard Susie: Ya, yea, I know the drill.
Wildchilds.: oww I think I wrench-ed my knee!
Ayamei: Don't axe me.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Of awl the puns, you had to use that.
Sastra Vidya: Can I adze what the next topic'll be, or do we not know yet?
Fortune's Favorite: No matter who wins, it's been knife punning with all of you.
Scrapyard Susie: There was a lady of the night down at King's Row. Guess that's the best place to ply 'er trade.
Wildchilds.: damn I forgot the screw. DRIVER! Turn around! We hav eto go back!
Ayamei: Can we not talk about the stripper please? What happens in Vegas...
Barky the Wonder Dog: It's plane I'm gonna be in trouble in a minute.
Sastra Vidya: I'll Level with ya: this topic is not my forte.
Fortune's Favorite: I usually eat hammer turkey on Thanksgiving.
Scrapyard Susie: When I was living in the slums ya had to be careful or the rats et yer food.
Wildchilds.: see that crow? Bar it from the store now!
Ayamei: Can we just file this as 'painful'?
Barky the Wonder Dog: You want painful? Ask the local catgirls if they've been spade.
Sastra Vidya: The one thing I hate about being a hero? All the sledge I have to wade through when villains hide in the sewers.
Fortune's Favorite: Oh square, oh square has my little dog gone?
Scrapyard Susie: You give him a shove, he'll get moving.
Wildchilds.: try practicing your chi Sil.
Ayamei: It's hard to hear you, your voice sounds a little rasp-y.
Barky the Wonder Dog: ... blast. I'm out. I had one, and it just vanished.
Sastra Vidya: Aww...
Moggie: Ahhh... good job Puppy!
Fortune's Favorite: Too bad you had to throw in the trowel already.
Sastra Vidya: I was plumbing the depths of my options in that one.
Ble the Barbarian: Good run, Barky.
Wildchilds. claps
Sastra Vidya applauds.
Moggie: Now we're going to start with a 40 second time limit on this one
Moggie: Next Topic is: Electricity
Fortune's Favorite: Go forth and conquer! CHARGE!
Scrapyard Susie: Oh my, the possibilities!
Wildchilds.: Watt?
Ayamei: Ugh, this might be beyond my capacitor.
Sastra Vidya: This round'll be a jolt to my system.
Fortune's Favorite: Wire we doing this topic?
Scrapyard Susie: One thing's for sure, with the time limit thing's won't stay static.
Wildchilds.: I'm shocked you said that!
Ayamei: Yeah, I don't think I'll last the current round.
Sastra Vidya: Tesla grim attitude, Megan.
Fortune's Favorite: The first batter was OK, but the baker liked Batter E best.
Scrapyard Susie: Wonder if we'll make it another circuit.
Wildchilds.: Gen ...err ate er
Ayamei: This makes me want to go to ground.
Sastra Vidya: Something I want to Posit: I've got a bad feeling about my chances.
Fortune's Favorite: If you play Super Mario Brothers, don't step on a turtle. It has a potent shell.
Scrapyard Susie: Speaking of the... lady I mentioned, I definitely saw a vice cop resist her charms.
Wildchilds.: What do you get when you step on insects? Dead amp!
Ayamei: Sorry I'm feeling so negative...
Sastra Vidya: I'm sure the loyalists think they're doing the right thing, but I prefer the Resistance.
Fortune's Favorite: Volt exactly are we trying to accomplish here?
Scrapyard Susie: Wonder if there's anything that will impede ants? I'm worried about fire ants getting here.
Wildchilds.: In sul.. late son
Ayamei: Ugh, I can't wait to take a load off after this...
Sastra Vidya: I've Ben Frank: Lynn is the best punster I know.
Fortune's Favorite: Recent Republican campaign slogan: Elect Ron Paul!
Scrapyard Susie: So my PO said to me, "I've got my eye on you."
Wildchilds.: I knew tron
Ayamei: This isn't really a joule of a topic, is it?
Sastra Vidya: Tree Zzap makes the best syrup.
Fortune's Favorite: I went to the Royal Gala. I was in RG.
Scrapyard Susie: Erg. Not another round.
Wildchilds.: When I saw that I bolted
Sastra Vidya: Jake was wanted by the authorities, on the FBI's most wanted list. The entire nation had been terrified by Jacob Slaughter.
Fortune's Favorite: I don't plant to give up quite yet!
Scrapyard Susie: So the printer wanted the dye owed him.
Wildchilds.: So lar? Panel that wall
Ayamei: Need to rent a car? I know just the place...
Ayamei: Hertz, of course
Sastra Vidya: Van A had a chart and Van B had a map. Van C had nothing. Vand D? Graph.
Fortune's Favorite: Sheesh, there's no lightening of the load here, is there?
Wildchilds.: Joan or arc was a great woman
Ayamei: I feel like this whole thing is my fault...
Sastra Vidya: I need to go to anger management. People tell me that I've been a bit Short with them lately.
