the most painful thing ive ever done




the most painful thing i have ever done with this game so far was cancelling my VIP status today

i checked my billing and my 3 month bill cycle was renewed on augaust 25th and will expire on november 25th, if ncsoft does not keep the lights on then i will have to be non VIP for those last 5 days till doomsday

the funny thing was when i cancelled it popped up a survey asking why i was cancelling my VIP account, in places that asked me about what i wanted to see in the game in the "other" section i wrote "not seeing the game shut down" and in my comments section at the end i wrote a good 2 paragraphs of about why i didnt want to see this game shut down and they lost a loyal customer if they support shutting the game down

honestly this was the most painful thing i have ever had to do, it took about 30 min to decide if i should or not, but i decided to go ahead and do it, it felt like i was pulling a friend off of life support