A Place To Put Your Opinion Of My Opinion




I thought this might help to cut down on such offerings from cluttering up other threads and help to keep them on topic...

And you can use this for your opinions about anyone else's opinions too...

Now, let's hope that every other thread out there doesn't just dry up and die.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Well you have passion, you have your mind made up, and dont seem like you are going to let anything get in your way. There has to be nothing but respect for that.

Wouldnt the world be such a boring place if certain people had their way and everyone had the same exact opinion, when you wondering what opinion you should have someone just assign it to you, and everyone have the mind process and experience the exact same way, same time, same views, same everything?

While you will anyways, I say keep it up and keep going for the goal you aim to achieve and let no one ever stop you nor assign any opinion to you.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Perhaps I should state that I did indeed post this entirely for the sake of humor. I wasn't sure that I should post it, because I felt like it has far more potential to come off negatively and/or spread some negativity...
But, just as pretty much all of my posts were before August 31st, I was just trying to make someone smile or laugh and not take things so seriously.

Also... I fully recognize the philosophical flaws in the title. It shouldn't really be opinions of my "opinions", but it made a better headline than "opinion of my actions", in my opinion. (Ooh, that's my favorite worst sentence that I've typed in a while!)
After all, if I am stating my opinions, you better damn well be free to offer your opinion of it, haha.

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Well you have passion, you have your mind made up, and dont seem like you are going to let anything get in your way. There has to be nothing but respect for that.

Wouldnt the world be such a boring place if certain people had their way and everyone had the same exact opinion, when you wondering what opinion you should have someone just assign it to you, and everyone have the mind process and experience the exact same way, same time, same views, same everything?

While you will anyways, I say keep it up and keep going for the goal you aim to achieve and let no one ever stop you nor assign any opinion to you.
Aww, hehe, I didn't expect anyone to be serious in here, and I probably shouldn't reply, because I don't want to encourage such things in this thread, but...

Thank you very much, ma'am!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"