Need some Ice/Ice Advice
Bolt, Blast, Bitter Ice Blast, Aim, Buildup, Freeze Ray, Frost Breath, Ice Storm, Blizzard are must take IDBHO. I also consider Chilling Embrace (post i24) as mandatory. Chilblain is also mandatory.
BFR - because of its animation time is a player preference - I took it on my Corruptor but once I got Dominate I respec'd out of it. Depends on what Epic or Patron pool.
Frozen Fists, Ice Sword and Freezing Touch are a player preference but they are helpful when building towards a Ranged or S/L DEF build.
Ice Patch is more of a player preference choice - I have use for it on my AR/Ice/Cold but again that's primarily due to Ignite.
Shiver is a good power but also a player preference.
Frozen Aura I would not take unless I also took Ice Patch (since it is PBAoE)
Here is a sample build -
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6593DB4E13511486F7EE6CC49E80520A4528B4A55028B 5B4D17B13F110902AB|
|6C82D69DA4919D2B40D2D895E7A67D41845232A7878028DF1 74A7C667D060D457F0|
|F002A6AE99F5D39ACCA49D6F66ED35FFFEF73FB3B3974F799 E9FBD7A4248EF7CA5D|
|068AC9DA47353DFECCE170DBD5AD4857974D33F8881B55CA1 5AD64BA985A2CEBDE1|
|8381FC56BD5EDB6C5A23D942D5A86F550A4DA35615EEE55AA D923A5331CAEB4D2F5|
|F9B9746B5ECB2EEF2755D2F7930D0ACEA8D86EF74DD28A6E6 6B95122999E2578264|
|6192FE0BE2E06829B143882B71E801F89079F811B8CBBCD67 94613B7A51019253C7|
|798FDDBCCE43DE6227549E84BE87BA0DF03FD1EE8F743FF1C 41C333DA2B61E91C7D|
|0DBE61CEBD05DF319D9469973551CBD1F5DD61D532DFC0BF5 40E299145F4A6EFEEC|
|F0EAB36F005DC67C6BE3297A8CB093DE71ED5FC4AB81E83B3 3CE779821B7A6EF848|
|C25FF225FCBE60BA69622FF70AEF0FF67593EE7AB9E6E8C51 C7DBB20E6B840F0210|
|B1FF28B23BF04F24B20BF04F2BB41F0F333D2DFA24364ACB3 240F01F80D2C13A24A|
|0C5E0473CCC80A53A3DE215EBF1A322F2893E084B4F48351E 6913130C2342587A13|
|F8C7C63C837867CE3C8F716758DA077648FF5479F804F99E1 674C455E42EC450B05|
|F8BB1A1B00FB403FD35CCE38F21ACF69562DBC025E624656C 13C739D108597E87BD|
|699F8007E043F31AF63DF98FA93C8700A194E21C3A93C33BE C1EFD020FD69F89F86|
|FF19F89F81FF19F8DFA0DE597C27B3F806A2B4FE143F2F53A 8CD8162508834FAD3D|
|01E55EDFD493FF3CD47D4C1366CB512B6D1B4AD92B1558ED9 2AC76D95255B6559B5|
Hi Blaster forums! I don't come in here much, as I don't really play Blasters much (I have exactly 1 and I'm terrible and reckless), BUT...
I have a friend that I recently got to start playing with me and he really wanted to make an Ice/Ice Blaster. He's level 18 now and asks me what he should take and where he should place slots after each level up.
Easy enough at first because I'm familiar with the Blast sets from playing Defenders and Corruptors, but the Secondary powersets and the overall playstyle are mostly foreign to me and I'm getting to the point where I don't know what to tell him he should take or skip or what needs priority when it comes to assigning slots.
So... if you guys would be so kind, could you help me out by telling me what powers you all would consider must-haves or skippable from an Ice/Ice build?