Got one in Scrapper, got on in Stalker, not entirely sure what to think of them quite yet and it seems my issue is my combo finisher abilities don't crit at their full potential. So my first question is whether or not the damage bonuses on combo points for combo finishers increases with fury. Second, would gloom turn into part of the best single target series of attacks, don't have an issue if it is. Just want to be prepared to throw it in there when the time comes. Lastly, how does it perform on a brute over all. Plan on pairing it with willpower, because I'm lazy as hell and don't feel like clicking crap. So with that pairing, STJ/WP how will it turn out. Not looking for OMFG TOP END DAMAGE KILL EVERYTHING PWN MOAR! Just looking for entertainment, and some pretty decent potential at the end.
Finishers are indeed boosted by fury. Gloom is probably in the best chains, although I'm not sure, and StJ does pretty well for single-target damage even without it.
I don't know about StJ/WP specifically, but I've been quite pleased with my StJ/Fire.
Got one in Scrapper, got on in Stalker, not entirely sure what to think of them quite yet and it seems my issue is my combo finisher abilities don't crit at their full potential. So my first question is whether or not the damage bonuses on combo points for combo finishers increases with fury. Second, would gloom turn into part of the best single target series of attacks, don't have an issue if it is. Just want to be prepared to throw it in there when the time comes. Lastly, how does it perform on a brute over all. Plan on pairing it with willpower, because I'm lazy as hell and don't feel like clicking crap. So with that pairing, STJ/WP how will it turn out. Not looking for OMFG TOP END DAMAGE KILL EVERYTHING PWN MOAR! Just looking for entertainment, and some pretty decent potential at the end.