another "I can't believe it's not taken" thread




I don't have significant presence on Virtue, and people had been loitering on Virtue for hours in advance of the Unity Rally when I finally wandered over and made a new toon just for the rally.

Somewhat surprised to get the name Save Paragon.

I didn't want to detract from the serious atmosphere, but it was tempting to reply to every single cry of "Save Paragon!" in Broadcast with "What? WHAT!?"

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I’ve read the announcements of closing down COH, the good luck to all, hire our soon to be unemployed developers “best in the world”, searched the web, but no one at NCsoft has specifically stated why the best MMO is closing down. All players on every server deserve and have paid for the right to know what happened! DUH
Doc-Artz’s Moon Dragons SG is in the top 50 for Prestige.
SGs’ Motto: “Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see” ~Mark Twain.

I think it’s about time for COH to give some detailed reasons to the many faithful players who are unable to see nor hear the specifics for closing down COH

MOST toons on infinity.
Doc-Artz (+3) with T4 Hybrid
Enchancer (+3) with T4 Hybrid
Controling One (+3) with T4 Hybrid
Ranged One (+3) with T4 Hybrid
Ranged Fire (+3) with T4 Hybrid
Fuer Master (+3) with T4 Hybrid