Req: Human Form Peacebringer [perma-lightform] with all the bells and whistles




Hey all,

I've loved playing my human-form Warshade for a few years. Now I think it's time to respec my Tri-Form Peacebringer into a Human form. So I come to you all.

I'm looking for Perma-Lightform. Also looking to be able to have room for both sets of Kheldian ATO's (well at least 5 of the 6 parts to each set.) Throw in some purples, Numina's, LOTG's, etc and just make it the most bad-*** Human Form Peacebringer it can be. Spare no cost. I've got enough inf. to take care of it.

I'm not looking for PVP IO's because, well, what's PVP? :P

Hope someone's up to the challenge!


pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



This is my live build at the moment, but will likely change as it's a bit old.

You could swap out the Decimations in Glinting Eye for three catalyzed ATO II's + 2 frankenslotters each as well as replace the Oblits in Dawn Strike for the other 3 ATO IIs + 3 frankenslots. Wouldn't be much gain in that though.

Light Form is auto (2.7 sec overlap) with Spiritual Alpha and there is no Hasten required (so LF can go on auto). With LF up, you're capped to all Resistances apart from Psi & 67% to Toxic w/Essence Boost. There's also a space for the KB-KD IO in Solar Flare.

Defences aren't great, but you can't have everything 14%ish to the positions - less on the typed stuff. Could drop a Glad proc in there somewhere for another 3% if you were so inclined.

It 'aint cheap and Endurance is a bit of a hog, hence I'll probably rework it at some point. Might be able to drop Clarion now that I've perma'd LF and look at Ageless Destiny.


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |