4th of July Special Adventure by Numbers




This is your standard adventure by numbers story adapted for a special COH 4th of July enjoyment

START - This holiday you have enough time to complete missions. So once you have completed 3 missions go to the end. When you get assigned Red White or Blue points the mission is over and return to start if any missions are left. Make sure to write down your score as you go through the adventure. There are three contacts, If you want to speak to The Spirit of 76 go to Red.01 . If you want to speak to scan your Radio go to Red.02. If you want to attend the Briefing of the Coalition of the willing go to Red.03

Red.01 There are three current missions. The Thrillbilly is trying to use his fireworks to set off unexploded Rikti Bombs at the Trailer Park . If you wish to stop him go to White.01 The UnAmerican is playing loud Europop music drowning out the local 4 of July concert. If you wish to stop him go to White.02. The evil ex-wrestler Uncle Slam has stopped the local holiday parade. If you want to stop him go to White.03

Red.02 There are two current missions. If you want to slack off go to White.04 . The Freedom Fryer is using his heat to evaporate all the local pools. To stop him go to White.05. The Weapon of Mass Destruction is rumored to be found in the lost ruins of Oranbega. To stop anyone from getting this got to White.06

Red.03 The Coalition of the Willing has a large meeting hall for its 1535 members from 46 countries. The current leader Holge Danske has 3 current missions. The Liberty Belch is trying to end the Home Run Derby so people will watch his televised celebrity Onion eating contest. To Stop him go to White.07 Yankee Hoodlum has gone to town ripping off people's ponies. To stick your fists upside his nose and call him a Jabroni go to White.08 Old Gory is stealing all the historical patriotic movies shown on Cable and replaced them will splatter horror flicks. To stop him go to White.09

White.01 The Thrillbilly has a large sack of M80s he is lighting next to unexploded Rikti Bombs by his trailer. If you use the Holo Training Sim to defeat him before going to fight the real Thrillbilly go to Blue.01 If you attack him using the sme tactics you used to defeat his cousin Captain TPT go to Blue.02 If you gather a group of heroes and brainstorm a solution then go to Blue.03

White.02 You see a sad marching band whose music is being drowned out by a super boombox controlled by the Unamerican. The Unamerican has a mix tape in his Boombox looping Having My Baby, Who Lets the Dogs Out, and MacArthur Park. If you solve this by taking care of one thing at a time go to Blue.04 If you come up with a Hypothesis for the Unamerican's behavior go to Blue.05 If you come up with a creative solution go to Blue.06

White.03 Uncle Slam is posing over the defeated bodies of the Upper Paragon Chamber of Commerce Marching Hoohaas. He is screaming "Uncle Slam wants You" and pointing at various members of the parade. To foam at the mouth and run in with fists flying go to Blue.07 To combine several items from your costume into a restaining device go to Blue.08 To Assess Uncle Slam's interaction with the crowd and come up with a counter go to Blue.09

White.04 You begin to slack off at your HQ with a nice cool drink listening to some smooth jazz. Suddenly on the monitor you see a villain PUG entering your HQ. The Outcast Poet Robert Frostfire, the Mot Cultist Poet D A Milne, the Troll Poet Ogden Smash , and Fake Nemesis turned poet John Frederick Nimsesis Plot are attacking your entrance. You are trying to relax and now you are someone's newspaper mission. Bite my shiny metal base access! To Eliminate the Team Leader go to Blue.13 To use random base defences on the PUG go to Blue.14 To test a battle with them using Legos and then attack them go to Blue.15

White.05 The Freedom Fryer and his Flamethrower is standing by an empty Olympic Swimming Pool with a crowd of crying kids and several annoyed soccer moms. To prove the problem can not be solved by running him over with a soccer mom's van go to Blue.10 To change the problem from villain draining pools to keeping an angry mob from beating up someone go to Blue.11 To take a kid's super soaker and whip up a Water Gun more powerful than Freedom Fryer's Flame gun go to Blue.12

White.06 The evil Golfer Benedict Arnold Palmer is searching for the missing WMD in Oranbega to create a culture of fear so people will vote for idiots. To use the same strategy that you used to defeat Lord Darkety Dark's Dark Army of Darker Darkness from plunging Paragon City into Panic go to Blue.16 To Gather every fear expert in Paragon and strategize a proactive solution go to Blue.17 To outmaneuver Benedict Arnold Palmer using several golfing techniques go to Blue.18

