Union Supreme, heroes making a better tomorrow!




The Union Supreme general theme is one of Modern Age heroism with Silver Age sensibility in the vein of Kurt Busiek's Astro City.

The Basics:

Group Name: Union Supreme
Roleplay? Yes
Recruiting? Yes
Contacts: @davpa
The History:

The Union Supreme's origins came about during a crisis.

In January, 2009, the United Nations held a confidential meeting in Martin Hall at Astoria Plaza. The Plaza had been mostly abandoned for years, overrun by criminals and the Banished Pantheon. A security team secured the Hall, but failed to detect the sub-basements where the Council-under the command of Archon Rossi-were manufacturing an anti-alien weapon.

By the time of the meeting, the weapon was nearly ready for deployment. Rossi sent Council troops, both human and robotic-but none tainted by the Nictus-to take over the building and take the UN representatives hostage. The attack did not go undetected.

The City Council and the Mayor authorized a small strike team let by the hero Solairis to rescue the hostages and stop whatever plans the Council hoped to advance. In addition, while the Plaza was cordoned off, a number of other heroes breached the cordon in a variety of ways to assist in whatever way they could.

In the end, Archon Rossi and his troops were defeated in a battle royale.
As the crisis developed, a briefing at the Department of Defense given by Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Fuller (ret.) encouraged the formation of a "Union Supreme" headed up by Solairis, and urged that this Union work under the auspices of the United Nations. Due to the fact that this group would be operating on United States territory for its home base, Fuller felt that the approval of the Joint Chiefs was necessary in order for a Union to become reality.

Shining Centurion spoke with Solairis after the hostages were freed, and the Council routed; Solairis, and close associates of his, spoke with others who were present at the incident.

On January 11, 2009, Solairis, Gods Speed, Liberty Rose, the Egalitarian, Shining Centurion, Shadespawn, Steel Brigade, Sonic Zoom, and the Emerald-Sentinel would be officially presented to Paragon City as the Union Supreme. Others would join soon after.

The Basics

The Union Supreme is going through a bit of a relaunch. Many of the founding members have moved on. While we are not discarding the past, and will make a reference here and there, it is a time of renewal of the group. So if you were looking to establish a story then the Union could be a place for you.

Looking for new Members:

We accept all origins/ATs. We are a moderate to heavy RP group. We like to think of ourselves as a fun group that has a good "family" core of players that are always looking out for each other. We play Red and Blue side together and support each other with story ideas, RP interaction, and just a good laugh or two.

As for what we do as a group, we do a variety of events. We run Task Forces, Tips, and Missions as well as create our own in AE. Any mission we do is always in an RP context. We do not follow traditional IC vs OOC format, but rather we follow Continuity vs Non-Continuity in regards to missions.

For more information, you can check out our page on Virtueverse or our website over on Guildportal.

Questions can be sent to @davpa. Also feel free to drop a line to us on our forums.



Looks VERY cool. Love the theme, and am a big fan of Astro City.

I'm already a member of a supergroup with a similar(ish) theme. Would you guys be interested in doing some duo RP events sometime?