Coulomb2's Farewell to CoH Project
September 1st;
Perturbation has been working at clearing all of the missions from the “native” 45-50 contacts (the ones who’ll actually give me missions, rather than having to go through Oro). All of Harvey’s are cleared, and yesterday I finished the last of Crimson’s. Now I’m working through Unai’s arcs so I can save Maria’s for last.
Why? Because I really want to enjoy all the AV goodness, and her arc “reset” from played to not played for me when States died.
Interesting side note: I actually made a free account and literally took a claws scrapper from 1 to level 40 so that I could dual box and give Pert access to all of the safeguard missions – so he could get every safeguard badge. In doing so, I found out that you can actually get all of those temp powers a second time (the first time being when I took him through all of the Mayhems! Cool, huh?). I also wanted to see what the game play was like on a free account – but perhaps I’ll reminisce about that some other time.
Anyway, here are some excerpts from Perturbation’s diary. Please don’t tell him I stole it. Or that I told you all he has one. I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t go well for me…
So anyway, I explored this dimension where Nemesis had taken over the world, and now I was being sent back to destroy any fueling stations there so that his robots would run out of “juice” and expire – hopefully saving any freedom fighters there. Hey, why not earn the adoration of *several* worlds on my way to power, eh?
Poor, poor bad guys. You just *happened* to be there right when a villain masquerading as a hero noticed his Ion Judgment power was recharged. Talk about the wrong place at the wrong time...
Incidentally, before the BAD NEWS, I was doing these missions set to x5, but I’ve now got them set to x1 – time is precious, after all. Still, boy do I feel seriously overpowered at this difficulty. I might consider upping things to x2 to maybe at least get the occasional boss.
So with Nemesis world saved, where does Unai want to send me next?
Uh oh … a bunch of weapon thieves have gated into a storehouse in Bricks. The fact they are *gating* in is the crux of the problem. Time to stop them (and, if possible, confiscate whatever portal tech they’ve got.)
Oh for the love of … Crey’s Folly?! That’s a funny way to get to Bricks. Thank goodness for Mission Teleporter (oh … hey … maybe the 30 minute recharge team version might be a good thing to spend my remaining stipend points on … it’s not like there’s a point in saving them for something new any more…).
Malta. I HATE these guys. No, not for the sappers, who can’t hit me worth a darn. It’s for that one engineer I forgot to punch once in the face who managed to bring down that no XP-having auto turret. I’m amazed at how often I just ignore the stupid thing, and just let it follow me around, bullets ricocheting off my energy shields.
Aw man! They used the portal tech to set up bases in other worlds?! *Sigh* I guess I better do something about that…
Hmm … why do I even have heal inspirations? Nothing can hit me anyway. How about I make some Rages? Yeah … that sounds about right…
Okay, so the first dimension I need to extract Malta from is one ruled by the Devouring Earth.
Actually, how about I just destroy all their portal tech and leave? I can always claim I didn’t find anyone there, and leave these Malta idiots to fend for themselves against wave of incoming ambulatory plants, rocks, and crystals. Yeah, I like that idea…
Well, there *is* this Zeus fighting this Devoured. And I *do* break out in hives if I don’t get to hurt at least one thing in every new dimension I visit – so I guess it’s your lucky day Zeus and Devoured!
On to the second incursion. Because, you know, Malta can’t have just one…
Besides, I need to get out of Primal Earth. A whole bunch of people are trying to crash this dimension in protest by collecting in Atlas Park. I think I’d rather be out of the dimension when that happens…
It would appear Malta incursion dimension number two is the Council Empire. Why oh why would you ever invade a dimension where they play the sounds of people marching over the loudspeakers 24-7? Come to think of it, why would you even play the sounds of people marching over the loudspeakers 24-7? Never mind … I’ve got stabilizers to destroy and Malta to strand…
A few stabilizers later (and a few charred Malta from random bouts of Ionic Judgement) it’s on to dimension three, which appears to be ruled by the Family. A few more stabilizers destroyed aaaaand … problem solved!
Yes, yes. I’m Perturbation. Savior of dimensions. Your adoration isn’t necessary … I do this out of the goodness of my heart.
(I didn’t say to *stop* the adoration!)
So now it looks like the Council Empire kidnapped a Portal Corp scientist. HEY! Shouldn’t they be busy with a bunch of “Left Behind” Malta? When did they have time to nab a science dude? *Sigh* Off I go.
At least this time there’s actually Council Empire people in the Council Empire. Sadly, I scour almost half the map for dimensional stabilizers before I remember I’m actually looking for a scientist. That’s probably a good sign that the current beer should be the last of the night…
Well would you look at that. The scientist was actually a Council Empire agent!
Well would you look at that. Some energy cloaked berserker maniac just popped in right next to him and shuffled him off the mortal coil.
HA! And he gave me an incarnate shard to boot! *Sigh* I’m going to miss the little “brighten your day” moments like this…
Jeez, Unai. You’ve *still* got stuff for me to do? It’s like you work for some sort of corporation with access to unlimited dimensions, and you’re trying to ever so slowly help grind some idiot hero in the level 45-49 range up to 50. I think I’m going to put you on “the list” of people who need to be “dealt with” once I’m the ruler of this world. (Or, if that version of myself who kept bothering me a year ago would have me believe, the actual *god* of this world…)
Oh, wait, no. I should have talked to you first. It would appear you only want me to hunt the Devouring Earth. I might consider it – in another two days when I’ve recharged this mysterious ability to just kind of automatically convince you I just did what you asked me to even though I actually thought it was a very tedious and boring request and kind of ignored it…
And, at long last, I’m ready for Maria.
Ah, Maria. I can’t thank you enough for giving me an opportunity to beat the snot out of a whole bunch of people who look *JUST LIKE* this world’s most beloved heroes, and actually EARN goodwill for doing so.
But that’ll be reserved for some other time…
To Be Continued!
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 3rd:
First and foremost, here’s a link to TonyV’s “Halls of Titan” project to save CoH. I definitely plan to follow this…,4877.0.html
I’m got mixed feelings at the moment about writing an e-mail to Valve. I actually think this is a very promising idea (and, if it came through, would be the best thing to happen to the game, IMO), but, conversely, I think they’re aware of what’s going on at this point, and don’t *need* a bunch of e-mails to tell them how loyal CoH’s players are. I think they’ve already got a very good idea about what exactly they’d be getting if they bought CoH, and are probably already at least planning to talk about what, if anything, they intend to do. I hope they make the decision we all hope they will – but, to be honest (just my opinion) making them *aware* of what was going on was the most important thing to do in this case – and that’s probably already mission accomplished.
Also, Voodoo Girl, in a post in my farewell to MA thread, mentioned demorecording our MA missions, and that got me thinking – Rather than trying to preserve as much of my in-game “accomplishments” as possible with screenshots, a few movies of gameplay (and some of the more poignant or interesting moments in the game) would actually be a great addition to my “memories of CoH” folder. And – although boring to anyone but me – a much more efficient way to “chronicle” my nice long list of badges and souvenirs.
I have many more thoughts to share and ponder in the coming weeks and months (even if I’m actually only talking to myself ), so I think this is sufficient for today.
(And I do plan on adding screenies to these posts as I get the time – but the holiday weekend is packed with activities, so I’m just happy to have a few moments to post and play here and there for now.)
And … of course, I did get time for at least one mission!
I have no idea if that blue idiot Promethius let it slip deliberately, or if his hotheaded demeanor just made him that much easier to bait, but it would appear the date of the Coming Storm is November 30th. The wait isn’t as long as I thought – soon my plans will come to fruition. It’s good my preparations are close to complete.
For now, I need to play the hero for just a bit longer… and that will involve seeing what Maria Jenkins would like me to do.
So Maria’s first task is for me to take out Diabolique, who likes to haunt the Magisterium at night. She’s going to portal me directly into the plaza, and I get a half hour to take the slippery little ghost down. (Oddly, I seem to think I’m going into a graveyard rather than the Magisterium Plaza, but given that the Magisterium Plaza is about to *be* a graveyard, I don’t think I’ll quibble…)
(Actually Devs, this was so much better than the original mission with Diabolique actually in the graveyard area of some city map.)
