The Last Hunter: A 'different' kind of RPSG




Understand now I've been reluctant to put this up. Hesitant. To me it felt cheap, as though as I was selling out or something and not doing this idea justice. But it comes after a realisation that, stubborn as I may be this is the sort of thing that cannot just exist on its own. It needs others' help in order to survive.

First off, The Last Hunter is not a traditional SG. There will be no base. There is no uniform. There is no true 'unity' other than the idea it represents and the purpose it serves. In essence it is a tribute; a tribute to the idea of the wandering hero, destined to turned up where and when most needed only to wander off into the mists when all has settled.

It is inspired by the Samurai and Western genre of films, as well as a certain very important bit of Eastern mythology that most of the world is familiar with. It is the idea that life is a journey, one in which the destination does not matter, but more the journey itself and those you travel with. It is a SG where there is not open recruitment, but more roleplay orientated recruitment with possibilities that members will come and go. Ultimately there is nothing binding one to this journey. Nothing locking you down into it. Should you come across a group you wish to stay with then by all means stay. None will think less of it.

It is also something of a visual metaphor for redemption. Let's go back to that bit of Eastern mythology - Journey to the West. Now understand this - the Monkey King was a thief, rebel and rogue. Sandy was a murderer. Pigsy was a glutton. None of these characters were truly heroic...yet on their journey they redeemed themselves and ultimately changed their path.

This is the purpose of the Last Hunter, as I have come to realise. Redemption. Ideally I'd like for it to pick up waifs and strays, fallen heroes and lost monsters and ultimately give them a chance at redemption. No fixed base. No uniform. Simply a journey. Travelling from place to place, showing where most needed and leaving once their task is complete.

The 'SG' part is purely for administrative assistance. It came about after I realised I was pretty much jinxed for finding stable RP SGs. They collapsed, died of inactivity or disbanded, leaving Flea a wandering ronin with no real purpose or destination. The idea was to create something where, with others help I could show up to one event or the other, interact with folks and move on.

Ultimately there will be a plot to the journey. Each part will focus on one of the travelling companions, their past, their goals and perhaps the light that comes to them at the end of the day. Rather than having set events or issues, it will be chronicled in 'books'. Another nod to the genre.

Ultimately this SG needs the help of others though. It's not something that can be done on its own. I need folks from other SGs and groups to work with me and it'd be nice to get some RP and interaction again. I am tired of being on my own and seemingly wandering, lost, as an exile. As such this idea serves to try and build bridges. To try and salvage the past I may have damaged with some folk. And it serves to offer the same chance to others.

ICly Flea's history has always been dark. He was a former killer. He was the type of villain that didn't warrant the National Guard or Army. He had no plans to take over the world, take hostages or demand tribute. As a 'general' threat he was minimal. But on a more personal level, when he was in an area the risk to heroes went up. In that degree of threat he was extreme. As such he has blood on his hands. He has his own sins to redeem and the journey is ultimately his redemption. But if he can offer the same to others or restore hope to those who have ultimately given it up, then who is he to say no? Who is he to judge?

So, should you be running an event, a cross-SG plot or even just normal RP and have a spot open or could do with an outside force showing as needed...then please, feel free to contact me. Like I said, this needs the help of others to thrive. It cannot be done alone. And if you be interested in the other aspect of this group? Again, contact me. I cannot say it's open recruitment. Everything will come about through RP and I reserve the right to say 'No.'

Contacting me can be done here or in game with the global @The Flea.


Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Sounds good. No idea if I have anything that can fit in, but it should be fun to see more Flea around.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.