Kitten Dreams in need of New Costumes




Hello artists and art appreciators! Ordinarily, I would simply post this in the (Re-)Design thread - and, in fact, I will do just that. However, usually that nets one revision, or sometimes none, and is really more useful for a 'problem' costume. I'd like to collect a half-dozen or so.

Here's the project:

Hero ID: 'Kitten Dreams'

"Hi, my name is Kitty and they say I’m a ‘Dreamer’.
"All I know is that I can make people fall asleep and have really bad dreams, and sometimes bad things happen to them in those dreams. "Sometimes, I can even make my dreams ‘manifest’ and cause real things to happen. Sometimes they are nice dreams, sometimes they are not.
"So, now I’m a hero and I go around putting bad guys to sleep and giving them nightmares, and then they wake up in the Zig - right?"

Deep background - Somewhere in Paragon City, there is a hospital and in that hospital is a sad, quiet ward, where sad, quiet children lie, each one in a coma. Once, Lucy Dreamtime spent a period there, but she woke up, eventually, and moved on.
However, while she was there, she created and manifested a 'Dream Warrior' to guard her sleep. She didn't want to create anything Scary, so she came up with Kitty. Kitty's existence might have been ephemeral, but Lucy inadvertently harnessed the sleeping dream-power of All of the children on the ward. Now, Kitty is entirely autonomous - except that she has no real 'past', before she became a hero and she still 'works out the issues' of the dreaming children who lend her power.
Amazingly, since Kitty manifested, More of the children eventually wake up and go home, but Kitty's power and her belief in herself continues to grow.

Kitty speaks simply and quietly, with all of the joy and secret wisdom of a child. She knows a great deal - perhaps as much as all of the sleeping minds in Paragon City, but it does not color her simplicity. She 'knows' evil and fights it every day, but she does not fear it.
So, she's a cute little cat-girl-child, she's only existed for 3 or maybe 5 years (I don't remember exactly). However, the children (and others) of Paragon have dreamed her into power and their dreams would/could/should quite naturally shape her manifestation.

What I'd like to see is a bunch of variations, different visions of a heroic little warrior that might help a child 'win' in their dreams. An optional track might be the visions of the Villains that she defeats - the 'horrid little monster' that put them in jail. But mostly I'm looking for 'child visions' and/or the shapes she might gain from other special people, like Sister Psyche, Penny Yin, and other psychic/dream/mental magic heroes that might have encountered or helped/been helped by her in the past.

Here's her current form - note she's more 'girl' than 'cat' but any hair/fur will be silvery blue-white.

Scale -27
BoneScale 0.01587
ShoulderScale 0.754
ChestScale -1
WaistScale 0.01508
HipScale 0.5079
LegScale -0.1
HeadScales  1,  1,  1
BrowScales  1,  1,  1
CheekScales  1,  -1,  1
ChinScales  -1,  0,  0
CraniumScales  1,  1,  1
JawScales  -1,  0,  0
NoseScales  -1,  1,  0
SkinColor  212,  137,  114
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
    Geometry Pants_Baggy
    Texture1 Pants_Slacks_01
    Texture2 !Hips_V_Pattern_Thin_Stripe_02
    DisplayName P887196332
    RegionName "Lower Body"
    BodySetName Pants
    Color1  253,  114,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry Jackets_Sleeves
    Texture1 skin_tights
    Texture2 Top_12
    DisplayName P566009771
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Jackets
    Color1  251,  0,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
    Texture1 !Face_Skin_V_Fem_Head_15
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P687117166
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  253,  114,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry Smooth
    Texture1 skin_bare
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P3937616722
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Jackets
    Color1  253,  114,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry slipon_02
    Texture1 skin_slipon_02a
    Texture2 skin_slipon_02b
    DisplayName P2104750136
    RegionName "Lower Body"
    BodySetName Pants
    Color1  253,  114,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P177456852
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Jackets
    Color1  255,  255,  255
    Color2  126,  165,  241
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_Fem_HAIR.GEO/GEO_Hair_Serrated_Sugar_01
    Texture1 !SF_Hair_Serrated_Sugar_01
    Texture2 !SF_Hair_Serrated_Sugar_01_Mask
    DisplayName P2681220175
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  255,  255,  255
    Color2  126,  165,  241
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P2793026233
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry Jackets
    Texture1 Base
    Texture2 v_butterfly
    DisplayName P2281134661
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Jackets
    Color1  126,  127,  241
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry Kitten_01
    Texture1 kitten_01a
    Texture2 kitten_01b
    DisplayName P772741860
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Jackets
    Color1  99,  99,  192
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry v_fem_neck.geo/geo_neck_whiskers_01
    Texture1 beard_pharoah_01a
    Texture2 beard_pharoah_01b
    DisplayName P2371314042
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  255,  255,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_FEM_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_Lab_Coat_01
    Texture1 !Top_V_Lab_Coat_01
    Texture2 !Top_V_Lab_Coat_01_Mask
    DisplayName P828551227
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Jackets
    Color1  253,  114,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_FEM_SLEEVES.GEO/GEO_Sleeves_Lab_Coat_01
    Texture1 !Sleeves_V_Lab_Coat_Sleeve_01
    Texture2 !Sleeves_V_Lab_Coat_Sleeve_01_Mask
    DisplayName P90216369
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Jackets
    Color1  253,  114,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_FEM_CRANIUM.GEO/GEO_Cranium_Cat_Ears
    Texture1 !EYES_Cat_Ears
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P1848153390
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  255,  255,  255
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Fx Costumes/AnimatedTails/AnimatedTail_Feline01_Female.fx
    Geometry none
    Texture1 !X_belt_tail_01a
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P546439883
    RegionName "Lower Body"
    BodySetName Pants
    Color1  255,  255,  255
    Color2  126,  165,  241
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0

Be Well!



While not really level-50 worthy, the only thing I could think up was another nightgown.

Safe sleep, Kitten Dreams!



Well, as an example, a friend of mine sent me a 'Kitty-Cowgirl' suggestion. I guess the child in question likes Westerns?

Be Well!