Fortune's Favorite: A strong puncher would be a power power.
Scrapyard Susie: They thought community service would transform her life.
Wildchilds.: ....
Wildchilds.: out
Moggie: Ahh... wow
Moggie falls over
Fortune's Favorite: Like a power outage.
Scrapyard Susie: Aww. *applauds*
Fortune's Favorite: Good run though.
Barky the Wonder Dog: Shocking!
Sastra Vidya applauds.
Moggie: Wilds you did wonderfully
.Sonnet: Yess!
Wildchilds.: I stayed in as long as I could
Moggie: You get the award for the Most Often In Attendance!
Moggie: Ok, this next topic is going to have a 35 second time limit on it.
Moggie: So, we've had a little rest. Our Next Topic is: Types of makeup
Fortune's Favorite: Oh dear. I hope I don't make my lips stick to each other.
Scrapyard Susie: I admit it; my book reports in school were always based on the liner notes.
Ayamei: You know... yeah. No.
Moggie: Are you out then?
Ayamei <bow>
Moggie: Well done Ayamei, you've done a wonderful job these last few weeks
Barky the Wonder Dog: At first blush, I thought that round would last longer.
Moggie claps!
Scrapyard Susie: Shared experience is the foundation of a good pun.
Barky the Wonder Dog: A very compact round.
Sastra Vidya: You and me both, Megan. We both go rouge that way.
Scrapyard Susie: You don't need to blush about it, Meg.
Moggie: We'll keep the 35 second time limit
Moggie: I'm going to re-run a previous topic that I like too much. I just have to trot it out again
Moggie: Forgive me...
Moggie: Next Topic is : Cattle Breeds
Fortune's Favorite: I am filled with angus at having to try this again.
Scrapyard Susie: Kobe all you can be.
Sastra Vidya: This is a joke, right? Are you holstein out on me?
Fortune's Favorite: When a ship wants to let other ships know they're near, they blow a long horn.
Scrapyard Susie: I'm gonna have to say bye soon.
Sastra Vidya: I've got my wedding all planned out. Step one: I can't elope.
Moggie: [antelope are not cattle]
Sastra Vidya: ((Argh))
Sastra Vidya: I'm afraid I must bow out.
Sastra Vidya: Thanks for letting me play.
Scrapyard Susie: Do you like rap or rock & roll? (auroch)
Moggie: You had a great run tonigth! Thank you for playing!
Barky the Wonder Dog: Aww, quick game. Didn't even have time to get my jersey on.
Scrapyard Susie: Well played, everyone!
Moggie: Ok guys LAST ROUND!
Fortune's Favorite: DUN DUN DUN
Moggie: This is the painful one! Although it's usually very quick
Moggie: You have 30 seconds to make your pun
Moggie: Also, it must be in alphabetical order
Moggie: That is, FF's pun will start with A, Susie's with B, then back to FF for C and so on
Moggie: You must 1) make a pun 2) stay on topic and 3) get in under time
Moggie: If we're ready then the topic is : Place Names in COX
Fortune's Favorite: Atlas! A topic I enjoy!
Scrapyard Susie: Well, there I was when BOOM, town in front of me.
Fortune's Favorite: Crey's Folly is one Crey'sy place.
Scrapyard Susie: Dam.
Fortune's Favorite: Eeeeeeeeesh
Moggie: Time's up
Fortune's Favorite: Eeeeeeeeeeeevil, hehe.
Barky the Wonder Dog applauds.
Moggie: Wow...
Barky the Wonder Dog: Eden I had a hard time with that one.
Sastra Vidya applauds.
Ayamei grins at Susie. "Well done!"
Moggie claps loudly!
Fortune's Favorite: Gah! I knew there must be one!
Wildchilds.: FOUND ER " Falls down the stairs
Fortune's Favorite: Well done, friend.
Moggie: You guys, this was so absolutely perfect!
Moggie: Thank you all so very very much for making my Last Punday Night the best it could have been
Moggie: And a big congratulations to Scrapyard Susie, the LAST PUNDAY NIGHT CHAMPION!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
I came to Punday Night today
But all the punsters had gone away!
No one was here to merrily play
With wit and word and retort gay.
I hung about the bar and grilled
One and all who might have spilled
The where abouts of the punsters merry,
Hoping they had not turned to dairy.
But no hope or help did I spy
No friendly faces wandered by
No metaphor, no silly joke
Just me. Just me, and rum and coke.
I shudder to think of my erstwhile chums
Sucking down milk and cookie crumbs.
Lactose intolerance may save us still!
Another round, Barkeep! On my bill!
-- Beith, the woebegone, June, 1999
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
What: Punday Night, a pun competition
When: Every Monday in the month of November,at 10pmEST/ 9pm CST/8pm MT/7pm PST
Where: In Pocket D,on the main floor, near the window closest to the floating truck
Why: Because I need to make sure we go out with a laugh
If you remember these, or if you want to, come on by!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page