Hero side main six TFs leveling up
While it's certainly worthwhile to hit the six Freedom Phalanx TFs to get the accolade, if you're going to use TFs as your preferred leveling tool I would strongly recommend to anyone that they work in the Moonfire TF for the Vampyres and Warwolves (the badges for each being requirements for another Accolade, the Atlas Medallion). The Katie Hannon TF is another good one since its badge is required for yet another useful Accolade (Geas of the Kind Ones), but like the Cavern of Transcendance or the Ernesto Hess TF, Katie Hannon requires a certain story arc be completed to unlock it. Only the TF leader needs to have the unlock, however.
So if this is meant to be a TF guide, I think I'd include all the TFs of interest. For reference, that would look something like this:
- Level 10-15: Positron TF, part one
- Level 11-16: Positron TF, part two
- Level 12-15: Cavern of Transcendance Trial (requires unlock)
- Level 15-20: Syanpse TF
- Level 20-25: Penelope Yin TF
- Level 20-40: Admiral Sutter TF
- Level 23-28: Moonfire TF
- Level 24-34: Respec Trial (first tier)
- Level 25-30: Citadel TF, Ernesto Hess TF (Hess requires unlock)
- Level 30-34: Katie Hannon TF (requires unlock)
- Level 30-35: Manticore TF
- Level 34-44: Respec Trial (second tier)
- Level 35-40: Numina TF
- Level 35-50: Imperious TF (requires access to Cimerora)
- Level 38-40: Abandoned Sewers Trial
- Level 39-41: Eden Trial
- Level 40-44: Dr. Quaterfield TF (Shadow Shard TF #1 - this is a long TF)
- Level 40-50: Sara Moore TF (Shadow Shard TF #2)
- Level 44-50: Respec Trial (third tier), Justin Augustine TF (Shadow Shard TF #3), Faathim the Kind TF (Shadow Shard TF #4)
- Level 45-50: Ms Liberty TF (formerly Statesman TF), Lady Grey TF, Dr. Kahn TF
- Level 50: Apex TF (incarnate TF), Tin Mage Mk. II TF (incarnate TF)
I'd actually be somewhat interested in seeing more times, if you have them available, just to give players a general sense of how long the various options run. You can see how many missions are in each by checking Paragonwiki, of course, but even so it may be helpful to be able to compare in one place an average time for the various TFs. I don't generally pay much attention to that sort of thing myself, but I can see how others might find it helpful.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Will get those times for you soon.
But it was more meant as more of a way I leveled with TFs, not particularily a TF guide and times. But I will add time to those TFs that I done, esepcially the one for the Atlas Medallion and Geas.
-Female Player-
Given that you posted it under guides, I was sort of looking at it in that way, and I do think the info would be useful in a guide-like way for those looking for this sort of info.
I can see it as a personal accounting too, just seems like an odd place to post it if that's what you were going for. Still, it's good info for folks to see.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Level 12-15: Cavern of Transcendance Trial (requires unlock)-I havent been able to catch nor form a willing team for this one since i7 but I dont recall it being very long.
Level 20-40: Admiral Sutter TF-1:04 good xp and good for filling in levels not to mention a good way to get the badges for the destruction of the skyraider skiff and engineer's shield device.
Level 23-28: Moonfire TF- 1:43 kill all. This is easy way to get two major components for the Atlas Medallion accolade. It's a near gurantee to obtain the badge for the vampire and werewolf.
Level 24-50: Respec Trials 24, 24, 44 start each takes average of 40-50 mins kill most if not all- Good for the three repec badges and another one for xp and second respec trial is good for tank buster badge, if nto obtained already.
Level 25-30: Ernesto Hess TF (Hess requires unlock)- 1:21
Level 30-34: Katie Hannon TF (requires unlock)-around 30 min kill all and kill most lastr mission
Level 35-50: Imperious TF (requires access to Cimerora)-45 mins kill most 50 min kill all
Level 38-40: Abandoned Sewers Trial-Never done it
Level 39-41: Eden Trial-44 mins kill all
Level 40-44: Dr. Quaterfield TF (Shadow Shard TF #1 - this is a long TF)-2:30-3:00 depending on howmuch is defeated from kill most for missions that is not defeat all. The travel is what cause this TF to be long. Not requiring the leader to partake in the hunt missions helps cut down time alot.
Level 40-50: Sara Moore TF (Shadow Shard TF #2)-DOnt recall approx. time of this tf. It was shorter than Dr. Q.
Level 45-50: Ms Liberty TF (formerly Statesman TF)-1:34, Lady Grey TF-1:54, Dr. Kahn TF-1:56-All kill all, except for the STF mission of where Dr. Aeon fight was involved.
-Female Player-
Disclaimer: This post is long, if a person dont have time to read it, that is fine, come back later when you do have the time and it's ok if you dont read the post at all because you don't have the time. Yes, there may or may not be spelling and grammar mistakes, just like any other thread on this forum. I know that, no point in pointing them out. The format of this post is single spaced sentences with an extra space between paragraphs. I'm not a mind reader and dont know everyone's format preference but if it the point is not clear, just ask in a respectful manner or dont worry about it. If this format is not for you, this may be a good time to stop reading as the rest will be a waste of your time and at this point is not responsible if you choose to continue and waste your time. There are not many questions in this post; this is not a post about help. Help is really not needed here but if you insist on offering it and it is turned down, dont get rude. Once again, I am not responsible if you decide to not heed this and feel like you wasted your time trying to be "helpful" anyways. I'm not trying to be rude for turning down your help, but really, none is needed here. Criticism, negative criticism, or "constructive criticism" that isnt actually constructive, is not needed here. Apparently I have a hard time distinguishing between people trying to be "helpful" and people who are not here as some "helpful" people have ways of showing it that I find odd. So lets do each other favor and just let it be. Just post your version about how you would play and keep to the topic. Lastly, this is my experience and my view, if your view is different, that is cool too, do tell, but please be respectful. The point of all this is so people now knows what they are getting into. If this is fine, continue reading. If not, it would be best to move on to another thread. Of course this is free country and you are free to do what you want, just keep in mind, so am I and that alone is enough reason for this post. Not trying to be rude at all, just letting people know exactly what they are getting into. For those that dont know or dont see the point of this introduction, this is to prevent any problems from past threads to carrying over to here and to keep things [b]strictly on the subject[b] at hand. If all of this is ok, read on and have fun. If you have anything to add about your experience with electric armor, by all means share. This is my Electric Armor build that fit my play style which may or may not be fitting for everyone else's play style thus I'm making not and guarantee, assumptions, vouching, or suggesting that my way is the way to build the Electric Armor nor am I insinuating, suggesting, or trying to prove that my opinions are fact. They are just my opinion and if your opinion differs, that is good too. Please share your version here but try to be respectful of my opinion and others as you would want them to respect yours.
This disclaimer is not to cause problems, flame, troll, and excite a riot or anything. It is to just clarify things so things will not be misconstrued, misinterpreted, misquoted, or wasting anyone time because they didnt know what they was getting into. That is all, nothing more nothing less, no disrespect intended, just trying to prevent repeat negative actions on threads from happening.
Remember words on the screen are words on the screen. There are no physical social queues, tone of voice, nor other things that can be picked up in face to face contact. While it is best to not direct anything personal at me, or probably anyone else for that matter, keep in mind how the words can be interpreted by just reading. Let's not make a big deal out of nothing, again. Remember everyone is not the same nor will perceive messages and words on the screen the exact same way as you may have intended them to come out in your head. Reason for this disclaimer is to prevent the same things that have been happening in the past from re-occurring and that is all. Remember, as mentioned before, this is not to be rude at all.
I just dont want anyone feel like their time is being wasted, or feel they was blindly lead into a long post, or got the wrong assumption. On the same token, I'm not responsible for your time you feel you wasted, or offer help and feel dejected for it being turned down as I'm politely turning it down and all "help", "constructive criticism", "suggestions" right now. "Thank you for your concern and trying to help but I have the build and any other build the way I have found that I have the most fun with playing in the manner that I find the most enjoyable for my experience." Any help on a personal basis is turned down also in a polite manner also- "Thanks for your concern and trying to help but I think your help would be more helpful on someone else who is probably itching for that type for information you have available to share. Thanks for understanding." If you choose to not heed this information, then all I have to go by is what you write and what I perceive, which may be right or may be wrong but I'm leaving nothing to chance this time. If I missed something, it will be added to the next thread.
: End Disclaimer
Alright, there is plenty of information about what to do, how to slot, and what to buy when a person get to 50. Yet, the 1-49 levels are usually overlooked. While many people these days do DFB until around 14 or so, sometimes it's "what now?" Well then there is farming, do DFB until level 50, mission teams, or TFs. How far can a person get by doing the main TFs? My record is from level 10-46 on strictly the main six TF with the TF commander badge knocked out as well as a few other badges when it said and done. On this particular incident I went from only level 1-16 doing the entry level arcs and Twinshot arcs, then at 16 started on the TFs which took me to well into 37 set at plus +0 and 8 man teams. This wasnt the best and if more things were killed and less stealth, I could have easily reached 44-45.
Positron both parts- 96 mins
Penny-28 min
Out of these six, Num was the least effective for xp this time as much there was a lot of stealthing and got bogged down by zone events. I didnt even get a level worth of xp with patrol xp and no deaths at level 37. If more things were defeated it would have been a level at least easy.
Now that I reached level 37 in this incident, from a similar incident where the levels gained wasnt high, there are still other TFs that can be done to get to 50. Last time this happened, I did Eden, a clear all Eden which took 40 min out of the usual stealth 34 mins and that was few levels there. Then went back and did a Katie Hannon, Moonfire, and Hess. By then I was level 44. Cleaned up that last level with an ITF, defeat most, and that took me to level 47 and brought it home to 50 with an the TF with Reichmann in it and or STF and LGTF. LGTF was most xp out of the two over all. Usually if the xp goes right and with a team that is as xp hungry as I am, then reaching 45 would have been no issue and then a LGTF and STF would have finished it off. And the other TFs outside those two and the main six would have been just for kicks.
The time difference between the stealth teams I've been on and the kill-alls was miniscule, or average about 10 mins extra but lot of lost xp. And if the team is feeling froggy, there is nothing wrong with turning up the difficulty to +1 or +2 doesnt hurt, especially if the team is already steamrolling +0s then the upped difficulties dont make much difference besides more xp.
I'm not saying this is the most efficient way, only way, best way, etc. It's just a way out of many ways. *SEE DISCLAIMER AT TOP*
-Female Player-
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard.