What are my choices to be a team player




After enough stacking damage applies the ultimate debuff, so damage dealers can be the fastest to apply it.

Being a team player is up to the player, some ATs make it easier but do not guarantee it. Tankers don't have to take taunt. Defenders can be Empathy/ "healors" with the medicine pool and only the mandatory attack and no buffs/debuffs. Meanwhile an elec/elec/fire blaster can throw single target holds like a controller can only dream of and even stalkers with their super low threat mod can protect squishies by blowing up whatever is harassing them.



Originally Posted by dmurray View Post
One of my biggest problems is that debuffing seems almost impossible to me. AoEs are fine but when I have single target debuffs, with so many targets to pick from, it seems almost counter-productive to have to use the mouse to manually click a target. Is that how everyone does it? I'm used to playing WoW where there's probably (at most) 6 enemies on screen that can survive more than one attack; CoH is obviously vastly different and I tend to panic and pretty much just "mez orange, then yellow", which I hate since it doesn't have any strategy to it.
The first rule in combat is: don't panic. You actually have a lot of time to decide what to do, because powers take time to activate, and you can make decisions and change your target during the second or two it takes the power you just fired off to animate.

Generally, you need to take out the mobs that cause the team the most problems. That's not always the boss. If you're fighting Tsoo, for example, the Sorcerers are the biggest problem, since they heal other NPCs and have area to-hit debuff powers like Hurricane. For Sky Raiders, it's the Engineers, because they summon Force Field Generators, which can make hitting your enemies difficult.

I tend to go for ATs that have area debuff powers, like Fire/Dark corruptors, /Time defenders, Earth/Storm controllers, etc.

At low levels these characters seem rather weak, but once you get all your powers and slot them properly, they can turn the tide for your team. An Earth/Storm controller might not be able to defeat mobs that fast, but it can lock down three big spawns simultaneously, often in complete safety by invoking powers from around a corner. That's because the targeted ranged click powers like Earthquake, Freezing Rain and Volcanic Gases allow you to attack out of the line of sight of enemies.

Over time you'll learn what enemies give you the most problems. It will sometimes vary by AT and team composition, so if you're on a team with a lot of squishies you might want to take out Illusionists in Carnie spawns, for example, but if you're all melee types you may be able to ignore them till last.



On a cheap SO build Bots/Traps MMs can be a boon in any situation.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.