"Negative Press"




Hey guys, it seems like we're getting some very, very minor bad press about this. By very minor I mean not even press. Literally all that's being posted are people with their personal blogs.

Uhh... so I thought I'd put a few things of note here, in case it helps anyone!

  1. There's a ton more positive press than negative press. I mean a ton. Check out TonyV's compliatation of media coverage. I'm mostly sure that everything there is positive and saluting our efforts, or at the very least, acknowledging them without mocking us.
  2. Again, most of the negative stuff is not from editors, but by bloggers. Don't let them sway you much. Sometimes they do have some commentary that might be helpful to know, but know that we're not getting slander. It's overwhelmingly just some folks' opinions moreso than research. Some people have been including new facts that's one good thing from them.
  3. Some of these people are just ranting for attention or for the sake of ranting. There's a chance that a few are just putting out stuff to instigate the community so they can get ad revenue. If you don't have AdBlock, I'd suggest it. They really, really might not feel that way but just want visits so their ads can make money. Don't do that for them. It's a crappy way of getting fame and funds but people do it.
  4. I'm glad we're sticking through it and we have a ton of people responding very objectively. That is awesome. I love the CoH community. I would've ended this with a warning to not perpetuate a flame war but I haven't see that happen and that's great. You guys are great.

I think that's all that's on my mind. If anyone wants to link to what I'm referring to that's fine with me, but the focus is more on "what do if bad press?"

Thanks for reading!

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
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