Bucket List: COX Style




When I woke up this morning I had plans of writing a post of suggestions for what should be done for halloween 2012. Well, given the news today, scratch that idea.

I have played this game religiosly since before Issue 1, and yet there are a great many things I have not done. So I heard the date of our death is November 30th, here is my bucket list:

1) Solo an AV (I have a large stable of heroes but never got around to trying this)

2) Do the RWZ scrapper challenge (or whatever it is called - see details in the scrapper forum)

3) Do an all melee ITF again (that was fun)

4) Do an all controller and an all MM ITF (heard that was fun)

5) Get my plant dom to lvl 33 to play with all her powers

6) Get my grav controller to 33 to play with all HER powers

7) Make a Ill/Rad and see for myself if they are all that

I am sure I will think of other things to add once I log in.

What makes your bucket list?



8) Mothership Raid. Haven't done one of those in years.



I intend to finally do a successful Hamidon Raid.

Because I never have.