Ghost Girl puts up a good fight, but in the end she only hits me once before me and my overpowered Lore pets take her out (*make no mistake* - I *hate* what’s happening to this game, but, hey, at least I can try to look for a silver lining from time to time … and without Issue 24, my Warworks are still quite overpowered).
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 4th:
Kind of a pity things are just busy, so I find myself with less time to get the most out of the time left than Id like. Hopefully my schedule will open up a bit tomorrow evening, and Thursday.
I do need to figure out how to do a good demorecord and if possible Id like to find a way to make some gameplay videos that have sound too. If anyone can suggest a link or a guide to help out, post it or PM me, please.
I also see that the If the devs had just done what I said, the game wouldnt be shutting down crowd is showing up. Who ever said human behavior wasnt predictable?
More call to action links from TonyVs extremely admirable efforts to save the game; even if you cant do everything here, do what you can!,4886.0.html,4908.0.html
Okay, I think Ive got time to squeeze in one mission, just for fun
Just how many times am I going to have to beat that brutish blowhard Marauder down?! According to Maria, he Neuron and Anti-Matter escaped from the Zig, and the latter two managed to gate back to Praetoria (I guess I should be pretending Ive traveled back in time to before Tyrants downfall and the evacuation, eh?)
but Marauder wasnt sure how to get back, so hes holed himself up in a warehouse, hoping that after a couple dozen beatdowns by yours truly (not to mention a whole host of other Incarnates who opted to join some of the impromptu teach Marauder a lesson days) hell come out ahead this time.
At least thisll be a good way to occupy the next fifteen minutes of my time.
Just because its overkill, I time travel my way into Brickstown (quickly return to the present hey, it beats actually hoofing it to the ferry
), and fly to the warehouse.
Marauder apparently didnt want to keep me waiting hes right at the entrance.
I work to convince him that two square meals a day in your own personal, hi security cell is a much better option than hanging out in warehouses where the personal tragedy of sudden, savage, random beating syndrome (SSRBS) can strike at any time
Like most villains, I fight dirty. Very, very dirty.
On the way to the tram, I talk to Miguel, who informs me Ive been on patrol for 2,066 hours. (My first step to figuring out how much time Ive invested in all of my various main and almost main characters. None, I suspect will be anywhere near this high.)
Cool! That means since Ive created Perturbation, Ive spent (on average) just a bit over an hour a day playing him.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 5th:
I’m trying to tally up the total number of hours spent on my main and “almost main” characters. So far I’m checking out about one per day – today it was Coulomb’s turn, with 867 hours of gameplay.
Afterwards, it was time to switch over to Perturbation. It’s suddenly dawned on me that I’m going to need to figure out what to spend his hero merits on before he returns to villain side… I checked and it does look like the market is crashing, so crafting something to sell seems kind of pointless. I’ll probably look to get some recipes that might be useful on some low-level characters (in what will soon be my quest to get whoever I can up to 50 before the end).
It would appear the “end of the world” kooks are selling off all their personal belongings, so I find myself resorting to the much more stable stores (and that trusting idiot Ghost Falcon) to unload the detritus I scrounge off of my fallen foes. Soon, I am again in contact with Maria, who is directing me to head to the wilds of Praetoria and consecrate the bones of Shadowhunter’s victims, so that he can’t be resurrected.
Seriously, lady? I have a better idea. Why don’t I go to Praetoria and “consecrate” the bones with … oh, I don’t know … urine, and then OFF Shadowhunter when he shows up! Make him wish he’d stayed dead.
Yeah, I like that idea better. The hard part was making sure none of the holy water Maria gave me spilled on my skin. My flesh smoking and burning would have probably been kind of a give away as to my true affiliations. (Yes, yes, I know I’m not undead, or a demon. Just a mutant. What can I say? Apparently the stuff burns me anyway…)
(Fifteen sets of … “watered” … bones later.) Hrmph. Shadowhunter never showed up. Guess it didn’t work. I guess I’ll call Maria and take credit for my “good deed.”
Now Maria wants me to shut down whatever is powering Black Swan. I can do that. You know what shuts down someone’s power? A brutal pulping.
Next up is a raid on a rave in Praetoria where Dominatrix and hanging out. Maria wants me to get my hands on some Fixidine and get it to Dr. Science so it can help his research into curing the trolls.
At first I’m tempted to just hang onto the stuff and slip the Doc some regular old ‘dyne. But, in the end, I figure “Superadine addictions cured, troll mutations reversed! World owes Perturbation its eternal gratitude!” might work better for my ultimate plans.
(As a note, Domi has proven to be one of toughest AVs to take down. Not that she can actually defeat me, but her damage resistance is high enough to practically create a stalemate when I face her. Interestingly, I’ve been making a real effort to use the scads of consumables I have from the Paragon Market, and this’ll be a really good use for them: a bunch of Precise to give me a sustained damage boost…)
After dealing with Duncan, Maria informs me that Praetorian Malaise is antagonizing the Rikti deep down in the Paragon sewers. I don’t see the problem, but she’s convinced that whatever he’s up to will be bad in the long run. Fine. To be honest, I’m not jazzed about the Prats doing anything over here in “world that will one day be mine.” And I really hate mentalist freaks – their mind-control b.s. is one of the few things my energy shields don’t deal with well. So sending him packing *is* probably good for me in the long run.
Wow, Maria! I was expecting some sort of “save this person from X” or DireHowl just popped into Atlas and is gnawing on some noobs, can you help? But you actually want me to just portal into Chimera’s training facility and flat-out beat him down. No provocation on his part. No master plan he’s hatching that I need to stop. Nope. He’s just there, and you’d like me to grind him into paste “just because.” Now *this* is a task I’m glad to do! I can’t believe you people actually think of me as a hero for this…
Evidently my rather random attack on Chimera has prompted Mother Mayhem into action. She’s just portaled into Waxahachie Park and is … well, causing Mayhem.
After an appropriately long wait to let her do some real damage and take out a few ill-equipped heroes, I deem it time to sweep in and save the day. I’m getting to be pretty much a nightly news item at this point. “Perturbation saves the day!” “Pert! It’s not just your favorite shampoo anymore!” (that moron had a very unfortunate “accident” shortly after that story was published) “Our Savior!” “Perturbation for President!”
Okay, Maria, who’s next?
Battle Maiden? Not a problem. Just keep the accolades flowing.
Step One: Invade BM’s lair, and activate some sort of obelisk that will let the Portal nerds zero in on her *real* home on Warrior Earth.
Step Two: I don’t know yet. Probably invade Warrior Earth and flush away BM. Although I’m not totally clear on why she’s not in what Maria’s calling her “lair.”
Step Three: …
Step Four: Profit.
That’s it for me on Perturbation tonight. I want to work some other characters up toward 50 (which will include claiming some market inspirations – I bought ‘em so I may as well use ‘em. After all, if the game doesn’t actually end on Nov 30th, then it’s not like I’m going to be kicking myself for actually *using* them.)
And YAY! Finally got to post #1000.
EDIT: Odd ... the first pic was supposed to be cropped. I'll check it tomorrow and correct it if need be...
EDIT2: Very odd ... the pic *is* cropped in photobucket - I can't figure out *how* it's even showing up as the full-sized version (which, as near as I can tell, doesn't even exist in my album there...) Tried to recopy the IMG link and it didn't work.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
nice to have a goal. I've only logged in once since the announcement - the in-game chat was too depressing.
