The Response
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Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios
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This isnt for everyone so I implore you, if you are still hurting hard, please please dont read any further. I'm just sharing my thoughts on the situation and not trying to cause extra hurt.
The situation-NCSoft rejects negotiation plan. No telling what the reason is, as they didnt say. Yet I think Nov. 30th will really be the end of the COX in this format and fashion. Well it was fun while it lasted and hope people can enjoy the rest of it if they can. Some may not be ready to just yet or tryign to play brings up too many bad memories.
I think the NCSoft announcement came at a perfect time. With the anxious waiting for a reply or update, well they finally gave it. It wasnt a reply many people was wishing for, but given most said they knew it was a slim chance then the most probable thing just happened naturally. AKA we didnt get lucky. Of course I seen this coming a mile away but now it's just not me being a pessimist. It happened. Now the way it looks, looks like the effort is in shock mode right now and I think in a few days, they will get back on track.
I guess a new game will be in the works or something underground and hopefully not illegal that is similar to COX. How similar? Time will tell and with time maybe at leasta few years to get everything together over there.
You know how they say hindsight is 20/20. Now it is now. I think while some people ejoyed the relatively small community here, I think it may been part of our undoing. From the updates that came pretty fast, to the talent of the devs and everythign else normal that goes into running a game, it takes a lot of money. With that money, they threw updates, Going rogue, freedom, and just about everything they could at it and the overall population didnt budge much. One thing they seemed to forgot was advertising. I guess it's standard rule in the MMO world that only giants like WoW is allowed to advertise.
One thing I think this game had going for it that I think advertising would pay for itself quickly is that it's not just another fairy/elf/wizard fantasy game that is everywhere. It's not a pure grind fest. It's not "you choose one of the pre made characters and go." No, there were many unique features that this game had that wasnt found in many games. The players didnt seem to push the game, including me, tht much either. Seeing how they can get the word out, know people that know people, and stuff now to save the game, I can only wonder one thing. If they could have been doing that all this time why oh why didnt we do this from the get go? Why did we had to wait until NCSoft made a decision to shutdown the game, with slim chance of changing their minds to do all of this and get the word out about this game? Would it have saved the game from shutting down? Maybe or maybe not. But I cant help to think that if instead of 100,000 players or less if we had closer to 1 million, would NCSoft really be that froggy? If 100,000 was bringing in supposedly 800/month. ten times that much is 8 million. I dont think even NCSoft would be that nuts to shut that down. I might be wrong.
Well what happened has happened and there is nothing we can do about that. All we can do now is either move forward in some form or fashion. Some will continue the fight, some will not, some was waiting for a message like this to determine whether they would stick around or not.
I must say though I'm going to play the wait and see with this new game being developed. By the time it's done, I hope people still remember it and this time new players are encouraged to join, including pvp, and the word get out about the game a little bit more than the lack of ad budget that NCSoft seemed to have given Paragon studios.
I may not agree with Titan Network's philosophy and borderline fanatic thought process and stuff but they seem to have talent over there and I think they can and probably will pull it off what ever they aim to do. Never know, ten years from now, Titan Network might be the next big gaming studio and might even become a serious threat to giants like Blizzard (that is a compliment because when a big company view you as a threat that means you are doing something proper). Even when this game goes down into the game graveyard, I dont think we have heard the last of Titan Network.
-Female Player-
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard.