My Buddy Positron




(incarnate spoilers alert)

So I hit 50 this morning on my TW brute, and I was curious how Mender Ramiel's arc worked post- Statesman. As you probably know, the old hero arc sent you to talk to Statesman about incarnates because he's such a well-known incarnate, and he basically refuses to say anything important until the well takes over and speaks through him, forcing him to give you the info. Because States doesn't want awesome power being thrown about by anyone who can get ahold of it, but the well does.

So I talk to Mender Rameil. He says that the best-known incarnate around is Lord Recluse, now that Statesman is gone. Okay, so far so good. But he doesn't send me to talk to Recluse of course. Instead he says, "Talk to Positron, he might know something, he's been researching incarnates."

Well, okay. Kind of a lame dodge, talking to a non-incarnate, but it works I guess.

So I go talk to Positron about incarnates. Surely the well isn't going to possess him -- that would make no sense. Positron says, "I know some things about incarnates, but that's dangerous information, we don't want great power getting into the wrong hands!"

"S'okay, Posi," I say. "I'm cool!"

"Oh, well then!" says Posi. 'Why didn't you say so right off? Here's everything you need to know to acquire massive power for yourself! Because you'd obviously never abuse it, I have your word as a strange hero that I just met!"

(Actually, I leveled to 50 on a Ms. Liberty Task Force earlier this morning, hitting 50 as Recluse fell. One cool touch was that when I said hi to Positron he immediately said he'd heard about how I'd helped stop Recluse -- nice touch! So I guess maybe he knew I was trustworthy after all, right? It's not like he'd just give power out to any level 50 yahoo that said, "I can handle it!" Right? )

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



By level 50 it's implied that you're a big name in superhero circles, so Positron knows who you are and that you can be trusted. This becomes even more evident in the first part of SSA2.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
(incarnate spoilers alert)

Positron says, "I know some things about incarnates, but that's dangerous information, we don't want great power getting into the wrong hands!"

"S'okay, Posi," I say. "I'm cool!"

"Oh, well then!" says Posi. 'Why didn't you say so right off? Here's everything you need to know to acquire massive power for yourself! Because you'd obviously never abuse it, I have your word as a strange hero that I just met!"
Wasn't too long ago that Positron was facing the prospect of spending the rest of his natural life stuck in a tin can. Dude's learned to take things a bit more in stride since again being able to take off his helmet and air out that damn suit.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



And how stodgy can you be when you're seeing a magical ghost that can make all of your pain go away? This one isn't imaginary, either, so he probably feels a little less awkward than he did during that fling with "Casperella." Sure, Ray, don't worry. We'll get a table for four, not three.

Fun TF earlier, incidentally, very dramatic to see the ding stars springing out of a horde of collapsing spider-men.