I do want to have a fun end to CoH - I'm glad you are finding one for you
September 6th:
Thanks dugfromearth! Im actually having a blast in-game, and, based on the chats online, Im not the only one making the most of the time weve got left. (Although there are also plenty that cant bring themselves to play the game and are just on to take some screenshots.) I feel fortunate that I can still find the game fun
Didnt actually have time to log on with another character, and I intend to focus today on Perturbation again my focus will probably shift while I wait the week to get the vigilante badge, and then again after he goes back to villain side and finishes up the new content there. But first, lets check another characters online time. Lets try Lethal Guardian
1194 hours! I also need to start claiming store enhancements on appropriate characters: for one, thatll help de-clutter my inbox and make it easier to see the consumable items (inspies and various boosters that will especially be useful for getting other characters up to level 50). I figure Lethals a good enough choice for any Tanker AT enhancements, and Im actually pleasantly surprised to find out Ive got 4 of them in e-mail. Well, there at least is 4 lines of clutter I can get rid of. Getting him a 5th and sixth will be a future project and is probably a good use of the hordes of reward merits Ive still got.
So now back to Perturbation
Heh. Her quote when I call her up is This is a difficult time for us all. How very ironic
Marias next sponsored Praetorian beat-down is Nightstar in her Black Shroud dimension. Nothing special, just find her and take her out. And thats exactly what I do. (She really was actually up on a roof. Plus, I thought she was bigger than that
Shortly after this, my Blood Widow went on a tour of the pavement
Haha! The part where she blew my Blood Widow pet off the roof was quite entertaining. Ive said it before and Ill say it again many times Im sure: Im really gone to miss this game when its gone. Heres hoping that the efforts to save it bear fruit.
Next up is Marauder. Wait, WHAT?! Didnt I *JUST* put him back in jail?! *Sigh*
(As a note, it *is* pretty much the same mission as before, only this time its a kill all, and its using Marauders old style minions.)
Maria then sends me back to Praetoria to Citadels factory where it would be a good thing if I smashed up all the WarWorks there, and took Citadel out. Works for me
The area Im ported into is quite small, so it takes very little time to clear out most of the WarWorks. My own WarWorks are still offline (read: recharging after the battle with Marauder) and I dont feel like waiting for them to come back, so I opt to call upon the Ghost of Statesman to help me out instead. (Im going to need something to spend reward tokens on eventually anyway and Superpacks just give me more consumables that Id need to spend.)
(Actually while I was typing this, my WarWorks recharged. What the hey lets pull out States anyway.)
Looks like somebody needs a hug!
Wow! Now Im glad I did have all the help WarWalker Siege is pretty tough! My word hes got a pretty decent heal with a relatively short recharge. I could hurt him well, enough, but without the extra firepower, he would have just kept healing up.
And that appears to be it from Maria. So now Ive done every single thing my native Peregrine Island contact would have me do. I am hero to the world, and held in extremely high regard by the citizens of Paragon.
The stage is set for my rise to power. But theres one more item of business to attend to. Ill need to travel into the recent past and ensure Im the hero that saves Positron from Tyrants clutches. Once the new leader of the Freedom Phalanx trusts me, there will be almost nothing to stand in my way.
(In other words, evidently Maria thinks Ive done her arc, even though I dont actually have credit for the post-Statesman version of it. But thatll be tomorrows task.)
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 7th:
First things first
a BIG, extremely grateful THANK YOU to TonyV, Guy Perfect, and the CoH Titan team for the Sentinel! extractor! It is my sincerest hope that (1) CoH doesnt shut down completely after all (i.e. it gets sold to another publisher, or NCSoft opts to keep at least one or two of the servers going), but failing that (2) the game gets revived on a private server. But even if neither happens, simply having an archive of my main characters that is detailed enough that they *could* (in theory) be restored at some point after the servers go dark is very comforting. It means a lot to know that their stats and info now wont go completely *poof.*
If you havent gotten yet:
Checked my first level 50 villain (Lord Galvanic) today for play time: 436 hours. (And, of course, archived him!)
Perturbations main goal for today is to play through A Heros Epic (again) I wont bore anyone reading this with a detailed play by play; I figure a brief summary and perhaps a screenshot or two will suffice.
First, though, its time to start spending those Hero merits; after Epic is finished itll be time to return to villainy, and I dont want to lose them!
Heh, I noticed that I still have a superpack left. May as well use it too! (Couple of revives
some merits, a Blaster ATIO and a catalyst some if thatll be useful when Im working to level up some of my favorite non-50s).
Sometimes all of this Time Travel dreck Ive had to do as part of the Master Plan really creates some strange issues. On the up side, this whole idiot city is now convinced that Ive been here in the streets facing off against some of the worst criminals in recent history, *then* got framed for a crime I didnt commit right before Arachnos broke me out of the Zig. I rose through the ranks of Arachnos, did some pretty vile things, and ultimately faced down Lord Recluse himself putting a big dent in Operation: Destiny in the process. And *that* was just a ploy to put a stop to what was then Recluses big project. Once the villainous façade was out of the way, I come back to the welcome arms of Paragon City, and save the world a few more times.
Yeah, thats just a bunch of bunk. Maybe one day Ill tell you the real story, but suffice it to say that virtually everything that I did before the Operation: Destiny breakout was just thanks to Oroborous.
Well, one of the very first things I did when I repented of my villainous ways (thats what I had to play at before all that time travel turned repented of villainy into triumphant return from Arachnos infiltration) was save Statesman from Tyrant, who had directed the building of a robotic duplicate to replace him and bring down the War Walls for a Praetorian invasion.
Problem is, Statesman had been kidnapped by Tyrant a bit before that, and rescued by some other loser hero. Hed actually been a prisoner for quite some time it just took Maria Jenkins quite some time to piece it all together. I did some research, and figured out Statesman had originally vanished pretty much right after Portal Corp discovered Praetoria, years back. Well I decided that to really cement the whole Ive been saving Paragon all along persona, Id travel back in time to right after Statesman had been kidnapped before anyone had really figured out he was missing and rescue him. Steal the credit, as it were.
Yeah, bad mistake. Turns out originally Darrin Wade made his bid to become one with Rularuu before Statesman had been rescued that first time (so it was Sister Psyche and Ms. Liberty that had died, and Wades plan didnt even come close to working). Well, I make sure Statesman is out on the street fighting crime when Wade makes his move, and *bam* - now it was Statesman (and Psyche) who died. Which wouldnt have been that big a deal, except that it meant that Statesman never got kidnapped that second time by Tyrant, and I never saved him that second time erm, first time and thats what had really gotten the Phalanx to trust my good intentions.
So *now* I have to go back and make sure *Im* the one who saved Positron (who ends up being the one who gets captured) so that they still trust me implicitly.
Ill make a long story short. Pretty much everything happens just like before.
When the worlds going to end, why not summon every ghost youve got under your power?
You probably dont want to look behind you
And the Phalanx still thinks Im their savior, and a valued ally.
Its been fun *and* its only been a week. There are still a whole bunch more until the end, and that makes me feel better.
The weekend might permit some playtime, but if not, see you all on Monday
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 10th:
For the time being, I suspect my entries will be written more like a journal than a (poor and cheesy) attempt to write in character.
Didnt I say I was going to take Perturbation back to villain (and start playing other characters while waiting for a few Vigilante badges)? Well, I had a slight change of mind
I noticed the other day that he has about 5 points of progress toward reaffirming hero status (and getting another Hero merit). I also remembered that I wanted to play that relatively new Tsoo arc and opt to mercy kill the Tsoo master at the end (for the other badge and temporary power offered by that arc). So my journey to Vigilante will have to wait for one more day.
(I also thought it a good time to take my souvenir screenshots of the List of Arcs in Oroborus, with the little gold stars beside every single hero arc on the list. Oh, what a great thing the flashback system is!)
With the flashback complete, I got a little glimmer of happiness for todays playing session: the Deadly Combatant badge was also by 1000th badge on this character!
Next up with Perturbation is a rush play through of the Tip missions; I always like to head to Atlas Park for those (its nice and small, and easy to get around).
