Devs, spill the beans -




Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
Easter eggs. Tell us allll the easter eggs, while we have time to go in game and peek at them.
That's a good one, too.

Also the beans. Beans and eggs.

I really want to know about where the story was going and what plans were on the drawing board for new designs we hadn't heard of yet. Lore and superpants are the two I'm most interested in.

But the eggs are good, too.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Easter Eggs/Glitches/Exploits (June - Sept 2012)

Invincible Enemy

There is lvl 1 enemy with buffed defense, and resistance to cap who walk around with 1% chance every 20 minutes to brawl-like attack with instant kill punch. Found throughout every zone and rare few who finding critter got awarded Bug Hunter badge.

Zone merge
In crevice of war walls there is one specific place not patched that if met with right emote or power will push player under maps

Villain side
Particular barge/ferry box slip
Under maps

PVP, ALL zones -

Specific building/tree glitch will phase player under map with ability to attack other players.

If circumstances met, can control and permaconfuse pets and take them into player controlled zones (if done right and timed right) and use MM's as PvP Critters in non PvP zones like Atlas, Pocket D, Dark Astoria..

Tricks -
Dev Space

Just to naming very few.
