Tri-Form Peacebringer, on this episode of this build feels off

Stone Daemon



I had shelved my PB in anticipation of instant form shifts and the KD enhancement for Solar Flare. Now the character is rapidly becoming my favorite to play and will probably be my new main. So, I need a high performance build for late game content. I set the goals for myself of perma Inner Light and Light Form as well as S/L/E/N softcap with a medium purple (or two smalls). I expected to run into the usual slot crunch but ended up feeling like several powers were overslotted. The recharge numbers aren't quite there, but I'm planning on Ageless Radial Destiny. I'm assuming that the average contribution of that power will be sufficient to get me there. So, I now submit the build for consideration by more experienced Khelds than myself. Anyone see something that looks really out of place? It seems strange to me for some reason. (I also laugh at the 102% heal from White Dwarf Sublimation every 20 seconds. If I die I'm doing it wrong ).

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



I probably would have used a kheld ATO set in place of one of the posi sets on Nova form (and taken a slot from inner light so as to keep the posi's proc), but you seem to have met all the standard benchmarks.