End of Forums/CoH Facebook page
Well, I'm sure there are a ton of Facebook pages. I'm on a couple of SG-specific ones, plus CoHSurvivors (http://www.facebook.com/groups/CoHSurvivors/)
There's also the Titan Network at www.cohtitan.com. They have forums over there.
Those are the ones I know of.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Thanks IB! The Titan forums make sense. I hope that what people are saving what they are posting here and on FB for reposting elsewhere. Because I even enjoy reading those, too.
Proud member of Paragon City Search and Rescue: www.pcsar.net
My apologies if this has been addressed. I only learned today that as a Premium player (who like so many, was planning to resub soon, but lost that option) that I can post here, and I don't know if this has been addressed elsewhere.
At some point, this website, like the game, will be history. (Barring a last-minute reprieve.) The corporate overlords will no longer want to support it. Likewise for the City of Heroes Facebook page, I presume.
I realized this as I was reading so many eloquent testimonials (here and on FB) about what the game has meant to people. And then I realized that even these testimonials will disappear.
So ... Where will people be posting/discussing their memories, questions, anything, after this? I know there won't be a game to support, but I suspect people will still want the conversation and chance to remember.
Any thoughts?
Proud member of Paragon City Search and Rescue: www.pcsar.net