One of the Tip missions is the one where you stop the Rikti raid. I found myself reminiscing about random things as I play the game things that I probably wouldnt really think about if I didnt know the end was coming. As I was fighting the Rikti, I found myself remembering way back in the day, when they were basically naked. And heres one for the long-timers remember back when the Greater Rikti Sword was broken, and a Rikti boss could basically one-shot you? Ah, the memories
As I was fighting through another Tip mission involving the Carnival of Shadow, I also found myself wondering why the Carnie bosses were never worth bonus XP if there were any mobs in the 40-50 range that just seemed to scream were pretty nasty; we should be worth extra XP it was Carnie bosses. And Malta Sappers. Ive always wondered why the developers were so reluctant to make them worth extra
Oh! More random memories! Remember back when Malta was bugged, and didnt ever spawn in lieutenants
(and wasnt there actually a time when the bug grew, and no group was spawning them) I also remember before they changed it so that Malta spawns only had one Sapper. Multiple sappers in each mob: now *theres* something I dont miss
With the Tip missions complete, I make a quick stop by Fort Trident, spend some Hero Merits, and then a detour to Skyway city. As anyone following this probably knows, I can be very sentimental and nostalgic, and I would like to play through all of SSA1 as a hero/vigilante one last time before I switch sides again. I figure one episode a day will do
After finishing with Perturbation, I have enough time for a few short missions with my water blaster, Tidelock (who is staying Praetorian as he works through First Ward and Night Ward). And then its time to call it a day. At least until tomorrow (I hope)!
(I might add a screenshot to this post tomorrow, but I don't really have time to mess with that today...)
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 11th
Well be having a moment of silence in my classes later today to show respect for the men and women who died in the terror attacks eleven years ago. In that vein, I absolutely dont think an in-character post of a heartless, power-hungry villain is in any way appropriate. So Im just going to stick with a short journal entry of todays activities.
And its a pretty short entry
Perturbation played through Episode 2 of SSA 1, which was very useful for getting some tips. I actually spent some time reading the tips and paying attention to what was going on in the missions this is the first time Ive ever done Vigilante missions in the 40-50 range, so it certainly counts as new content Im interested in enjoying.
Once that was done with, I had just enough time to log in quickly with my water blaster and play a mission in First Ward.
It was certainly a short, but sweet playing session Im enjoying playing the game quite a bit, and (as Ive said many times before) I plan on sticking around til the end (even though I still hold out hope it doesnt come). But I do get a feeling of wistful sadness as I play too. A kind of soon, all of this wonderful, if imaginary, stuff will be gone feeling.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
Excerpt from Perturbations Notes (September 12th, 2012):
True confession time. Two years ago it occurred to me that if just about every other powered individual here has some sort of dark mirror counterpart in Praetoria, I probably did too. Of course, in my case, that would probably make my double some sort of do-gooder.
I got to checking, and sure enough, I intercepted a FBSA coded message indication I was working with Keith Nance so I got myself smuggled into Paragon, found my double, and killed him on the spot. Ever wonder where I got the idea for my hero costume? Simple; it wasnt my idea. I just pried it off the dead body of my double. Fit perfectly.
Course, I thought about just assuming Praetorian mes identity claiming Id managed to kill Primal Perturbation when he tried to attack me. But that had all kinds of problems. Any idiot doing a bit of checking could easily figure out that my supposed threat level far exceeded the Praetorians. Plus, if any enterprising Portal Corp types decided to do a thorough enough scan of me (just for kicks), then theyd find I had the dimensional signature indicating Primal origin, not Praetorian. Whats worse, my cronies back in the Isles who were in on the master plan would think I was dead I wouldnt be able to call on them when the time came.
So I kept it a secret. Now, the evacuation of Praetoria has given me the perfect opportunity. Time for me to do some unseemly things and then swear up and down to the press and my hero allies that my Praetorian double made it out in the evacuation, and is now causing trouble (what with him being evil since Im so good, right)? Heck, when the time comes, Ill even chase him back to the Isles and hunt him down (could take a while).
(Some time later)
The first step in getting back to my roots. Id have loved to stay in Paragon a while longer (Ive gotten kind of used to this character being hero-side its been a year), but impending doom seems to have sped up my timetable.
Im watching myself on the evening news a masterful performance considering how tempted I am to laugh at their idiocy.
I cannot condone the actions of my Praetorian double! His decision to sacrifice thousands of innocent lives does not match the gain of bringing a few supervillains to justice no matter how vile they may be! I pledge to my fellow citizens of Paragon, and the world, and to my heroic allies, that, as long as my double is free, I will make it my one goal no matter the risk to bring him to justice.
As I stated earlier, I believe that once he realized the law wasnt just going to turn a blind eye to his deeds, he fled to the Rogue Isles to hide. So there I will follow. For the time being, I leave Paragon City in the hands of a phalanx of very capable heroes men and women that Id trust with my own life. I hope to not be gone long
The applause, and cheering, is delicious in its absurdity.
Time to notify my cronies to expect my return. My base better be in good order when I get back
And no, Im under no delusion this is good writing or good storytelling (or even good roleplaying). Im just having fun!
A nice, good stint with my water blaster should round out the day, and then, tomorrow. Hell be my main focus for the next week (save for some badge hunting in the streets of Paragon and that slow, on-per-day replay of SSA1), while the timer counts down on my Vigilante power (and the associated badge).
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 13th, 2012
So I log on with Perturbation today to a rather large, unannounced surprise … everything seems to be giving triple rewards! Perturbation’s stint today is going to be pretty short – he’s playing through arc #4 of SSA1 while he waits for the vigilante “gold” badge.
I wonder if triple rewards is just going to be a “long weekend” thing, or if it’s going to go until the servers shut down. That’ll sure make it easier to get some more characters to 50 before the end…
In any case, Friday and Monday I plan to badge collect with Perturbation. I start back up the SSA1 arcs starting on Tuesday (which “resets” the rewards I can still get), and that’ll put the transition to villain (and the next “in character” post) on Wednesday and Thursday.
So with Perturbation done, I log off and rejoin Tide Lock in the First Ward. Of course, with triple XP on, I doubt I’ll be done with the First Ward arcs before I outlevel them … these are strange times, and, depending on how permanent the reward boost is, I might need to go ahead and switch to hero-side to pick up an Oro portal and go back to finish up the arcs that way. I like rapid advancement, but I’d also like the story on a character to have at least some continuity…
…Okay, that’s strange. Tide Lock’s experience is totally consistent with double XP instead of triple. I’m *sure* Perturbation’s awards are triple normal (i.e. the influence per defeated enemy and the mission end bonus is 3 times normal). Let me check another lower level character on Triumph to see…
Yep, the lower level character is getting exactly the expected XP from double XP … I also verified that (like any other double XP weekend) patrol experience isn’t being used.
BUT for some reason, my level 50 is getting triple the normal influence (I logged in with him real quick again just to verify). Just to be clear: I mean I add a mob’s normal experience value to its normal influence value (which would be it’s normal reward in influence, and to match what I’m actually getting, I have to triple the reward, not double it).
Cool either way.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 17th:
I ended up spending Friday exclusively writing for a Saturday game for my D&D group, and didnt get a chance to play. As usual, weekends are not good play-time wise, so Im really looking forward to todays session.
First and foremost, check out this Save City of Heroes link:
Lets face it. Composing and sending an e-mail is not terribly difficult. Ive already sent my (respectful and logical) ones. While I do understand the tendency to want to be angry and the call to boycott NC Soft, I am very good at controlling my emotions, and I flat out refuse to participate in boycotts. That said, I still have no intention of investing time and money in any other NC Soft game ever (and I was looking at Wildstar and Guild Wars 2 with interest). But that isnt driven by a desire to boycott, or for revenge. It is all about consumer confidence. Because it had been around for eight years, and because it was successful, it at least seemed reasonable to me to expect that City of Heroes would be supported in some form or another as long as it remained successful and was therefore safe to invest my time and money into. This action means that I can never again trust NC Soft to provide support to successful products. And I cannot risk investing time and money into products that even success cant guarantee continued support.
In any case, as I still await Perturbations vigilante badges, I am happy to focus on my water blaster, and continue to play through First Ward. It may not be the fastest route to level 50, but the arcs are very high quality, and Im content to experience them one last time. I expect breaking out the techniques to quickly level remaining characters to 50 can wait for a few more weeks.
