magi and other incarnate fun sunday 9/16
Thanks for running this. I finally have Hybrid unlocked. Now to just find time to run the other trials I'm missing.
Author of There's Something in the Water (Arc # 60327)
Not only was that genuine frontier jibberish...
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Thank you fow eveyone that came out for the trials. Got in 3 runs of the magi and 2 were all the way to the end. I will plan another soon and will post then. Have fun and lets enjoy this game for as long as we can.
-Neosis- leader of The Next Dimension
-Red Hairing- leader of The Cult of Cuthulhu
Hello all. I am going to try to get poeple together for a magi trial i hope and some other trials too. I want to start at 1pm pacific standard time in DA this sunday. I hope we can get things going. i have only done one magi and could use help please. we got a lam and a baf on thursday night so we are not dead yet. hope to see some people come out. thank you all and lets have some more fun before the lights go out.
-Neosis- Leader of The Next Dimension
-Red Hairing- Leader of The Cult of Cuthulhu