The Last 56




Well, the time is winding down and the day is around the corner.

Most of the characters have thier storylines ended already, about four or five after the announcement, and a few more to go now.

I'm thinking I will tie it in with the 30th somehow but in someway that make sense to each of their storylines. Most of them will be easy to end except one, the one that I will concentrate on playing until lights out. I'm thinking for that one to be something simple and unusual for an ending. An ending but not really an ending. Like they finish one last mish before the great blackout and then fade away into society until it comes once more to don the superhero outfit. It's kind of like a cliff hanger to an end of a movie except with no expected sequel, it just ends like that. Kind of like real life where most events just kind of end with no pizzaz no movie finish, no super heroic quotes or anything. It just ends.

Thought about and ending like heroes being outlawed or something but that is kind of is like Watchmen. Or that some lawsuit is the cause of the hero era ending for one character.

56 days left, now time to choose what villian group will be the last one that the character will fight, which will be the last boss/AV that will be fought. While the last toon left of the SG will go to the base and cut the lights out, look at it for the last time and fade into the darkness.

I figured I created stroylines and characters for this long might as well go out the same way I came in. Creating stuff.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



No Wall of Text?!!!
