Everyone go to Beta




I went to Beta, but... it's all just too much! The crashless nukes, Blasters' Sustain, DP changes, Martial Combat... I just end up depressed about all that I wanted never making it in the game!

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Aside from the queued one, the other bug I'm mostly thinking of is certain powers activating much faster than intended.

Hasten, Build Up, Sweeping Cross, and many other powers I don't remember (or haven't tested) all activate much faster if you're queueing powers, as if the rooting part of the animation was replaced by the next attack. While in a way it is a buff, this leads to animations being sometimes fast, sometimes slow, as you queue or don't - i.e. if you just killed a mob with Sweeping Cross, you're not going to be able to queue your next attack, you'll have to select another target first, and as a result the animation will stay "slow" (as intended). This ends up feeling like Momentum, which I hate with a fiery passion, and a less controllable version of Momentum at that.

Those two bugs combined are gamebreaking to me. I am just so frustrated within minutes of playing. It's not just "not giving it enough time to adapt" either, I went through the new arcs at my own pace, which took me hours, and it felt miserable. Trust me, if I could enjoy myself I would play nothing but I24 beta. I had plenty of I24 rerolls planned, I have no friends left on the game, so Live or Test I'm soloing either way, and I love the I24 changes, the arcs, everything.

I don't mean to discourage anyone from playing on Beta, I'm just annoyed I can't myself.



So everyone can go on beta now even if your not a VIP? If this is true I will have to let some people in my sg know, there are a few who do not look at the forums.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
So everyone can go on beta now even if your not a VIP? If this is true I will have to let some people in my sg know, there are a few who do not look at the forums.
Correct but they won't be VIP on beta if they aren't VIP on live.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Correct but they won't be VIP on beta if they aren't VIP on live.
Thanks I will let my sg peeps know and ugh didn't realize my grammar was horrible the your should be you're oh well to late now, have at thee grammar nazzees*

*mispelled on purpose so people don't get the hibbejibbes

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!