White.07 Liberty Belch has eaten 26 onions fueling his toxic ranged attack. To counter the theoretical source of his power by shoving a full pack of breath mints down his throat go to Blue.19 To start your own 4 of July Apple Pie eating contest so no one goes to his onion eating contest go to Blue.20 To stop people from registering for his contest so the contest never starts go to Blue.21

White.08 Fusionette and you go down to camp along with Captain Gooding. There you see henchmen and boys as thick as hasty pudding! To Combine your powers, Fusionette's powers and Captain Gooding's powers together into a super attack go to Blue.22 To assess why this goof has a henchmen army and get them to leave go to Blue.23 To prove that fighting them all at once won't work go to Blue.24

White.09 Old Gory is down at the local TV staton removing Kelly's Heroes from the DVD rotation and replacing it with Psycho Santa. To whip up a device that makes a different machine control which movies are shown, go to Blue.25 To overcome Old Gory with patriotism by lecturing him go to Blue.26 To determine why Old Gory likes crappy horror films and get him to like Sports instead go to Blue.27



Blue.01 Your preparation easily allows you to defeat Thrillbilly and gather up all the M80s. You dispose of them safely by lighting them all at once and throwing them inside Arachnos HQ . You get 9 Red Points.

Blue.02 The attacks that worked on Captain TPT work on Thrillbilly too. You gather up all the M80s and Rikto bombs and put them in the MAGI Vault for safekeeping. You get 9 Red Points.

Blue.03 Using a group of weather control defenders the rain dampens the fuses on Thrillbilly's fireworks and makes them useless. You easily defeat him now that he has no ranged fireworks attack. You get 9 White Points

Blue.04 First you kill the electricity to the Boom Box. Then you take out the mix tape. Then you stomp all over the mix tape. Then you pick up a shovel and beat the mix tape. Then you get your car and run over the mix tape repeatedly. The Unamerican tries to escape but you find him hiding in a garbage can. You get 9 White Points.

Blue.05 You realize the Unamerican's behavior was caused when someone else got picked to be the drum major at his high school 4th of July Parade. You hide in the Port o Potty and beat up the drum major when he enters. Then you offer the Unamerican his spot to "save the parade". He happily accepts and joins the parade. He is no longer a villain. You get 9 Blue Points

Blue.06 You create a super mix tape with Like a Rolling Stone, Imagine, Respect and What'd I say. Soon everyone is grooving to your mix tape even the Unamerican. You boogie on down his butt to jail. You get 9 Blue Points

Blue.07 You engage Uncle Slam in a nationally televised Patriotic Falls Count Anywhere Match. You dropkick Uncle Slam past the Statue of Liberty. You ran him headfirst into the Liberty Belle. Then you put him into your finishing move General Grant's Tombstone and pin him in front of the Lincoln Memorial. You get 9 Red Points, 9 White Points and 9 Blue Points

Blue.08 You create a Red White and Blue straight jacket to contain Uncle Slam. He is lead off by the Police demanding a rematch. You get 9 red points

Blue.09 You cut a promo on national TV challenging the "Activist Judges" villain group to a Vice Presidential Lumberjack Match, Soon no one is paying attention to Uncle Slam and he walks off unhappy. He spends the rest of the day drinking Diet Dr Peppers on a park Bench. You get 9 White Points

Blue.10 The Freedom Fryer has no kinetic defence. He goes down! You hand the keys from the dented Minivan back to an annoyed Soccer Mom. You get 9 Blue Points

Blue.11 You hand out clubs, chains, and unstable experimental weapons to the crowd. They angrily surround the Freedom Fryer. You make a speech urging calm as the mob beats up the Freedom Fryer. You get 9 Red Points

Blue.12 You creat the Uber Soaker and hose down the Freedom Fryer. You refill the pool and still have enough water left for a huge water fight with the local kids. The Freedom Fryer is banished to the kiddee pool where the water is slowly changing color. You get 9 White Points

Blue.13 You isolate Robert Frostfire, He starts yelling his battlecry about the road not taken but you take him down. Once the group sees a team wipe coming they all remember something important and quit the team. You get 9 red points and 9 white points

Blue.14 Your Dust of Snow Ray takes out Robert Frostfire. Your 13th Floor trap takes out Ogden Smash. You use your base radio to contact Vanguard and his archenemy the Young Ionia comes and defeats John Frederick Nimsesis Plot. You go little black raincloud all over A A Milne and his honey tree. You get 9 Blue Points.

Blue.15 By simulating the battle using Legos you realize none of them have defences against sprinting and brawl used together. You defeat these evil poets and put them in the Zig. You get 9 White Points

Blue.16 You expose the truth about the Weapon of Mass Destruction. Even thought BAP has it the weapon is now useless. You get 9 red points.

Blue.17 You realize that Benedict Arnold Palmer's weakness is he can't get out of bunkers. You construct a series of 5th Column bunkers between BAP and the WMD. He gives up and sits around of LFG channel begging for a farm. You get 9 Blue Points



Blue.18 You realize that the shortcut to the WMD you need to go into the dogleg right and then pay thorugh the pack of ruin mages. Benedict Arnold Palmer gets held up by the traps. You get the WMD and hide it somewhere people will never find it. You get 9 White Points.

Blue.19 By force feeding Libery Belch all those mints you have created a change reaction. He begins to barf. Davie Hogan sees him and starts to barf. Bob Cormier sees him and starts to barf. You decide to make a hasty retreat. You get 9 Red Points.

Blue.20 Your Apple Pie eating contest is a huge success. You get national sponsorship and a TV slot after America's Underworld's got Talent. Liberty Belch is stuck on Public Acess Channel 223. You get 9 Red Points.

Blue.21 No one enters his onion eating contest. Libery Belch cries and says no one loves him. You feel sorry for him. You give him a pat on the back and he smiles. Then you give him a huge beatdown and put him in a police cruiser. You get 9 Blue Points

Blue.22 The combination of all your powers creates the 1812 Overkill! Soon henchmen are flying everywhere with a huge finale accompanied by a Brass Band. You get 9 Red Points and 9 Blue Points.

Blue.23 You get Captain Washington and gentle folks about him. He says Yankee Hoodlum has grown so tarnal proud. So you use his pride against the henchmen and they all leave for better paying jobs in the fracking industry. You get 9 red points and Paragon City water starts tasting funny.

Blue.24 Fusionette unleashes the Star Spangled Blaster attack. Captain Gooding attacks the Henchmen with his Rockets Red Glare. You wade into the villains using all your inspirations. Soon there is a huge pile of defeated villains and Yankee Hoodlum is defeated. You get 9 Blue Points

Blue.25 You create the HD DVD PIP super movie projector and set it to show only patriotic movies. Old Gory jumps on his Segway . He speeds off to his local comics store where he hides. You track him down and capture him. You get 9 red points

Blue.26 You start lecturing Old Gory about 1776 and keep talking up America all the way up to the glory years of the Rutherford B Hayes Presidency. He is overcome with patriotism and goes off to drink cheap beer and watch fireworks with everyone else. You get 9 red points.

Blue.27 You show Old Gory how much better a good sports event is than some guy in a mask chasing teens with a rubber knife. He changes his name to Captain Eurocup 2012. He runs around the city pulling guns on citizens and forcing them to watch Croatia vs Greece soccer reruns. Will he never learn? You get 9 Blue Points

9+ Red Points - You get to make the opening speech before Postron at the Vanguard Patriot Celebration
18+ Red Points - You get a front page article of your exploits on the Kings Row Journal Website
27 Red Points - your hero trends as the hottest Twitter Topic for 23 minutes

9+ White Points - You are invited to the Shooting Stars picnic and get to sit next to Dillo
18+ White Points - Portal Corporation names its new portal device after you
27+ White Points - You get a clue about a mission for Patriotic Incarnate Powers

9+ Blue Points - You get the Bald Eagle Badge
18+ Blue Points - You get the E Pluribus Unum Badge
27+ Blue Points - The Super-Awesome Super team the Coalition of the Willing names you the most patriotic hero for 2012 beating out Professor Polonia and The Gallic Rooster



Woot! Bald Eagle badge!

I admit it. I laughed at the idea of beating up the drummer and offering the Unamerican the job. Maybe I have a deep-seated thing against drummers that I never realized before...



is Uncle Slam taken as a name yet?



I am not using these names.

I was just making up some fun stuff to help me memorize materials on the 14 known types of problem solving. Instead of having patriotic heroes I thought it would be amusing to have some patriotic themed bad guys.