Halloween - dress as your toon!




I have to give credit to Mystel for this fantastic idea. Halloween is coming up, and we can't be the only ones thinking about what we're going to wear.
Well, how about this. Dress up as one of your toons and send in the pictures! We can then gather up all the pictures and compile into a massive collage, album, etc. as another show of solidarity.

It doesn't have to be your main - I know there are going to be some that are nigh on impossible, Ascension back piece anyone? - heck, it doesn't even have to be one of your actual toons as long as it's obviously a hero and it's not a previously copyrighted character. That means no Batman (*also hangs his head in slight disappointment*).

Halloween itself is still quite a while away so please don't feel like you have to wait until then to reply. Upload a pic as soon as you can - if you're comfortable, put your own and your character's name on it, or just the pic if you'd rather not be known. And if you'd REALLY rather not be known, send it to superready@hotmail.com and I'll make sure it gets included anonymously.

"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch