How come sometimes items won't delete?
If what is happening what I think is happening you will need to remove the top item first ( what ever is stacked on top of the item you want to delete)
If that does not work try grabbing one and dragging it to another room then let go.
I assume the objects you are having your issue with are all desks. Any object that has the desk coding (ie: you can place stuff on top of it) will be unable to move or be deleted while there is something touching the desktop.
Luckily there is a way around it without taking everything off the desk. Select the piece you want to move and drag it to a different room in your base. It can now be deleted.
Sometimes I'll be stacking and what not, and I'll decide that I dont like a particular object. Suddenly, I find that i can't delete that object. I current have an entrance made out of white desks and I cant delete or move a single one of them! Please help.
Raimi: God, she's just so beautiful. The camera sure loves that girl.
Tobey: Thank you, Sam