My Dom is Dark/Dark also. For concept reasons I originally wanted to go with Soul, but I'm thinking Psy would fit about as well. I read a lot of posts praising Ice for its beneficial powers and defense, but being covered in Frozen Armor isn't part of my toon's theme. It would bother me every time I saw the toon in the server's roster, and I'd probably avoid bringing out the toon because of that. It's Soul or Psi for me.
The toons listed below your signature are all Dark/Dark/Dark or Soul. Would /Ice fit in with them?
My Arc - #51736 Here Wolf... There Wolf... Werewolf!!!
Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.
>")))>< ~~~~
A little background first. I build certain toons for concept/theme and these are usually my dark based creations(dark/dark/dark defender, dark/dark/soul troller, dark/dark/dark scrapper). Well now I'm working my dark dom to 50 and I've recently gotton to 41. I was planning on following the same path and go with Ghost Widows path for soul but during my hero-vigilante-villain switch I took the ice APP to hold me till I could complete my dark path of destruction. The problem is I think ice may be a better choice with sleet and ice storm compared to dark oblit and soul drain. The question is which one would the dom population choose and why. I'm not looking for build advice, already have both planned out on MIDS and I'm not really worried about the numbers because in the end everything will drop all I really need is to be swayed to one or the other as I'm completely torn.
Thanks for any help on this small problem
Doc M
Doc Midknight Dark/Dark/Dark Defender
Nether Raven Dark/Dark/Dark Scrapper
Master Midknight Dark/Dark/Soul Troller
Global: @DocMidknight (main) Global: @Doc Midknight (alt)