I can confirm what at least one other poster mentioned earlier. Double XP is turned back off. Ah well. At least my patrol XP is more useful now
Todays session is a nice one. Using Tidelock, I finish out Katie Douglas arc, followed by Blind Mwaka, and then start on Ceruleans arc.
As the character gains levels, I also have a chance to finish slotting in the rest of my Blaster ATIO set, along with the set I got from the summer blockbuster. In planning for the future, Ive also thought of something to spend my remaining Paragon Points on (well, at least some of them). Thunderstrike is a nice ranged set, and, since it is only uncommon, it is (relatively) cheap on the market.
Not to mention itll be reasonably cheap to use my hordes of reward merits from super packs to buy non-attuned versions when the time comes. Furthermore, I have a rather large number of unslotters thatll be useful for moving some of these enhancements between characters later on.
By the end of the session, it looks very much like Im on track to move on to Night Ward right after First Ward is done in other words, I should be hitting 30 pretty close to the end of the First Ward arcs.
Until tomorrow
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 18th:
Well, today I did it. I started downloading Champions Online. And intend to give it an honest try.
It actually has to do with the 3 months for $30 deal. I didnt realize the deal continues indefinitely once youve signed up for it. While I seriously doubt that even if I like it, I will stick with it for years the way I did with CoH, if I do end up liking it, the deal saves money long term (since if I did end up subscribing, it would probably be for six months to a year). But I need to know if Im going to like it enough to actually want to subscribe; no point in getting a subscription to a game that I dont enjoy enough to actually play regularly.
But back to City of Heroes. We begin with Perturbations play through of SSA #1 (since I believe enough time has passed so that at least the bonus reward merits are active again).
Its kind of poignant today, since it is episode 5 of the SSA. Afterwords, I improve my mood a bit by collecting the exploration and history badges in Croatoa. In fact, I suspect my badge hunting in Paragon City will actually delay my full transition back to villain-hood.
Rularuus defeat sure does put on a satisfying light show
In any case, I round out the remainder of the session with Tide Lock. Im able to finish up Ceruleans arc, play through Master Midnights arc, and start Vanessa DeVores arc before its time to call it quits.
Oh, and my previous assertion Id hit 30 about the time Im done with First Ward was way off base. I dont know where I got that idea from at all Im nearly level 27 and Im in the last arc of the Ward. Ill need to think about what to do once I finish
either become a hero to get some more content available, or do the repeatable arcs here until Im high enough level for Night Ward. Im leaning toward the latter simply because I kind of want to keep Tide Lock praetorian for as long as possible
but well see.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 19th:
Started the day with a try out of Champions. Im not finding it terrible, but Im also just not familiar enough with how it plays to decide whether or not I like it; basically, Im reserving judgment until I have more experience playing it.
It does irk me a bit to be taking time away from CoH, but I really do want to get a feel for whether or not Ill like the game enough to make a subscription worthwhile while their deal is active.
Of course, CoH feels like a breath of fresh air when I log on in this case, though, it is simply the familiarity. I know the controls of this game like the back of my hand. I opt to focus todays CoH time on Tidelock, rather than Perturbation.
It isnt a terribly long game session (Ive got other commitments I do need to focus on today) I only have time to play through most of the rest of Vanessas arc (with a break in the middle to level up and change out enhancers).
The session, as usual, does serve to drive home the point: this is a great, fun game, and Im going to miss it if and when it goes away. Shutting it down is just
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 20th:
Today is playtest number two for Champions the plan is to spend about 1.5 hours at it, then enjoy some City of Heroes. Its a lot easier to figure out what Im doing this time around, and Im a lot more comfortable with the controls. Im suspecting that Ill end up liking the game enough to be willing to subscribe to it, but well give it one or two more sessions. I dont think itll be any great surprise that my preferences still firmly fall toward City of Heroes.
Today, well start with Perturbation and SSA#1, episode 6. Im not a big fan of the hero version of the mission simply because of all the busywork involved in playing the missions (the villain, version, however, is very easy to speed through).
After having to lead your useless *** though this entire HUGE map, I find myself not sad over whats about to happen to you
The true payoff is that wonderful cutscene at the end it still gives me chills watching it. The music is such a perfect match to the scene. As I hinted at earlier, I actually like speeding through the arc villain side *just* to see that cutscene.
Add yet another thing to my long list of things that Im really going to miss about this game.
The rest of todays session doesnt involve switching to Tidelock. Instead, I stay on with Perturbation and start collecting exploration badges for the zones I have yet to complete.
In the end, Ive acquired the badges for Founders Falls, Eden, the Hive, Brickstown, and Creys Folly. Not too bad. The list of zones that remain are getting noticeably smaller
Ah, Heart of the Hamidon. I remember back when Hamidon was almost always here, and if you were soloing, you had to hope your dead corpse happened to land on this badge
and thats probably it for me for the rest of the week. Got more D&D writing to do tomorrow, so if Im able to log on, it wont be for very long at all.
Ive said it many times before but even with the impending doom playing the game is still lots of fun. In a way, its kind of therapeutic it really does feel like a three-month long goodbye to my favorite characters. If and when the lights go out, I can be sure I wont regret the time I spent in the game these last few months.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
Excerpt from Perturbations Notes (September 24th):
Things are not proceeding quite as quickly as Id planned. As my supposedly loyal minions make sure things are in order for my return, I scour the City for reconnaissance information that will be useful when I will need to make surgical strikes against important targets in the near future. It isnt exciting work, but it will prove useful.
Fortunately, as near as I can tell, my hero-side allies suspect nothing. In fact, theyre too busy preparing for the arrival of Battalion to be paying attention to my actions, and Ive been keeping a low profile as per my original plan.
I literally spent hours gathering significant amounts of recon data on Peregrine Island, Independence Port, Perez Park, the Hollows, Dark Astoria, The Sewer Network, the Abandoned Sewer Network (both a very useful potential staging ground should I need to sneak back into the city unnoticed), Striga Island, Creys Folly, and more.
While I scoured the City, I received troubling news from the Isles it would appear that the villain I appointed to act in my stead during my time as a hero, Lord Galvanic, has failed to maintain our groups base
and soon I determined why. Predictably, Galvanic intended to make a play for power. He claimed my time as a hero had made me soft, and that he should be the true leader of Natural Disaster.
The fool has split my group into two factions his followers, and those who have remained loyal to me (led by Madame Havoc). Both have fled our original base, fearing that the other factions knowledge of its layout and defenses will prove too much of a liability. I will deal with this irritation in two steps first, I will need to prove I am NOT soft. Perhaps following a few tips in the Isles will prove effective. Some of Galvanics following will likely see I am not to be trifled with, and switch sides. That will be fewer allies that I will need to beat senseless to assert my authority.
Then, I will deal with Galvanic and whomever still follows him personally.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 25th:
Cripes! I just checked the Shadow Shard zones have exploration badges, and once Im a full villain, I wont have access to them. *Sigh* Okay, lets pick those up too
on the up side, I get one last view of a really neat (if empty feeling) zone.
Not surprisingly, much of my available time went to that task. But today was a pleasant surprise. The fourth episode of Pandoras Box is unlocked now on live. Time to give it a try!
(Id imagine Ill actually revert to Rogue status at some point after the final installment comes out just to play the hero-side version with this character.)
All things considered, the arc was sort of a delaying action technically the story would have progressed more or less as well if it was just one mission long (the final mission, obviously). That said, I still like the fact there is at least one *little* bit of new still appearing in the game.
And, without spoiling anything, it seems
that the last new content for CoH goes out on this note. Youll see what I mean.
(Assuming the game isnt rescued of course I like being optimistic, and still hold out home).
Now tomorrow *for real* Im going to return Perturbation to villain status
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 26th:
Big day today Perturbation is going to become a villain again, and Im actually going to get to enjoy the new villain side content for the first time since I tested some of it back when Freedom was in beta
Excerpt from Perturbations Notes:
Its done. Ive followed the necessary leads, and proven my villain cred to any who would doubt in my Super Group. The fools back in Paragon think it is my Praetorian double responsible for all of the havoc in the Isles, and that *I* am hot on his trail. But my true allies know the truth.
