



Hello Virtue,

One of my toons is desperately looking for RP, and I figure that after however many years it's been that I should start putting myself out there a bit.

Her name is Unseen Scarlet and she's a chick with more identities than you can shake a stick at, and a mind like a steel trap. I tend to hang around Pocket D with her a fair amount, so you may have seen her around.

I'm not all that prolific an RPer (the character isn't really the type to rock up to someone and start a conversation) but sadly the few friends I had been RPing with have dropped out of CoX and into other things, and I'm finding myself a little adrift without them.

I've been playing CoX since about issue 2, and I've been a roleplayer as long as I've been here. Scarlet is hands-down my favourite character and I'm desperate to find her a few more things to do, other than propping up the various bars in the D and hoping someone will say hi.

She's got a past full of people she's betrayed and manipulated, her true identity is wanted by Arachnos for betrayal, and I'm anxious for things she can do in the present and the future, too. By trade she's an assassin, but isn't averse to spying, thievery or merc-ing.

She hates demons and children, and is obviously wary of working with Arachnos guys, but other than that, she's open to pretty much anything (although you're never actually sure if you have her loyalty, or if she's just waiting to stick a blade through your throat.)

For more info, take a look at her VV page and see if she floats your RP-boat -

I'm a big fan of adventure and immersive RP, and I also like to pad out in game RP with role-playing over emails when I can't get in game, so someone who also likes writing CoX stuff outside of the game would be like, amazballs.

I'm not great in huge group RP, as I tend to get lost and take a bit of a back seat.

I'm in the UK, so insomniac or out of work Americans and crazy Europeans are probably the best people for me to hang out with.

So. You know. If you've got the need for a femme fatale assassin-y type in a story you're running, please drop me a line, either here or in game, or over PM.

And if you see me hanging about in the D, the chances are I'm just bored out of my mind and desperate for company, so please come say hi, ok?

Thanks, yo.

ny fyllyn ni, ny hedhyn ni, ny verwyn ni.
Y turyn nyni hag y pesyn nyni.
Y hwren nyni kavoes agan budh nyni.



I know you on Odds (Vandal) and I approve of this message! Scarlet is an awesome character! RP with her!!