[Guide] : Accolades
That's pretty neat! Of course, it would be More Useful if you'd have put that info here, instead of making us hunt for it on another site (in French).
Be Well!
Well that's just because the people who made it are french actually
Consider it just a way to help people and advertising them about our crazy but nice events group
PS : for those who don't know, NC_Soft disavowed french and german community by killing the traductions In Game making many people stopping to play for a game they love but can't understand anymore.
But couple of us are still willing to keep playing even with a full english game.
Even if we baught it french at the beginning.
No arguying, just saying
Contact in-game : @Strangebird - @Harsiesys
Contact e-mail : cityofevents@me.com
Join players on :
http://cityofevents.blogspot.com/ - http://pcnn.over-blog.com/ - http://www.cohtitan.com
Our guide has been updated : http://cityofevents.blogspot.fr/p/guide-accolades.html
Content :
- add on heroes part
- creation of a mixt part (trip heroes-vilians with tips or paragon tokens)
We wish being able to add full vilian part soon.
L'équipe de City of Events.
Contact in-game : @Strangebird - @Harsiesys
Contact e-mail : cityofevents@me.com
Join players on :
http://cityofevents.blogspot.com/ - http://pcnn.over-blog.com/ - http://www.cohtitan.com
Question from a noob:
can you have booth the hero and villain accolades Power ?
example: the Freedom Phalanx Reserve and the High Pain Treshold
Hi there !

It's a couple of months or weeks ago, i'm not sure, i asked on this forum if someone has ever made a guide on accolades in the game.
Most of the time it's all about the accolades powers that help us in this game.
So, as i did'nt found anything existing, i mean as a guide : what to do, in wich order and the quickest way ... u know
Here it is : http://cityofevents.blogspot.fr/p/guide-accolades.html (under PDF)
As i wrote down on this guide, nothing would have been possible without those excellent databases :
- http://paragonwiki.com/
- http://www.badge-hunter.com/
Thank you sooo much !
Hope it will help people as it helped me
And i'm pretty bad at those kinda things
Enjoy guys ^^
PS : yes the website is in french, but the guide IS in english.
Contact in-game : @Strangebird - @Harsiesys
Contact e-mail : cityofevents@me.com
Join players on :
http://cityofevents.blogspot.com/ - http://pcnn.over-blog.com/ - http://www.cohtitan.com