I've never hated PvP, and even through the 'invisible mexican jumping bean' contest it became, I never resented it. I respect all of you, and hope you find the challenge you want in another game. Even I didn't care much for the changes in I-13, and I wasn't an avid PvP'er, considering it a tertiary part of the game.
Artic, you kept things going even when a lot of folks gave up. Good on you. I know your name from a number of global channels.
That said, I still respect the game you all played and followed it as the folks that represeted our server. Like any city/state has a sports team, I supported you. Thank you for your time!
Edit- I don't remember the name the Pingus went under for the PvP, but quite a few names were fond names to me too.
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
EXILE FOR LIFE!!! Was honor playing with those names that were listed... SOme good pvper on that list
Exile Official Roster
@Teh Artic, @Teh Artic Chill 44, @Artic Chill -44, @Artic Chill- 44, @Artic Chill 2, @Artic Chillz
@Pimprock, @Be a Man
@SmokeSignal, @SmokeSignal 2, @Ele
@Midnight Havoc, @Ice-GX
@-Enigma, @Orsus, @SouthrnBelle
@Darklogos, @darklogs
@TRTerror, @TRTwo, @TRThree
@Lil Swag, @Teh Habachi, @Teh Habachi215
@Frozen Viper
@RICK JAMES, @Starr Struck
@Nu-, @Nu.
@Hot Secs
@Revenant SC
@Teh Twisted
@Lite of Paragon
@Denomentaor, @Denotastic, @Deno Overload
@Smeede, @Kinected
@aka killing machine
@Diotrophes, @Diotrophes 2
@Sinful Blaze, @Sinful Blaze 2
@Ultima The Impaler, @Ultima's Alts, @Ultima's Revenge
@My Queen,
@master wil, @dark master elf
@Father of Hope
@- Tony
@-Infernal Darkness, @-Infernal Burning
@Blade-Fiend, @Electron
@Teh Pwnerz
@Silcon Wandered
@Soldier Side
@Mayhem - 99, @Mayhem-99 v2
Too All The Ppl In the above Roster, U r the ppl who have been in Exile, U r among those who were with us from the beginning, U r among those who were with us in days of PvPing on Champion Server, and U r among those who were with us in the days of ALL the Leagues we fought in, & even though some of you quit the game over the course of these past 4 years. U r by far the most fun and greatest ppl I ever got the chance to play with and meet in this game, I will Miss EACH & EVERY one of U!
Too ALL those who Exile has teamed with, & Too ALL those who Exile has fought against past and present, We would just like to say GGs! It was amazing fun, and GL to where ever or what ever it is U go and do from now on. Farewell CoX!
( 07/13/08 - Til. )
-Artic ( @Teh Artic )
P.S.: Add Me On Facebook. Here Is My Profile Link, Any1 Can Add Me I Don't Care.
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League