. Man!
A return to villainy! And three badges, bringing my total to exactly 1200! Makes me happy
Ive also shown the full measure of my power. All but Operative Wolf have abandoned Lord Galvanic. He, Wolf, and a small contingent of other Arachnos operatives have holed up nearby. I will confront Galvanic and TAKE what is mine by right.
Madame Havoc actually offered to accompany me and provide fire support. I refused if my power is to be truly unquestioned, then I move prove I need no help to take down Lord Galvanic.
Yes, yes. I actually *did* create a MA mission specifically to do what I claimed I was doing
All this to justify switching Overlord status from Lord Galvanic to me
With that business out of the way, and my Villain Group reclaimed, it is time to survey the current happenings here in the Rogue Isles.
a Longbow invasion of Mercy? That could prove inconvenient for my plans down the way. But it is a problem easily solved. I have some prototype heavy armor that would do well as an alternate costume so that Longbow believes it is some neophyte villain driving them off
(It will be useful to ensure this alternate costume covers my face. A pity. I prefer my victims to see who is dispatching them
Its actually just an excuse to see what the Mecha Armor looks like. (And yes, Im aware I could just look it up in the wiki, but at least this way I get to enjoy having it
It does require no small amount of work, but it isnt HARD. By the end of the day, Longbow has been cast out of Fort Darwin, and I can move on to bigger and better
(Hmm ... I do think it's a little strange that my 'borders' are still hero blue rather than villain red...)
EDIT: And why the heck are the images not cropped?! Well, last time that issue did eventually resolve itself...
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
Excerpts from Perturbations Notes (September 27th):
Ah. Apparently masquerading as some neophyte villain worked better than I had expected. Ive been contacted by some idiot named Dr. Graves putting together the Hearts of Darkness from other wanna-be supervillains. He wants me to participate. This could be rather amusing.
So its some sort of contest. Vying for the attention of some sort of VIP? As I said, this could be amusing. My contestants are some sort of narcissistic armored moron, a flippant wind-being, a child with delusions of mind control, and arguably the only one that may be a valuable addition to my Villain Group some sort of mass murderer who is quite good at what he does.
It is a challenge to put forth the necessary amount of bluster without, well, laughing. I need to act as though Im *perhaps* a bit intimidated, while not actually looking intimidated, and still hiding the fact that if I revealed my true identity, I could almost instantly crush them all like bloody grapes. It makes for an interesting diversion
In all, the tasks and contests are rather purile, if somewhat amusing. Divert Arachnos attention. Get to the end of a warehouse before everyone else. Hatch a plan to cause mayhem and destruction. Nothing I havent done a million times before
Im not interested in putting a lot of thought into my master plan to win the contest; as banal as it is, blowing up a Longbow base is at least *more* impressive than what the others have cooked up. Oddly, I seem to be getting help from some outside agency
Has someone seen through my cover (as it were)? No, of course not. If they knew who I really was, theyd also know I dont actually need any aid.
Just as Im about to blow the base, I come face to face with my helper. Scirocco?! Im not afraid, might you, just concerned. After having worked so closely with him in Dark Astoria, Im positive hell recognize me even through all the powered armor. Fortunately for me he seems
distracted. He charges me with the task of identifying whomever the mysterious patron of these Hearts of Darkness is, thinking Im just one more low threat villain parading around Mercy Island. Ill play along, for now
Apparently my rather hastily considered disguise is more effective than Id first assumed
Dr. Graves next task, in service of our mysterious patron, is for each of the contestants to capture, torture for information, and even kill a hero. Theres a twist as the current frontrunner, I get the honor of playing that hero.
thatll work quite well for me, actually. I need to keep up appearances that heroic Perturbation is tracking down his Praetorian counterpart here in the Isles. While I cant make a personal appearance, I can masquerade as a hero making a show of working with Perturbation undercover here in the Isles and still easily defeat whatever idiotic plans my rivals have for me
My rivals plans are not terribly interesting, but I will admit they probably would have been at least somewhat effective against a being less powerful than I. In any case, obviously I survived their onslaughts with little effort and even received covert help from Sirocco (who, as far as I know, still hasnt determined my true identity).
The final test is to travel to Galaxy City and disrupt both an Arachnos retrieval operation there, and also to defeat any and all heroes come to stop them.
Sirocco set things up to ensure I would be the winner of the final test at long last the stage was set for me to meet whomever the mysterious patron of the Hearts of Darkness was
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
September 28th
Well, I did it. I purchased the 3 month for $10 a month (for as long as I continue to allow it to renew) subscription for Champions. I dont like it as much as I like CoH, but there are a lot of games where that statement is true for me. And you know what? I have found it to be fun
at least so far. Im sure theres enough play in it for me to make up for the fact I probably wont be spending much time on it for these first two months (meaning also that I plan to stay subscribed until Im ready to move on, which like most games that *arent* CoH will probably be in about a year or so). If only NC Soft knew how many truly lifetime customers they were losing. Well, actually, they probably do, and just dont care.
But the point is, Ive got something to go to once CoH is down.
Assuming, of course, it isnt saved. Cause if it is, Ive just wasted my money. I wouldnt be happier about that
Note: I deliberately waited for today. That makes my renewal day the same as it was for CoH. Kind of a neat symmetry, yes?
Excerpts from Perturbations Notes:
The first task Dr. Graves had for me a prerequisite for a face to face meeting with my benefactor - did not surprise me in the least: I needed to wipe out my fellow contestants. Erase evidence the game had ever happened.
Zephyr the wind being I mentioned earlier was first. From a fateweaver I determined the method most useful for dispersing him semi-permanently, but Sirocco ordered me to stay my hand, believing that have Zephyr on our side would be beneficial. (I have face Sirocco in combat before, and defeated him and I have fought side by side with him too. Hes strong, but Im stronger. I must remind myself, though, that Im playing the part of a relatively inexperience villain when he dares to give me orders.)
Next was the arrogant technophile Omnicore. I tracked her to her new lair, but Sirocco made it clear she was to be convinced to join our side, and not killed.
The mass-murderer Cross-Cut was next. Sirocco didnt direct me to save him per se, but I kind of like the guys style. Considering that hes no real threat to me, I figured Id spare his life at the last minute and then recruit him to my side. Worked like a charm.
Dollface the mind-controlling child was next. Only she wasnt. Sirocco was pretty sure Graves was about to skip town, and I needed to take him on right then and there. I *really* didnt want to blow my cover by pointing out I had the resources to track Graves no matter where he tried to flee, so I had little choice but to just play along. So I did.
It took almost no effort to defeat Graves, in spite of the double-double cross he was trying to engineer against me. And he was all too eager to reveal the truth behind everything that had been going on to me
Well, it turned out that my benefactor *WAS* Dollface. Evidently she was an ancient being capable of possession, and had been directing things from the beginning. The contest was just a ruse to determine who among Graves group was most worthy of being her next host body. It was me (no shocker there).
Mental Note: Never again play this mission with bosses on, if at all possible. Its not that they could hurt me they couldnt. But they all turn blue before you defeat them, which sucks because you get no XP for them. Same for the fully AV-status Dollface at the end.
Given that Graves was going to send me against Dollface before I turned on him, the creature was expecting me to just walk up to her mansion anyway. My
were more than willing to help me take her down even the ones that had double-crossed me. So thats exactly what we did.
And just after her defeat is when Sirocco made another personal appearance, with a bunch of his Mu goons, to take Dollface into custody. Her functional similarities to the object of his obsession, Ghost Widow, had made her of great interest.
Oh, oh my *heavens*. Its a good thing Arachnos came in here to save me, you dear, handsome Sirocco. I dont ever know what I would have done if you hadnt been here to save me from this
creature. Cause Im just a weak, somewhat helpless neophyte villain with no real power. Yes, Sirocco, just keep looking away, so that you cant possibly see through my *expert* disguise which mostly consists of a suit of armor, glasses
okay, fine, a visor
and a jawpiece.
