While We're Waiting on NCsoft to Reply, Now's A Good Time To Go Play I24 On the Beta Server...




For Free/Premium players like myself who, as of the August 31st shutdown, weren't able to log in and experience I24 in all its glory, be advised the door is now open for everyone and there's a TON of new stuff waiting to be discovered and enjoyed by all (just make sure you do a hard search for new powersets, costume sets and super packs in the Paragon Market). Just being able to log in and enjoy I24 is probably the best thing folks can do right now to pass the time. There's a lot of fun to be had by all and I can think of no better way to recognize the dev team's efforts.

Keep in mind, this may well be our last hurrah with regard to experiencing new content in City of Heroes, so if you haven't yet seen I24, or played with the new Rogue/Vigilantes Superpack and soooo much more you probably didn't even know existed...

Then now's the time to log in and enjoy the final issue of City of Heroes in all its true glory!