Rad/Sonic/dark; Build Direction

Final Try



I currently have a lvl 42 rad/sonic/dark, and am enjoying it far too much not to finish off the last 10 levels.

Basically, I'm looking for some opinions towards what I should be going for in the way of set bonuses.

Firstly, I was going to go for some haste to get both AM and hasten perma-ed, because with the 3 LOTGs I already have I'm pretty close and it shouldnt take much effort to get them perma.

After that, I'm at a loss, normally I'd try to work in some sort of defense, but with the numbers I've done, RI basically floors enemy hit chance, so unless I got that wrong defense isnt going to be super useful, except to take a alpha strike or survive the clever guys not sitting in the RI.

That said, I've got weave and planning on keeping it (partly for the LOTG slot), and am currently sitting at around 16% defense to everything with both 3% uniques and weave and maneuvers.

So after that, I'm not really sure what to be aiming for in a build, I guess damage bonuses, or some sort of Hold/status protection?

Not really looking for builds per-se, more opinions of what is good and what works. Also, any advice towards incarnate slotting would be very welcome, currently thinking Musculature in alpha.

Thanks in advance



First thing I would think about with your build is that the aoe for your RI and EF are 15 ft. Decent, but some of the spread out mobs will easily be outside of that radius. That being said, I would build for ranged defense. By the time they get into melee, they will be in your RI cloud and won't be as big of a problem. End recovery is also an important consideration.

If you take shockwave and slot it with Force feedback proc and the Overwhelming Force proc it will turn this power into a very nice gem that will probably allow you to get the recharge you want for perma AM.
I did this with a Rad/Nrg and didnt' need anything other than hasten and a few Force Feedback procs to maintain near perma AM and near perma Hasten. They were perma as long as i kept fighting. Downside is it lead to lots of end issues that had to be addressed.

Slotting and tricks for Rad/Sonic:
If you don't already, use RI to herd. It's a great tool for that.
I like slotting EM pulse for end mod as it can do some serious drainage... if you have the room.
Adding Range globally can help a lot of your powers on both primary and secondary.
Choking Cloud works well with EM pulse, particularly if you have Dark Consumption handy.
Choking Cloud is also a great place to put the Lockdown proc also.

Other than that, there's always +dam to shoot for.