Costume Creator




What are the chances of someone at least hacking the creator so we can see our toons (or view the files some other way)? Of course, we could also continue to make new costumes...



There's already a stand-alone version of id from the launch of the Korean version of the game - and apparently it's still floating around somewhere in cyberspace.

As for any hacking, that's not an option right now - the focus is on getting NCSoft to negotiate a player funded buy-out of the game and hopefully the studio too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yes, but the korean stand-alone is way behind the times and it's a big if on a buy-out (although I will hold out hope forever basically). I was just thinking that the CC would be 'easier' to snag than the whole game. It has to be a separate piece of software even with the add-ons they've done.