I was going to post this in chat during the Unity Rally




...but then I realized that spamming up the Help or broadcast channels would have been a pretty pancake move.

So with that in mind...

{clears his throat and puts on "The Night Pat Murphy Died. You can YouTube it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7Bsb-8pxG8}

♪Oh, the night when Paragon shut down is a night I'll never forget,♪
♪Some folks still have their login screens and haven't closed them yet.♪
♪As long as there was crime still left to fight, everyone was fired up♪
♪And with every ambush in Praetoria, a scream went: "It's a trap!!"♪
♪This is how they showed just how much they'll miss their city,♪
♪With hundreds of colored capes just running through the town!♪
♪In Atlas Park but not Mercy 'cause all devs still hate villains,♪
♪And everybody teamed like mad the night City shut down!♪
♪As Zwillinger genericed Crotchman for running in the buff,♪
♪Someone shouted, "Since you're fired, can I have your stuff?"♪
♪Positron saw chaos rise with increasing alarm,♪
♪Then got a random invite to an AE fire farm!♪
♪This is how they showed just how much they'll miss their city,♪
♪With hundreds of colored capes just running through the town!♪
♪In Atlas Park but not Mercy 'cause all devs still hate villains,♪
♪And everybody teamed like mad the night City shut down!♪
♪The heroes piled in wall to wall, from Atlas one to ten,♪
♪They thoughtthey'd crash the login server, again and again.♪
♪Hours passed, the countdown came, when a single voice appealed,♪
♪As Iceman shouted: "Can't it wait? We just started Quarterfield!"♪
♪This is how they showed just how much they'll miss their city,♪
♪With hundreds of colored capes just running through the town!♪
♪In Atlas Park but not Mercy 'cause all devs still hate villains,♪
♪And everybody teamed like mad the night City shut down!♪
♪Lady Gray was ran like crazy, the aliens driven back,♪
♪The skies turned green from Kings to Bricks from the counterattack.♪
♪The devs staggered back to their beds through the breaking dawn,♪
♪They closed their eyes, then realized they'd left the servers on!♪
♪This is how they showed just how much they'll miss their city,♪
♪With hundreds of colored capes just running through the town!♪
♪In Atlas Park but not Mercy 'cause all devs still hate villains,♪
♪And everybody teamed like mad the night City shut down!♪
♪Oh, the night when Paragon shut down is a night I'll never forget,♪
♪Some folks still have their login screens and haven't closed them yet.♪
♪As long as there was crime still left to fight, everyone was fired up♪
♪And with every ambush in Praetoria, a scream went: "It's a trap!!"♪
♪This is how they showed just how much they'll miss their city,♪
♪With hundreds of colored capes just running through the town!♪
♪In Atlas Park but not Mercy 'cause all devs still hate villains,♪
♪And everybody teamed like mad the night City shut down!♪
♪And everybody teamed like mad the night City shut down!♪