Thoughts on the upcoming Issue 24 IO Change.

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I rather disagree with the... direction, I suppose, of your message. Kinetic combat offers a minor HP boost, a minor resistance boost, and a good S/L defense bonus for 4 slots. Touch of Death offers the same minor HP boost, a better resistance boost, comparable Melee defense, and a minor damage bonus for 6 slots. I do not consider their set bonuses so astronomically different that you can make a declarative statement such as "completely worthless" for Kinetic Combat without making a similar statement in regards to Touch of Death. Compared to other IO's that have better set bonuses they are both comparatively inferior, but that's sort of besides the point when making a comparison between two things.
In reading this, I think that part of the misunderstanding lies in the fact that JChaos was talking about a *hypothetical* change to TOD that would have added in additional DEF bonuses (presumably at the 5th slot, since a 2-slot bonus could be gained by 4 slotting KC and 2 slotting TOD in a power). My sense is that he agrees with you about KC being "better" than TOD because you get the important bonus with only 4 slots which allows you 2 other slots to sort things out.

On the other hand, if the devs had added (hypothetically) ranged/E/N def to TOD, that *would* dramatically change how players evaluate the sets. That bonus, added to a set that already has roughly similar bonuses (for 2 more slots) would be attractive to many builds. Looking at the hypothetical from a different angle, if there was a melee set that featured a damage proc and gave a range/E/N DEF bonus for 2 slots, how many builds that currently use KC +2 other slots would not take that 2 slot bonus? The fact that the hypothetical TOD with range/E/N def would also feature a 2.5% damage boost is just gravy.

Obviously if you really needed the extra S/L def or didn't care about other def, or did not plan on using the power and wanted to conserve on slots, KC would still have a lot of things going for it. And, of course, the Devs changed the bonuses to +res, not +def. So this is all hypothetical.



I immediately thought of Titanium Coating.

Positron's Blast currently gives us +1.58% Fire/Cold Resist, so its maybe not unreasonable to expect under the new system that the three mez resist bonuses become around +2% damage resist to each pair.

3 or 4 sets of those would be nice for any Fire, Elec or Dark Armorer for sure, especially with 2.5% Melee Defence to ice the cake. I'd look at switching my Brute out of Impervium Armor for sure. Nothing hugely transformative, but it could become the new Reactive Armor instead of the set you use for frankenslotting fodder.

Add in 5 of these and an Impervious Skin unique and you could be looking at a good 3-5% res to all six types per power, which would be pretty staggering.