Combine super inspirations.




Simple enough just let us turn 3 super inspirations of the same type to one of our choosing like normal inspirations.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Seems good, but what do you do about Ultimates? Lock them out of the combining?

Uhhmm, Super and Ultimate? Where do I get these? I want the Ultimate,



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
Uhhmm, Super and Ultimate? Where do I get these? I want the Ultimate,
Few ways to get them 1 astral a piece or you can buy from the market or choose as incarnate reward for either the repeatable incarnate missions or like 3 for an incarnate trial I think. Super are like extra large the damage one for instance gives 100% damage boost and the wakie one gives full health plus 25% end and the ultimate actually gives a level shift that last for 3 minutes.

But ya they can't be combined 3 of anyone to one of your choosing for some reason I'm not really sure. Also I would be fine with leaving ultimate out of the deal because they last 3 times as long and cost 2 astrals a piece instead of 1.



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
Uhhmm, Super and Ultimate? Where do I get these? I want the Ultimate,
Ultimate is a Super inspiration that grants 1 level shift. Cannot stack.