Would Anyone Like to Kill Maestro? (Looking for a Mission Team)




This seemed like a fairly esoteric thing to ask for a team for, so I thought I might have better luck asking here than setting a search flag.

I'd really like to finish Long Jack's arc in Striga, and to do that I need to defeat Maestro. The way I have my game set, he spawns as a full supervillian, not an Elite Boss. I realize I could easily go ... somewhere and find a Hero Corps Analyst to make him spawn EB, but before I did that I thought I might ask if anyone would be interested in teaming up just for that mission, sometime this weekend.

I apologize if it's rude to ask this sort of question, but I saw someone else asking about getting together a team for a classic sewer trial and thought I'd try my luck.

... I still need to go kill Warwolves and Vampires, too. I wonder if I'll ever get out of Striga.



You should hit folks up in game in the LFG channel Sir Stone. Best bet to get someone to help out.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall