Question about a dual type Super Group hero and Villain
This should really have been in the Suggestions Forum
As far as the idea itself, SGs are one of the few reasons to remain based on a particular side (Hero/Vigilante vs Villain/Rogue). Given that blueside tends to be more popular across the board for the most part, you have to consider that making SGs cross-faction like this would not be good news for people trying to build up redside.
That's assuming that this option would even be possible to offer to existing SGs. I for one am not about to start my SG over from scratch after sinking years of work into it just so it can be cross-faction. Coalitions between hero and villain SGs also don't really seem to make much in-game sense, though I can see how that would be handy for players who are on the opposite faction from where most of their resources are located.
Overall, I'd have to say I disagree with this notion. I can see how it might be wanted by some, but it just goes against the spirit of what SGs are supposed to be in my opinion. You don't see the Justice League making friends with the Legion of Doom, after all.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
This has been bought up before, personally I'd be fine with it and since a character who side switches remains in their SG (just in inactive status) it is presumably possible to have mixed alignments in an SG. Of course that may not mean that base access is possible cross-faction given how screwed up the base code is.
While there isn't any real problem with the suggestion itself, there are several with the execution that you may not be aware of. The 1st being that the dev that did the coding for bases, which are linked at the hip with SGs, did not document his work and no longer works for the company. Any attempts to alter bases are fraught with peril, and SGs are included by extension.
Again I see no real issues with your suggestion as posted, but the hurdles are VERY big.
It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.
I know this has been asked but can not find it. So I would like to ask what you would think about a different type of Super Group. Besides the hero only or Villain only. I would like to see if we could.
A. have an SG that would allow both Hero's and Villains. The prestige earned by both sides would go to the SG and used like all others to build the base. The teleporter system would have all the locations available to it. But a hero would not be able to transport to grandville
because that is a Villain controlled area. and the same for the Villain to not go to Atlas.
The SG leader could be only one person it would not matter if it was a hero or a Villain. Just that in matters of the SG the base comes first and a balance maintained. That should not be hard. Heroes and Villains could sit down together like in Pocket D and eat breakfast talk and other things.
B. Or you could have a Villain SG and a hero SG form a pairing or a brother hood or sister hood of Alliances they could if a member of one sg a hero that went Vigilante or Villain the went Rogue visit and use the others base for rez or there teleport system.
I know a lot of you will want to severely put this done. I ask that if you wish to criticize please be nice.
Now called Madame Shayla:
Main Characters on my main server (Victory)
Goddess of Justice Tanker Incarnate (Hero) Collen Colt Incarnate (Bane Hero), Lady Kitten (Hero) Jen Titanium Mage (Hero and one time Villain) and my first Character to level 50 Shayla Master Mind (Villain)