Fullscreen/Windowed Keybind





Recently (like a few issues ago), a keybind was added (alt+enter/alt+enter+1) to allow going from windowed to full-screen mode and vice-a-versa, but when I sent a petition to support regarding this, they told me they didn't know this was even there and eventually confirmed it did exist.

I have looked through the Keybinds to see if I could change this, but it's not there and there is no way of changing this annoying keybind. The problem is that I have certain keybinds to perform some actions that are very close to this, and very frequently I find my screen going from windowed/fullscreen/windowed in the middle of battles.

But..... before anyone starts suggesting I change all my key-binds, I really don't want too. I have been playing for over 7 years and used the same keymappings on all my characters. This would be a real inconvenience to me.

Can you developers either remove this keybind or add it to the list of keymapping options, so I can change it myself.............. Purty please?




I don't have the commands off the top of my head, but you should be able to save your bind file, edit it offline (to remove said bind), and then reload the new bind file. I've yet to hear about this 'feature', but that's not entirely odd.



This has been around for quite some time, iirc. And yes, it's annoying.

You don't have to change all your keybinds. You just have to change alt+enter. If you don't have something else you specifically want it to do, you can just bind it to do nothing:
/bind alt+enter nop

Edit: oh, pancake, apparently this wasn't the fix. I had it fixed long ago, did a /unbind to test the fix again and make sure I had remembered it correctly, and now have broken it.

I'd have sworn there was a way to fix it, but apparently don't know what it was...



It's always been a hardwired keystroke. I had alt-enter bound to talk into a specific global channel and when they introduced fullscreen/window switch, it no longer worked.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



So glad I'm not the only one who is having issues with this hardwired keybind.

I did try all of the suggestions listed above, but to no avail. I even tried switching keys around, only to find that the alt+. on the numpad will not stay bound for me (another bug?)

Thank you for your replies

So... Red names, any help with this please?