(Fun) Speculation: 50 Shades of Crey




Black Pebble mentioned that he proposed the idea of a story arc titled "50 Shades of Crey" to Protean.

Just for fun, and because I've had to endure a few months of listening to all the women in the office swooning over this book (I'm the only guy here), I thought I'd open the forum for speculation on what might have been:

Obviously, it would center around Crey and Dominatrix. Cleared of all charges of crimes against humanity due to her assistance with the Mot business in Dark Astoria, she is subsequently hired on by Crey Corporation as their spokesperson. Crey is trying to redeem their public image after the whole mess with Countess Crey being exposed, and in the vein of another team that has appeared on the scene with the theme of redemption (mild spoilers for I24), Dominatrix is going to be Crey's new face to the world.

Secretly, they really want to pick her brain about her interactions with Diabolique and Mot, for further development of the Revenant Hero project.

... and that's as far as I got. Anyone want to pick it up? We can go in rounds!