Thank You For....




Thank you, Paragon, Cryptic, and everyone involved who worked hard to bring us CoH/V for...

...the annual Winter Event! I think it was December 2007 when I first discovered it, and it was a fairly dark time in my life. When I first saw the ski slopes and heard the yodeling and music reminiscent of Auld Lang Syne, I could not stop smiling for hours. Even my jaded self giggled when I first got a jingle jet. I haven't regularly subbed for a couple of years, but I still resubbed every December just to get in some skiing and to trash Snaptooth one... more... time...

... Flying! Super Speed! Leaping! Traveling in style was never so fun and so immersive.

... Safeguard/Mayhem missions! They were my first introduction to a mission where the mobs didn't just stand around waiting to get aggro'ed. I really appreciated being able to solo or duo such a fun, non-static event -- most games saved that type of dynamic mission for groups or raids.

... scalable missions! No one else out there seems to appreciate that groups of friends can come in all sizes, but you guys always have.

... costume contests! There was nothing like the CoH costume creator before, and it is still the best. It speaks to the culture that this game enabled that the costume contests became so prevalent here and nowhere else.

... Warburg missle launches! I roared when I first saw one go up. I could have done without dealing with pv pee’ers just to make a launch, but it was still a gas nonetheless.

... letting players create their own missions! The architect was an ambitious move, and I’ve yet to see anyone pull off anything close to it.

Most of all, thank you for letting a big kid feel what it’s like to be super, even in a virtual way.




Well said.

I may go launch a Warburg missle one last time. I kind of enjoyed the danger of having to sneak past the PVPers in that zone!