I am proud.




I am proud to have been a part of this gaming community on/off since 2004. I have always known that my second family was always out there, intangible, but there.

Through my bankruptcy, evictions, car accidents, job switches, deaths, births, vacations, psychotic breaks.

I am also grateful, incredibly grateful, to the people who made this game and made it ******* amazing. I sound like a mad person when I tried to explain to people in real life how rare it is to have developers that actively listen and communicate with their players.

I am also proud to have been a part of a rare online community of gamers who never said "Oh, pfft, we're so much better and elite than you. Fark off," but instead always said to new players, "Welcome. We're going to make you amazing, if not better than us."

I am proud to have played with all of you



*raises cup*
