Talsorian Guard movie?!
I still need to make Taslor Fluffy.
"Why is everyone worried that I am spending too much time in Dark Astoria, and the place is starting to make me darker? The truth is, what I have seen, what I know... these are the things that have made me reconsider my direction in life. I am still a hero... I just do things my own way now."
I'd totally watch a movie based on our exploits haha
(Kudos to Billy for the find!)
Hey Pinnacle! A member of the Talsorian Guard, your hosts for the weekly ship raids, happened to be strolling past one of the cinemas of Paragon City, and did a double take when they came upon this:
Anyone know a director who has taken an interest in our SG?!
(Disclaimer: We, the Talsorian Guard, have no idea who made this. Odds are, it was someone from another server who has never even heard of us and just had a similar idea that they submitted for Paragon Studios' poster contest. But given that we are colloquially called "The Guard" and the other similarities, it is too hard to resist. We would love to know who's idea this was!)
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.