Eh. I was just doing this for fun. I walked out and let Sirocco keep his prize. At least he never did figure out who I really was. And I did manage to recuit some useful lackies in the process: needless to say, once Zephyr, Omnicore, Graves, and Crosscut learned who I *really* was they were more than willing to play ball.
except for Omnicore, who I dont quite think understood my reveal. She just tried to attack in a rage. The good news for the cleaning crews is they wont need much more of a thimble to hold what remains of her.
Hrm. Im going to need something else to keep me occupied until the Coming Storm gets here.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
Excerpt from Perturbations Notes (October 1st):
Much of what remains to be done before the arrival of the Coming Storm simply involves strengthening my position of power, and sending back bogus reports to the Freedom Phalanx regarding my progress in tracking down my evil Praetorian Counterpart. Its boring and uninteresting. And it would be a mistake let a bunch of busywork take the edge off my fighting skills
so getting out from time to time to wreak some havoc and mayhem is important.
Who am I kidding? After a day at the office, nothing loosens you up like beating down a few unfortunate saps. Theres nothing more to it than that. That I get to blame some of this stuff on my counterpart and potentially uncover more resources to strengthen my position is a nice bonus.
Lets face it, theres only so much good that random violence can do for ones soul (and following random tips and leads is worthwhile to a point), so when I got word that some random Bane Spider was looking for help with a problem regarding disappearing Destined Ones I figured Id help.
Surprised? Dont be. Rescuing a bunch of superpowered villains too stupid to avoid getting themselves into a bind (or ever become a threat to me) roughly translates into a bunch of superpowered followers who owe me bigtime.
Plus, it passes the time.
A short investigation reveals that this loser, Baron Zukar or whatever, is using mental manipulation to convert villains into heroes. While itd be easier to just cut him down with a massive bolt of energy drawn from the sky, its actually a lot more fun to play along and see how big the Barons operation really is. Plus, I got to beat the snot out of Mangle for, what, like the three hundredth time? (He kind of flipped out when it was apparent that the Baron really *was* somehow converting villains to heroes and I had to stop him.)
Even more important, this Baron could be very useful to my plans if I can find some way to manipulate him into convincing all of these villains to become fanatically loyal to me, it would certainly make this diversion worthwhile. Even better, depending on how strong his powers are, he might be able to elevate or reinforce my status as a savior of humanity in the common people
In proving my loyalty to the Baron Im tasked with taking out an Arachnos base. Which reveals that the Baron has connections to Longbow (no surprise there). So perhaps by killing all of the Longbow operatives involved, but sparing the Baron, I might be able to convince him to aid my cause once this is all over
if not, Im sure a little light torture (along with some psychotropic drugs) might accomplish a similar goal.
Next up is the infiltration of a Longbow base to try to glean some intelligence on just what they are up to (and how exactly Baron Zukor fits into it). To avoid blowing my cover as a reformed villain, I need to attack the base disguised as an Arachnos agent, but, in the end, I determine that Zukor is accomplishing his conversions with the aid of a Longbow device called the suggestion engine. Hmm
I know whats going on my wish list
As Longbow readies their plans to march on Cap au Diable, I invent a pretense to see Baron Zukor in private. A quick and savage beating takes him out of commission, and I take the suggestion engine for myself (along with the Baron, who will be cooling his heels in one of my detention cells back in my main base). It isnt hard to subvert the converted Destined Ones to my side, and we quickly wipe out the Longbow forces.
Nothing like your own personal army of pet supervillains to get the job done. Id call this a successful field test
Now, Ive got an army of superpowered villains at my beck and call, and a subtle but powerful mind-warping device under my control.
Its been a good day.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
Ive been out of commission thanks to a nasty cold, but Ive recovered enough for
Excerpt from Perturbations Notes (October 3rd):
I need another scheme for my Praetorian alter ego to accomplish while Im chasing him down. Striking a blow against Aeon (never bad to knock him down a few pegs, just in case hes working on some insane invention that could, say, remove all energy based powers, or something) and getting the Luddites on my side could be useful. And even if having a bunch of technophobic heavies on my side ends up not being terribly helpful, at least it will have passed the time. Its probably not my best plan, but Im in need of a diversion
So I study up on Luddite prophecy and set about to achieve said prophecy. I also make sure a Luddite contact of mine Brother Hammond is aware of the fact that Id like to strike a blow against Aeon and help their cause. Hes understandably skeptical, but hes also an idiot, so it shouldnt be hard to steer him toward my side.
First I need to get the attention of Arachnos a bit of B&E followed by stealing one of their prototype weapons seems like a good idea. Then Ill just let them know where they can meet me to buy it back and set to waiting. Should be fun.
And just too easy. Sure enough, Aeons three local lieutenants are dispatched to retrieve the prototype from me (right where I told them Id be in the main square of Aeon city), and even make the boneheaded move of splitting up to hunt for me. Because, you know, taking them out one at a time is *so* much harder than facing all three at once would have been
Morons. Of course, my actions match the Luddite prophecy perfectly, and Hammond is now convinced Im their chosen one.
That leads to a meeting with Martin Henri, which allows me to direct my new allies to attack some local power stations that should power down the security in a nearby bank. (Yes, yes, bank robbery. How droll. Trust me, I have a plan.)
As expected, the Luddites dont quite know where to stop, and have decided to expand their campaign to taking down power all throughout Aeon City. This puts Dr. Aeon in kind of a bind (as he cant even square off against me in battle without power for his inventions) and now I get to make my real demand access to all research Aeon has on additional Incarnate powers and abilities.
I live up to my end of the bargain I put a stop to the Luddites attack, and now have access to all of Arachnos research into Incarnate level powers. Im not sure if it will be useful to me personally, but the ability to quickly empower my most loyal followers might have tactical value.
Thats enough for now.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
October 4th:
Very short session for today. The last bit of content I need to acquire for Perturbation is the villain-side versions of the SSAs. Ill start that up on Monday (at a rate of one per day four per week; to maximize the rewards I get from them).
So today I pulled out one of the characters on my list of get him to 50 before the game ends my Arachnos Widow. Just straight villain content for him abandoned my previous missions (which, apparently, Id outleveled a long time ago), headed to St. Martial, and started doing newspaper missions (set to x3).
I definitely need to work on endurance management with this character
survival isnt a big problem. Getting some good enhancement sets into my powers will probably be a good first step. Id already had several attuned ones that had been flagged for this character stored up, but its not yet completely cost effective to slot them in (I really like to get about 5 slots in a power before I start putting sets into that power) but after one more level Ill be able to bring three of my powers up to five slots each.
At some point itll be time to create what I think will be my last new character a titan weapons brute (that will be villain side). Ive really been wanting to kind of end on the villain content, especially after spending so long taking Perturbation through all the hero side content over nearly an entire year. Im missing redside, and am eager to get back to it
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
Short but sweet for this end of the world journal update... (and I need to remember to copy this into my personal copy so these two quick entries don't vaporize when the forums go down).
October 5th:
Fridays are often for writing encounters and adventures up for my PnP D&D group. And this Friday was unusually busy with other random chores, so very little time to play. But I still probably spent about an hour with my Widow - *just* long enough to hit level 31. Those three slots are just what the doctor ordered ... one goes in Maneuvers, letting me slot in four attuned LoTG enhancements I acquired in some sale on the market a while back and want to get *some* use out of. One each into two frequently used attacks, giving me five slots in each - one will get attuned Kinetic Combat, the other an "ordinary" Crushing Impact bought using the hordes of reward merits gleaned from Super Packs.
I should clarify. I put the slots in place, but hadn't actually put anything in them yet; it was time to get back to writing, so I just logged off.
October 8th:
A medical thing for this morning got postponed, so I hit SSA#1 episode 2 with Perturbation (netting my first villain merit in about a year on him) and then return to the Widow. NOW I actually craft/slot in his first new IO sets. The set bonuses are a nice boost, and with two strong (and frequently used) attacks having endurance discounts, my endurance problems improve (there's still a ways to go, though).
