A very personal message.




I am very sad to see this happen. But I am very proud to have met everyone that I have met. I am proud to have called the Justice server my home for 8 years. I will always have the memories of fun gaming moments and the time chatting on vent/TS. I am proud to be a member of The Lords of Chaos, Imperium, and Pandemonium.

I have only met 2 of the numerous people that I have had the pleasure of playing with in real life. But I feel like all of those people are real life friends. They have had a permanent impact on me. I will always remember them. I still keep in touch with some of them.

I will not say goodbye here, because I have already done so in a more personal fashion- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw9ja...&feature=g-upl

I really hope at least 1 of the efforts being made to keep the game alive pans out. No other game will probably have the effect on me that this one has.