Proc trick tips?
I do know that they are changing the way Procs work. I have not seen any info on it. But I have seen Players say PPM, I am assuming it is Proc Per Minute. So some procs might get a buff where others might not be so worth while , or just not as good as they used to be. If someone could link this info on Procs it might give you an idea of what might be good up and coming.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
Oh, I understand the Procs Per Minute system ( ), which is essentially what we're getting. I'm more interested in, like, putting the Numina's unique in a targeted heal or Kismet in Deflection Shield. I'm not sure what works, what stacks, and what's been shown not to work or isn't very useful.

The Proc120's (2 minute uniques) don't stack, they simply restart the 2 minute timer. Can't see how moving them to a click would help.
I was under the impression they affect the target, not the source, of a cast power (like for instance the Performance Shifter proc does). So putting them in a targeted heal would place the proc on your target -- but I don't know that it would stack if the target already had the unique slotted in one of their own powers.

What are folks' favorite proc IO tricks with psuedopet and ally-targeted abilities for Defenders? How are people using the Bastion proc, or planning to use the new Absorb one?
Edit : Oh, and admittedly not a proc trick, but is it possible we'll actually see Absorb Pain getting used after the new fifth Medicine power rolls out?