I manage to get him to level 32 and take that psychic AoE cone attack - having another AoE certainly speeds things up.
That's it for today. *If* all goes according to plan, Perturbation will be hitting one SSA episode a day (through Thursday) each week. That'll finish out the SSAs by the week after next, and likely be the last "official" content he does. I'll probably cycle between my Widow and my Blaster in the meantime (perhaps focus on the Widow this week and the Blaster next).
I'm also going to make a mental note of creating (possibly) my last new character for next week. That'll give me about seven weeks to get him up to level 50 before the end.
It's going to be a sad day for me when the game shuts down (and I've said it many times, I hope it gets saved - truthfully, even a local server emulator that just lets me 'solo' it matches my play style pretty well), but I can honestly say I feel like I'm making good use of the time I've got left.
It's just a personal note, but my willingness to risk trying any other NC Soft games has actually eroded over the past few weeks. And it was already very low after their announcement. I just don't think I can get past the whole "stepped over the line by shutting down a successful MMO" thing - if they're willing to do that, then I just can't risk investing time or effort (or money) into anything of theirs, no matter how successful. I just can't trust it won't get axed too...
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
Time to join in with the farewell threads, and do something that I'm sure I won't be unique in doing.
I do this for fun, and to show the devs that there will be people enjoying the heck out of their product until they force us off the servers. I also do it because I actually did have an “exit strategy” that I’d planned “implementing” – only now there’s not enough time left for what I’d originally planned.
Like many others here, I have a “do everything” character. My goal was to get all of the story arc souvenirs and badges on both sides of the game on this character, and that goal is almost complete. At that point, I really will have done virtually *everything* the game had to offer – every mission, every trial, every TF, etc.
So my plan was to have one final, extremely extended “hurrah” as my farewell to the game (well, at least as an “unending subscriber”). I was going to create a hero and a villain. Using the ability to turn off XP, I was going to play through *every* mission and arc in the game one last time – my way of saying goodbye to the game I’ve loved for these past eight years. Naturally, I expected that was going to take a while – so I figured I’d still be an active subscriber for quite some time. It was a slow, easy, and (for me) extremely satisfying exit from the game. And I had no intention of really leaving for good. I’d be Premium, and every time new stuff came out, it’d be time to VIP up, enjoy the new content, and then wait for the next batch.
But it seems that isn’t to be the case. So I plan to do the next best thing. I plan to chronicle here (at least until the forums go down) my last days in the game – it’s my way of saying goodbye. I hope those of you that care to read it enjoy…
My story (at least in CoH)
What I’m doing probably could use some context, if you care to read it (if not, don’t worry – I would never be offended you aren’t interested in the story of a relative nobody here on the forums
As I indicated in the “unveiling” thread, in real life I’m Christian Aars, a Professor of Physics at Collin College – my training is as an astronomer. (And, by the way, if anyone wants to stay in touch, my e-mail address is Eight years ago, and change, I was a postdoctoral fellow in San Antonio. I’ve loving games and gaming my whole life, and always gravitated to “construction set” type things that let me make my own games. I love what I do, and I would never change it, but if I hadn’t been an astronomer, I would have wanted to design games.
At the time, I was avidly writing modules for Neverwinter Nights, a topic I often discussed with a colleague of mine over lunch. One day he told me he was in the Beta for a superhero-themed MMORPG named “City of Heroes.” I’d never played an MMO before, but after watching him play a few missions in beta, I figured “what the hey.” I picked up a copy of CoH the day it launched and the rest, as they say, is history.
My first character, and my original main was an electric blaster named Coulomb (so now you know where my forum name comes from). Shortly after I started playing, I met the woman who would one day become my wonderful wife. It took a while, but after nine months, she decided she wanted to join me in the game. We created a duo: I was a tanker called Lethal Guardian, and she was the fire blaster Flame Kitten.
It was about that time that I first registered for the forums. Evidently Coulomb had been taken by a player that wasn’t in the game for very long, so I had to settle for Coulomb2 (which later became my original global). While Flame Kitten and Lethal Guardian were just getting started, Coulomb became my first character to reach 50. It was a bittersweet day, since I knew that meant I’d probably be playing my “main” only infrequently now.
As I said before, I’m passionate about games and gaming – and folks, few things bring you more joy than doing something you love with someone you love. As Flame Kitten and Lethal Guardian rose through the ranks, I found myself in one of the happiest times of my life. It didn’t take long before I came to think of Lethal Guardian as my main. So when one of the many global chat server resets of old changed my global to @Lethal Guardian, I didn’t mind. (And now you know why that’s my global – and for that matter why my MA arcs are posted under @Flame Kitten and @Lethal Guardian – my wife graciously offering to host some of my work on her account back when you only had three arc slots.)
And speaking of MA, when it first came out, the devs touted it as an alternate way to level a character to 50. So I decided to do just that – and thus was born Pro Payne, whose journey from level 1 to level 50 in MA I chronicled on the forums (and now you know why I enjoy doing things like this).
Also during this time, I got my first villain to level 50 (a SS/Elec Brute named Lord Galvanic) and decided it was time to create a villain that I would “do everything” with – I’d play every ounce of content villain side; and thus, my Energy/Energy brute Perturbation was born. Once flashback was in the system, I’d intended to make Lethal Guardian (whom I did scads of badge hunting sessions with alongside my wife) my “do everything hero.”
Well, all good things come to an end. After six wonderful years of play with my wife, she got very burned out on CoH and left the game. “Our game” became “my game” again. (She has lots of fond memories of CoH, but never intended to return.) My plans to make Lethal Guardian my “do everything” hero fell through – it just wasn’t the same playing him without Flame Kitten by his side. Fortunately, by that time, Going Rogue had been out for just a bit, and I quickly decided Perturbation would be my “do everything” character for both sides (at least as far as story arcs went). In time, I came to think of him as my "main" - the last character I would ever think of that way.
I set about making him the most powerful character in my stable of characters – spared no (virtual) expense maxing him out as best I could. In time, he became my AV soloer, and the character who could handle virtually any challenge in the game I wanted to pit him against.
A bit over a year ago, I made the final commitment to actually switch sides. I concocted a story for him – he planned to fool everyone into thinking he’d redeemed himself, using Oroborous to travel back in time and “erase” his villainous history (that was my rationale for using the system to visit all of the hero side story arcs). Once he was beloved by the world – and the Well’s new Champion – he would take center stage in fighting off the Battalion and be welcomed as the world’s savior. In short, he hoped to become this world’s Tyrant. (Yeah, not terribly creative, I know, but it at least gave me some justification for becoming heroic.)
I played through every hero side arc, and all of the main task forces.
Almost finished with his grand journey, my plan was to wait for Issue 24 to spend some hero merits on some of the choice new IOs coming out, then return to villainy and start playing through the new stuff that had come out villain side in the last year.
And that’s when the bad news came.
And that’s where this final journey begins – I have a few loose ends to tie up hero side, then we start returning to villainy.
My goals:
Start burning through all of the stuff my PP stipend bought me.
Since some of that will work best on a new character, I *do* intend to try to get a few of my other characters to 50. I might even try to squeeze in one more 1 to 50 run before the end. I intend to record their efforts here as well.
Start using my hordes of incarnate salvage to craft whatever powers I see fit to craft.
Play through all of my MA arcs one last time. Maybe hit some favorates from my Pro Payne days one last time too.
The aforementioned “rack up the new villain arcs” on Perturbation.
And whatever else I can think of…
If you choose to follow along, then – first, thank you – it’s always nice to know something you are doing is entertaining someone else. And second, I hope you enjoy these last months as much as I hope I will.
One final note before I begin… I am aware of the efforts being made to try to save the game. From the bottom of my heart, I’m extremely grateful to all you are making the effort. Nothing would make me happier than this thread ending with an “Oops! I guess the game isn’t going away after all!”
I lied … there’s one more thing. Weekends are time for family and friends for me – I play when I get the chance, but don’t be surprised if this thread only sees updates during the week.
Cheers! Time to log in!
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)