ATO Proc question





I recently returned to the game and I am trying to update a few Scrappers and Brutes to modern times. I've noticed about the archetype origin enhancements but I'm not sure how do they work and I'm afraid my search-fu in the forums didn't enlighten me.

Basically, I'd like to know about Scrapper's Strike Rchg/Critical Hit proc. My question is, are these rchg/crit effects global to all powers or do they only affect the power they're slotted into?

See, for example, if I slotted said proc in Death Shroud, when the proc activates, will I get the recharge bonus and the crit bonus to every attack during a certain period of time or will I just get said bonuses on Death Shroud?

Sorry if this has been asked before but unfortunately, I have been unable to find an answer.-



Welcome back

The Scrapper's Strike crit bonus piece is not actually a proc at all, it's just a global bonus. (The recharge part is not global, though. That only affects the power it's slotted in, like the +resist in a Steadfast Protection: Res/Def.) So it's on all the time, and it affects all your powers, no matter where it's slotted.



Oh, thanks for clarifying it for me, guess I did well sloting it in Death Shroud and Blazing Aura on the two scrappers I have already finished, glad I won't have to rework their builds