Title says it all. How hard is it to let us run the game as if it was just a PC game? No server, no social/MMO component. Just a PC game.
Originally Posted by Teeko
Title says it all. How hard is it to let us run the game as if it was just a PC game? No server, no social/MMO component. Just a PC game.
Still need to rewrite the *entire* back end of the game so that the AI of mobs, their spawning, combat etc was done on the local machine. FAAAAAR more work than you can imagine.
Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU
Still need to rewrite the *entire* back end of the game so that the AI of mobs, their spawning, combat etc was done on the local machine. FAAAAAR more work than you can imagine.
Title says it all. How hard is it to let us run the game as if it was just a PC game? No server, no social/MMO component. Just a PC game.