Dark Armour Brute Alpha advice

Dechs Kaison



I was planning, and assuming I'd need Cardiac, but, now that I'm 50 and all IOed, I'm running easily on x8 vs pretty much everything but longbow with ease. Blue bar hardly ever moves.

So, given that, go Agility for the Def and Recharge? Resilient for more Res and Taunt? Spiritual for the Recharge and Stun? Musculature for MOAR damage? Or just stick with Cardiac for even more end in the edge cases and the Res as planned?



Cardiac or Vigor Id say. and Vigor is green and pretty!



You *are* kidding, right?

Dark Regen pretty much always fill my green bar to full whenever I use it, and as I said, I seem to have zero endurance issues. I didn't mention it, but I don't have any accuracy issues either, as I have Focused Accuracy, so given that, I don't see that vigor has much to offer (other than the 'green and pretty' thing, whcih while nice, isn't anough on it's own).

If you are serious, I must be missing something. Can you explain why these 2 are you choices, please?



Well it would also help if you said what power sets you are..a bit.

As to why those..to repeat similar reasons I put in another thread..

Cardiac. Dark is an end sucker, cardiac has the best end red going, letting you also proc out some attacks (cause they wont need end red) and max your toggles. The +res is also a great help on a da with tough..since its a resistance set. The range..well...cant win em all. Also, if your end is great (im assuming pp and supcon since you have foc acc?) you could always try a different epic? Sub in leadership with tactics for foc acc (also getting confuse prot, which dark hasnt got) and something like soul mastery.

Vigor. Similar reasons. End red again. +heal, the biggest going. Yes you have dark regen..but this will just make it more awesome, freeing up slots (since dr is mostly heal/end slot hungry) for the +end proc etc. Accuracy allowing more damage procs, or again..a different epic.

Spirtual. Also could work. +heal and rech and good for DA. rech for attacks. But the extra might then throw your recovery out of whack. +stuns also is nice.

The others..

I heard Musc was not so good on a brute, with lowish damage modifiers.
Agility..end mod is a waste. The +def..usless unless your building for def, even then its minimal
Res...its just +res and taunt. WHo needs more taunt? Worthless set of stats there.



First off, thanks for taking the time out to explain and clarify. I see where our disconnect was.

For the record, my sets are BS/Dark/Energy.

Our disconnect was that I guess wasn't clear, when I said I was 50, and all IOed, I meant I have that part of the build where I want it. I have the APP I want, I have my powers slotted such that when exemplaring, I'm not overly huffing from exhaustion, etc. I have all the IOs placed, and power choices (pre-50) made I want. If I were to slot change slotting to gain procs, I'd lose not just end reduction (which is bad enough, since the Cardiac or Vigor only work in 45+ content) I'd lose other elements, too, as I didn't slot any generic IOs. I am glad you pointed out the advantage of tactics over FA, tho. I hadn't noticed yet that Dark doesn't have any confuse protection. I admit that as a result I was sort of assuming that it did. Of course, now I need to decide which I'll see more often, tohit debuffs, or confuses. Since I've seen a fair amount of tohit debuffs already, and not noticed confuses, I think I'm good to keep FA for now, but if I notice at some point too much Confuse, I can make that switch easily.

Also for the record, I have the +End proc in Dark Regen already. Been using that trick for ages, and wouldn't consider not doing it. But yeah, always good to make mention of it, because if someone isn't aware of it, they'll be surprised at how much of a difference maker that one change can be.

So, basically, I guess I'm saying I'm quite happy with the build as it is. I don't have holes to fill in (except perhaps that pesky confuse thing). What would enhance a solid build most. I'm not looking to make a new build and synch my alpha to that, I want to synch my alpha to my build, and get the most out of it. I did build for def, fyi. S/L/E/N are in the 40s, not quite capped. Resistances are all around high, as you'd expect from a dark (except energy, as usual), but nothing close to capped.

I guess nothing really will make a world of difference, just a slight one, so perhaps all that's really important is the level shift.

Anyhow, thanks again for clarifying, I do appreciate the input.



Yeah I understand what you mean. No alpha will be a 'game changer' such as say..a totally kick *** but end sucking toon, suddenly getting cardiac and become awesome.

Load up your build in mids and play with the different alphas. Try Agililty, the def may be just enough to get other stats near soft capped or whatever. Try Spiritual..although that is harder to judge, since if will alter your end usage too. If nothing jumps out at you..you can ALWAYS use a bit more resists from cardiac, or more acc from vigor.



For what it's worth Madadh, my Claws/Dark brute runs Spiritual for the extra recharge. I got this before the introduction of the other Alpha choices and I've been contemplating a switch to Agility since it will keep most of the recharge but give me some defense too. Still not sure about this.

My Dark Tank actually uses resilient just to capitalize on more resists, but a brute has lower values for this to enhance. Hey, if you need the extra resist though, this is also a great choice.

Musculature is a bad choice on brutes because of their low damage scalar. Likewise, you're correct that Cardiac and Vigor are bad choices for DA. Heal enhancement isn't needed because Dark Regen is already so strong; you can't heal more than your health bar allows, so why enhance this? Two enemies means your health is already full. I've always felt that needing the endurance enhancement just means you don't know how to slot.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Thanks to both of ya for the input. I think it's gonna come down to Agility or Resilience/Cardiac. Resilience might get slightly better Resistance numbers than Cardiac, but having the extra buffer on the blue bar is never a bad thing. Looking at both options in Mid's I'll pick up about 2% s/l/e/n Def from Agility, which will get me very close to capped on those types. I'll pick up about 9% s/l/psi Resistance from Resil, but obviously less to the other types, and still not capped to anything. Agility will also bring some recharge, too. Tough call. I may just collect shards and let random chance decide based on which TFs happen to become available, and which salvage that makes easily accessible.

Thanks again, to both of ya for your help.



I would go agility...it is my go to Alpha for Dark Armor toons...and I have 5 of them...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)