Control Radial Embodiment and pets.

Billy Mailman



During I23 Beta, I mostly kept track of the Hybrid slot as it went through changes. I wasn't doing the actual beta testing much, but I still wanted an idea what the slot did, for when it came out. Thus, I was very happy when I saw this quote:

Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
By launch, the desired behavior is that the benefits from any given Hybrid slot pass to your pets, but at a reduced strength, such that the Hybrid slot provides equal benefit to both a Mastermind and, say, a Defender. I saw someone post a 15 second Pylon clear the other day - that's probably not working as intended. The powers should all be within the same realm of viability for all ATs.
Awesome! My Bots/Time MM would be able to use something other than bland old Support!

So, with the Magisterium trial having been patched up today, I got my MM in on a few, unlocked the slot, crafted a T4, and was happy. I'd gone for Control Radial, since I figured Hawk's statement of "at a reduced strength" simply meant a lower proc rate (I'm not nearly crazy enough to assume they'd get the full 70% chance, that'd be insane), but with all the bots' AoE, it'd still be able to spread around some control. Also, I didn't go Clarion on him, and the stat resist is delicious.

Except, I've run some tests, and it seems that Control Radial Embodiment does NOT pass to my pets, at a reduced rate, nor at any rate. One Power Analyzer later, and the practice dummies in the RWZ are showing no mez of any sort from my Hybrid power unless I use my personal attacks. So, I'm left wondering; is this is a bug, or is it that Hawk changed his stance on Hybid+Pets, it's WAI, and he simply never mentioned it?



If it's working as intended, the intent is wrong. (-:

Hopefully it'll get fixed before long.



I Know when my Dominator tried out Control Core Embodiment it WAS being activated by my Singularity, so It should work here as well.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.