scrapper ideas




So I wanna make a scrapper but i have no idea what to make?
What are some good scrapper choices for general gameplay?



would a dark/bio be good? when the bio armor comes out of course, or maybe a dark/regen?



There are very few truly bad choices, but there are a lot of fairly difficult ones.

Some good 'basic' scrappers are:

Staff, Dual Blades, Titan Weapons, Katana, or Broadsword with Willpower;
Dark Melee, Broadsword, Kinetic Melee, or Electric Melee with Shield Defense;
Spines, Battle Axe, Katana, Broadsword, Titan Weapons, or Dual Blades with Regen;
Dark Melee, Claws, Staff, or Martial Arts with Super Reflexes;
Fire Melee and Fire Aura;
Dark Melee with Dark Armor;
Fire Melee, Electrical Melee, or Dual Blades with Invulnerability.

Since you asked specifically about Dark, Dark Melee is especially good for sets with very high Defense or Resistance, high endurance costs (lots of toggles), and little or no innate healing capability. It plays well with more defensive sets, since it emphasizes single-target damage and offers a self-heal and endurance siphon, but Regen works best with a very offensive Primary, ideally one that offers indirect mitigation like AoE knockdowns or stuns. (Or at least a self +def power like the sword sets.)

From what I've read, Dark Melee will fit okay with Bio Armor, which is in some ways similar to Dark Armor. I think the overlap of certain abilities and the more aggressive nature of Bio Armor might make the character feel odd to other Scrappers, but it remains to be seen.



What style do you want? single target, aoe, controls and debuffs, power creep or burst damage...?



I think aoe since i wanna be able to solo but also be good on mission/tf teams



that spines and regen sounds good i heard alot of good stuff about it then someone said it was nerfed or something



Regen was nerfed to hell a long time ago and never really recovered, the devs just made a replacement set in willpower so spines/will would be great but the aoe king is fire/fire for burn patch and 2 buildups (also gives end drain and a heal).



Yeah, out of the box Willpower is much easier to play and offers most of the same advantages. Regen still pulls ahead if you can put something 'over' it -- it gets the greatest benefit from buffs and from damage interrupting mechanics like knockdowns.

Spines/Bio might be worth waiting for for you, as it sounds like you really like that concept.



I like Spines/DA. Spines would be great with FA and maybe with ElA as well but I have never tried those combos. Two damage auras is quite nice. If you can manage your endurance and build the damage auras with acc/dam/procs, added with Interface and Hybrid, you can dish out quite a bit of damage without even clicking an attack. I have plopped myself in the center of a +4/x8/y/n AE S/L farm, put Dark Regeneration on auto and stepped away to make dinner. When I get back, my character is the only one left standing.

I heard Bio Armor has a couple of auras but I have not checked to see what they do yet. Spines/Bio may be a winning combo as well.



Dark Melee is kind of the opposite of AoE. Some people love their Spines/Dark, but I just never warmed up to it, and eventually parked mine at level 44. Maybe something with decent DPS and decent AoE and decent survivability like Fire/Shield? For real AoE potential, pick up Fire Ball and tons of recharge in the end game. It's still no Super Strength/Fire Brute, but it does OK. The video shows some end game farming to give an idea how the set plays.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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